Making An Income While Making an Impact By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales The major purpose of any business is income generation. Too many of us miss seeing the most important part of building a business which is to create an impact or influence among the lives of our customers. We are too busy on how to make a profit rather than to have a significant contribution to the economy. While we want to generate income for our business, creating an impact is what makes our business to the next level. Impact creates passive income. When you create something that helps people and makes an impact on their lives, that impact will keep the sales continually flowing. Impact builds your brand and business. In the competitive world of business, the best way to stand out is to focus on the impact you can make, not by being a clone. Word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing because people are getting exposed to you and your business through people they trust. This is the best way to b...