
Showing posts with the label #mycal8

40. Deliverance

Credit |  40. Deliverance - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune. 2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance. 3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attr...

56.mycal8 -- The Traveler

From < 56.mycal8 -- The Traveler - YouTube > Hexagram 56 By: James Byrd I. The Oracle   A. Hexagram fifty-six is called Lu or The Wanderer. Various interpretations may include, Traveling Stranger, Sojourning or The Visitor. The lower trigram is Gen : mountain, and the upper trigram is Li : radiance or fire. Fire on the Mountain.  B. The Judgment    1. The Wanderer. Success through smallness.    2. Perseverance brings good fortune - To the Wanderer. C. The Image   1. Fire on the mountain:       a) The image of The Wanderer.       b) Thus, the superior man, is clear-minded and cautious,            In imposing penalties and, protracts no lawsuits.  II. More elaborations   A. " The Stranger " With this episode we see fire on a mountain, you know that look of fire on a mountain as the wanderer approached a gathering, and ...

Good Morning H-44

Hexagram  44 B y: James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram forty-four is Gou , or Coupling. Variations are Coming to Meet and Meeting. Its lower trigram is Xun : ground or wind, and its upper trigram is Qian : force or heaven.          B. The Judgment    1. Coming to Meet. The maiden is powerful.    2. One should not marry such a maiden. C. The Image   1. Under heaven, wind:       a) The image of Coming to Meet.       b) Thus the prince act when disseminating his commands,            And proclaiming them to the four quarters of heaven.  II. My interpretation   A. " Liaison " So close to valentine to be stuck with the idea of not trusting the fidelity of another person's love life. To touch such a person would prove wrong. A strong and non-subornation person in any...

18. Work on the Decayed

Credit |  18. Work On The Decayed - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The root causes of stagnation and decay extend back into the distant past. The habits that produce decline become well-established over time. But it is the nature of decay that it is unacceptable. Everyone recognizes it, even if only unconsciously they know that something is wrong. Therefore, the decay is not so well-entrenched that it cannot ever be corrected. But it must not be ignored. Only when one retains clearly in mind the idea of how things should be can the correction be made. 2. [9] Decline that arises out of inadequacy should not be condemned too severely. After all, a person should not be treated with contempt for something over which they have little control, something they could hardly help doing. The idea is not to execute judgment and make people feel guilty, but to improve the situation. And that is best done through kindness, encouragement, and every form of assistance that will enable those wh...

Today Remember Opposition H-38

From < 38.mycal8 - YouTube > "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of things that are connected but should not join. It emphasizes that putting things in opposition while acknowledging their essential link is an adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: polarize ! " Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Credit:  "The I Ching and My Calendar":  -- Learn more about  "Opposition"  -- And Over All, Make It A Good Sunday! ----------------------------------------------------------- Hexagram 38 ("Opposition") aligns well with the themes in The Future: 2027 , particularly in its focus on understanding dualities and navigating the tensions between apparent opposites. Here's how this hexagram can be integrated into the book...

Good morning, H-19 Approach

Hexagram  19 B y: James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram 19 is called Lin, or Nearing. Other variations are Approach and The Forest. The lower trigram is Dui : open, swamp or forest. The upper trigram is Kun : field or earth.        B. The Judgment    1. Approach has supreme success.        Perseverance furthers.    2. When the eighth month comes,        There will be misfortune.   C. The Image   1. The earth above the lake:       The image of Approach.   2. Thus the superior man is inexhaustible       In his will to teach,       And without limits       In his tolerance and protection of the people.    II. Another interpretation   A. "Approach" For now, the idea of this hexagram tends to move towards a leader who for now should not use force to meet...

2.The Receptive

Credit |  2.The Receptive - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The worthy assistant remains alert to the first signs of deterioration in the endeavors of which he is a part. Since he does not have responsibility for everything, he can stand back and observe problems at their very beginning. Thus he is able to heed the early signs, take precautions against further deterioration, and keep things going smoothly. 2. [6] The subordinate accommodates himself to the needs of the creative leader. He supplies what the leader lacks, and thus makes himself indispensable. He suggests improvements and effective alternatives that enable the creative leader to achieve his goals. He has no motives or goals himself outside of making the work of the creative leader more effective. 3. [6] The effective assistant does not seek recognition for himself or his abilities, for he knows that to do so would undermine the joint effort. He may well have many assets that others are unaware of, and which he kee...

9. Small Taming

Credit |  9.Small Taming - YouTube The Lines   Bottom. [9] A man of ability and strength is accustomed to forcing his way ahead. But when that path is effectively blocked, he leaves off being forceful, and remains in readiness to go forward or back as the situation requires. Good fortune will be the result, because he is not testing his fate, and he stands ready to utilize whatever opportunities open to him. 2. [9] The man is surrounded by people like himself who wish to advance, but are being held back. He immediately recognizes that were he to make the same attempt, he would meet the same fate, so he holds back and avoids an embarrassing set-back. Things work out well eventually, because he does not exert himself against the spirit of the times, but waits for a favorable moment. 3. [9] The situation appears deceptively favorable. The man thinks he has sufficient power to move ahead, but he is mistaken. The times favor opposing forces, even when they appear to be weak a...

4. Youthful Folly

Credit |  4.Youthful Folly - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] A person who lacks discipline will not be able to devote himself to the intensive study necessary to master a subject. Discipline does not mean the forced performance of dull routine, however. That only deadens the mind and replaces true inquiry. Discipline means focusing one's attention on the object of study until it becomes clear, until it is understood and can be used. The young child is accustomed to play and expects everything to be fun. But the serious student finds pleasure in working on something that is difficult until it becomes easy. 2. [9] A kind man is patient with inexperienced youth. He is meticulous with explanations to those who find it difficult to comprehend. He takes it as his responsibility to help and encourage such persons, not to ridicule and humiliate them. With tolerance and inner strength, such a man is able to lead large groups of the young and inexperienced. 3. [6] An inexperienced perso...

God's Minute H-29

Credit: “God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship” “Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.”  ―  Steve Maraboli

13. Fellowship

  Credit |  13.Fellowship - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] From the very beginning, duties and responsibilities should be clearly understood by all. When the group enters into actual contact with the situation, there should be no doubts or misunderstandings about aims and means. Any dealings conducted behind the backs of other participants could only lead to disenchantment and failure. 2. [6] The formation of factions within the group must be eliminated by all means. If the leader has his favorites, if others are isolated from the main purpose and left free to pursue their own interests, this only encourages actions that work contrary to the group's overall purpose. This will result in mediocre work and failure. 3. [6] If the members cannot trust one another, if factions plot against other factions behind their backs, the strength of the group is dissipated and they cannot come together to accomplish anything important. All effort is diverted into calculations of one gro...

50. The Cauldron

Credit |  50.The Cauldron - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] Every man has a place in society, and every man can find success in life if he conducts himself in the right way, i.e., if he follows the right path. Not every man is destined to be a leader or a great man or sage. But by aligning himself with the universal forces of right, he can become everything he is naturally capable of becoming. This means he can find success, accomplish things, and be recognized as a good man and a contributor to his community. Every man is recognized by his fellow men, not for what he feels inside about his inner worth, but for what he accomplishes externally for the benefit of others. But he cannot make real progress in accomplishing things that benefit others unless he pursues rightful goals in a rightful way. 2. [9] It is the duty of every man to do something significant with his life -- something that distinguishes him as a person and that makes a contribution to the life of his community, ho...

23. Splitting Apart

Credit |  23. Splitting Apart - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] When inferior men invade those people who are the foundation upon whom the superior man depends, they begin undermining his support and turning people against him. Those who remain true to him are attacked and their reputations besmirched. No one remains who is loyal to the man. He is nominally in charge, but there is nothing that he can do. Disaster appears imminent , and there is no rescue in sight. All that the man can do is wait and hope that things will work themselves out on their own. 2. [6] Once entrenched, inferior people begin taking control and seek to discredit the superior man himself. He sees this, and is troubled by it, but there is no one that he can turn to. His subordinates have deserted him, and no one above him even cares. He faces the crisis quite alone, and his enemies are waiting for him to make a wrong move. This is a very delicate situation. Since the superior man is entirely vulnerable and s...

58. The Joyous

Credit |  58.The Joyous - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A man experiences joy within himself and is not dependent on any external approval. He needs neither praise nor the approval of the world because his confidence rests on a heart that is honest and that honestly seeks what is right. Since his heart is open and his mind is not filled with self-centered ideas, since he himself is content and is free of acquisitive desires as well as emotional revulsions, he journeys through life with happiness and good fortune as his lot. 2. [9] Any man may sometimes be tempted to associate with inferior people and indulge in entertainments that are vulgar and degrading. But a superior man finds such activities distasteful and invariably regrets the time wasted on them, even if only for a short while. Eventually, he realizes that such dalliance is futile, that there is no real pleasure involved, and he resolves to avoid such diversions completely. Even his inferior associates recognize that h...

22. Grace

Credit |  22. Grace - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A novice who is not really the kind of person who should put on a big show must take responsibility for his own progress and how he conducts himself. He avoids pretentiousness, and if there is an opportunity to pretend he is someone he is not, or that he is of a rank that he does not deserve, the person of integrity rejects such artificiality. He prefers to be who he is and present himself as he is, rather than gaining ground by being a fake. 2. [6] To turn one's entire attention to form and appearances betrays a certain egocenteredness. Such a man is not bent on accomplishing any great and substantial work, but only in having the appearance of someone who is important. He spends all his time and effort on cultivating that appearance rather than actually performing the necessary work. Only when his own accomplishments are coordinated with the image he portrays is he without blame. 3. [9] After a man has made a certain amount...


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