
Showing posts with the label Ethics

Ba Duan Jin Health Qigong - 6 minutes Mirror version

From< > ---------------------------------------------- Ba Duan Jin (八段锦), or "Eight Pieces of Brocade," is one of the most well-known and widely practiced forms of Health Qigong. It is a traditional Chinese exercise system designed to promote overall well-being, increase energy, and balance the body's qi (vital energy). Origins and Meaning Ba Duan Jin dates back to the Song Dynasty (960–1279 AD) and was developed as a gentle yet powerful method of strengthening the body and mind. The name "Eight Pieces of Brocade" symbolizes the elegance and value of these exercises, as brocade is a fine, luxurious fabric, suggesting the health benefits are as precious as silk. The Eight Movements and Their Benefits Each of the eight movements targets specific organs, meridians, and energy flows, promoting balance, flexibility, and vitality. Two Hands Hold Up the Heavens (双手托天理三焦) Stretches and opens the spine, stimulates the Triple Burner (San Jiao...

A Brief Introduction to John Maynard Keynes


Five Fallacies | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios

Source: youtube

Argument against the Person or Argumentum ad Hominem - PHILO-notes White...

Source: youtube

Excelsior College Commencement Speech, July 11, 2014

Source:  youtube Thanks for watching  

Good Morning ~ God's Minute

September Twenty-First   ~   God's Daily Minute   “I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God.” – Deut. 30:16 ~ Our Heavenly Father, we come to Thee this morning with praise and thanksgiving for Thy care and love. We are grateful for the temporal blessings Thou hast given us, and for the loved ones we have to enjoy. We thank Thee for the gift of Thy Son, and for the Holy Spirit. We ask Thee to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Be with us this day, and help us to be kind and courteous. Help us to be more like Thee. May our eyes be opened to the opportunities for serving Thee and helping others to know Thee, Whom to know aright is life eternal. May Thy spirit be with those, at home or abroad, who preach or teach salvation, and grant that the word preached my not return unto Thee void. Be with those in authority and may they rule with justice and equity. Comfort “as one whom his mother comforteth” those in trouble...

Introduction to Ethics




Philosophy of Film

  Philosophy of Film Lecture 1: Lecture 1 covers the course requirements and other things needed to complete this free course. Source: Free Video Lectures

Decay is The Word H-18

  “Again see you not that even stones are conquered by time, that high towers fall and rocks moulder away, that shrines and idols of gods are worn down with decay , and that holy divinity cannot prolong the bounds of fate or struggle against the fixed laws of nature?”  ―  Lucretius

The 12 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life

The 12 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life Source:

The Secret Inside Your Cellphone; You Need To Know

The Secret Inside Your Cellphone Source:

The Shocking Danger Of Mountaintop Removal -- And Why It Must End | Michael Hendryx

From< The shocking danger of mountaintop removal -- and why it must end | Michael Hendryx - YouTube > The Shocking Danger Of Mountaintop Removal -- And Why It Must End |  Michael Hendryx Source:

Why Transparency Is Critical To Creating Trust In An Organization

From< Why Transparency is Critical to Creating Trust in an Organization | Northwestern University - YouTube > Why Transparency Is Critical To Creating Trust In An Organization | Northwestern University Source:


" Egalitarianism "

Marketing To A Particular Group

Marketing To A Particular Group By Jim Byrd The question is do you think that as a marketer it is ok to target a market because of it's elemental makeup? No, I would say that the consumer is not being exploited, because, in a sense, the marketers are focusing on a particular segment or a target market niche. We must remember that marketing is the activity that delivers messages about products that are created especially for the needs of a segment of people. First came the need/demand, then the product was developed, the marketing message came last. Marketing is the activity that delivers messages about products that were created especially for the needs of a segment of people. First came the need, or market demand, then the product was developed and then the marketing message focus came last. These marketing messages are derived via marketing research, which is a systematic analysis of data that reveals specific marketing situations surrounding a smaller subcultu...

Introduction to Ethics

Introduction to Ethics Visite source at

Utilitarianism: Crash Course Philosophy #36

Utilitarianism: Crash Course Philosophy #36 Thanks for watching. Credit:  CrashCourse


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