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Friday, May 31, 2019

It's Still Early: Keep Hope H-25

It's Still Early, Is The Word for Today
Source: youtube.com

Without Embroiling ~ Wu Wang

"This hexagram describes your situation as being without confusion or fault. It emphasizes that acting while remaining free from entangling, vanity or recklessness is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told: act without becoming embroiled!"


Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "Hurry-up and Take Your Time" -- Make It A Good Day!

Top 10 Free Online Courses Websites in 2018

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Top 10 Free Online Courses Websites in 2018 - Free online courses with certificates

Source: youtube.com

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Future: 2020

The Future: 2020

My book/calendar will help you understand the upcoming days and generate less stress about resulting outcomes.

As The World Evolves

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As The World Evolves

Notes By James Byrd, MBA

Some things to consider when making our way through life is to examine advice given by others, but make your own choices over time, that is, do not let time be an explicated marker within your decision mix of reasoned wisdom, experience, and correct judgment, but not so much knotted to ambiguity. Get your facts straight, and then step forward.

Be careful of the opinions and assumptions of others. Use facts to make your own decisions moving forward. Don’t be uncomfortable going it alone, stay with your decision making processes, and be willing to be the only champion for an idea or position. Be careful of staying in the background within a group, hence, presenting group norms as a statement of your most pious position.

Scared, I would be too if one is out fishing within an ocean of vicious competitive forces. Learn to create a strategic plan that entails moving away from that of mainstream and that of following the low-cost leader effect. The main aim when trying to achieve this effect is to be not scared to venture out into new and innovative technologies endeavors where there are less competition and that of highly volatile competitive forces.

Now with the Blue Ocean Strategy, there is always the idea of disruptive technologies -- which is primarily a must as our planet evolves, secular thinking was good back then, but as the whole of the planet drifts down an old lazy river, competition builds-up to the extent that occupants of one portion of the ever-increasing speeding raft decides to flip the raft then up-right it in order to acquire more economic advantage. That is the nature of competition or should I correctly put it the explicit nature of capitalism. 


Colman, Robert; Buckley, Patrick. 2005 Blue Ocean Strategy. The Free Library (March, 1), https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Blue Ocean Strategy.-a0131356548 (accessed January 12 2017)

Heather Barnfield , &   Michael M. Lombardo. FYI: For Your Improvement - Competencies Development Guide, 6th Edition  – September, 2014

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Which Restaurants May Be Serving You Cheap Fish Instead Of Lobster

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Which Restaurants May Be Serving You Cheap Fish Instead Of Lobster

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Credit: Inside Edition

Cowspiracy: The Unsustainable Nature Of Animals

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Cowspiracy: The Unsustainable Nature Of Animals

By Donald Ardell
I have a few questions for your consideration. After posing these questions, I’ll outline what the evidence suggests about each question. I’ll follow that with a discussion of what it all means for those who want to enjoy quality lifestyles guided by reason, exuberance, athleticism and liberty.
Here are the questions:
  • What do you think is the most destructive industry in America and elsewhere in the world today? Hint: It’s not the tobacco industry. It’s not the oil and gas industry, either.

  • Why are the world’s leading environmental organizations unwilling to talk about the problems that the most destructive industry causes that degrades the environment and threatens the health of every living creature on the planet? Hint: It has to do with donations.

  • What is the leading cause of deforestation?

  • What is the leading cause of water pollution – and guzzler of water?

  • What industry is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry?

  • What industry more than any other drives rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean dead zones, and virtually every other environmental ill?
One more question – then I’ll provide answers and a discussion. This is the most important question: Why is it that one industry, the one featured in what I believe is the correct response to every one of the above questions, almost entirely unchallenged by almost every environmental organization?
Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn have produced a 91 minute film called Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret. It features a variety of notables; the cast includes Michael Pollan, Richard Oppenlander, Will Tuttle, Howard Lyman and Will Potter. Other experts involved include Michael Besancon, Michael Klaper, David Robinson Simon and Kirk R. Smith.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is playing in theaters across the country. I watched it on Netflix. It makes a convincing case that Animal Agriculture is by far the most destructive industry to ever operate on Earth. Nothing else comes close. The data presented throughout the film fully supports this sweeping judgment. In addition to the horror that the products of this industry inflicts on humans and animals and damage to air quality, to ocean resources and to the sustainability of the environment, an equally amazing reality supported throughout the film is the sellout of the world’s environmental organizations to this industry. Representatives of such organizations are silent on the role of Animal Agriculture – that is, the dairy, cattle, pork and other animal protein factory farming operations. This industry seems to have bought not only our politicians but the leadership of the very agencies we rely upon to safeguard the natural world.
This film should alert the public to the mistreatment of humans and the environment in a way that the film Blackfish served to alert patrons of Sea World about the treatment of killer whales.
Despite the ghastly revelations, this documentary is fascinating to watch from beginning to end, and contains many moments that are unexpectedly humorous. It is not unlike Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, in fact, Kip Anderson credits that show as inspiration for his environmental awakening.
The Facts
So, what exactly is the impact of Animal Agriculture on the planet’s ecosystems and environments that make it such a disaster for one and all? Much of the information, but not all, comes from a United Nations News Centre report entitled, Livestock’s Long Shadow – Environmental Issues and Options. The producers of Cowspiracy have set up a website, with regular updates, providing references, notes, sources and the statistics used in the film.
A partial summary of the problems associated with Animal Agriculture includes the following.
GREENHOUSE GASES: Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related emissions of nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas with 296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide and which remains in the atmosphere for 150 years. Cows produce 150 billion gallons of methane per day.
WATER: Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) water use ranges from 70-140 billion gallons annually; animal agriculture water consumption ranges from 34-76 trillion gallons annually. Growing feed crops for livestock consumes 56% of water in the US. The amount of water used to produce 1lb. of beef varies greatly from 442 – 8000 gallons. The filmmakers used the widely-cited conservative number of 2500 gallons per pound of US beef. Five percent of water consumed in the US is by private homes; 55% of water consumed in the US is for animal agriculture. Animal Agriculture is responsible for 20%-33% of all fresh water consumption in the world today – 1/5 of global water consumption.
LAND: Livestock or livestock feed occupies 1/3 of the earth’s ice-free land. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and competition species are frequently targeted and hunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The indiscriminate use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The over – exploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. Nearly half of the contiguous US is devoted to animal agriculture. The US lower 48 states represent 1.9 billion acres. Of that 1.9 billion acres: 778 million acres of private land are used for livestock grazing (forest grazing, pasture grazing, and crop grazing), 345 million acres for feed crops, 230 million acres of public land are used for grazing livestock.
WASTE: Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food in the US. This doesn’t include the animals raised outside of USDA jurisdiction or in backyards, or the billions of fish raised in aquaculture settings. Also in America, 335 million tons of dry matter is produced annually by livestock. A farm with 2,500 dairy cows produces the same amount of waste as a city of 411,000 people. In this country, 130 times more animal waste than human waste is produced – 1.4 billion tons, from the meat industry annually. (Five tons of animal waste are produced per person.)
In the U.S. alone livestock produce 116,000 lbs of waste per second. The count per animal type is as follows:
* Dairy Cows – 120lbs of waste per day x 9 million cows.
* Cattle – 63lbs of waste per day, x 90 million cattle.
* Pigs – 14lbs. of waste per day, x 67 million pigs.
* Sheep/Goats – 5lbs of waste per day, x 9 million sheep/goats.
* Poultry – .25-1lbs of waste per day, x 9 billion birds.
OCEANS: 3/4 of the world’s fisheries are exploited or depleted; fish-less oceans are likely by 2048. At present, 90-100 million tons of fish are pulled from our oceans each year – an unsustainable rate. This amounts to 2.7 trillion animals pulled from oceans each year. For every 1 pound of fish caught, up to 5 pounds of unintended marine species are caught and discarded as by-kill. As many as 40% (63 billion pounds) of fish caught globally every year are discarded. Scientists estimate as many as 650,000 whales, dolphins and seals are killed every year by fishing vessels.
RAINFOREST: Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction. One to two acres of rainforest are cleared every second. The leading causes of rainforest destruction are livestock and feed crops.
WILDLIFE: Ten thousand years ago, 99% of biomass (i.e. zoomass) was wild animals. Today, humans and the animals that we raise as food make up 98% of the zoomass.
HUMANITY: World population in 1812 was 1 billion; in 1912, it was 1.5 billion; and in 2012, it was 7 billion. Seventy billion farmed animals are reared annually worldwide; 6 million are killed for food every hour. Humans drink 5.2 billion gallons of water and eat 21 billion pounds of food each day. Worldwide, cows drink 45 billion gallons of water and eat 135 billion pounds of food each day. Worldwide, 82% of starving children live where food is fed to animals and the animals are shipped to and eaten in western countries.
MISC: Dairy consumption may lead to breast lumps and may give guys man-boobs.
The land required to feed one person for 1 year on a vegan diet is 1/6th of an acre. The comparable figures for vegetarians and meat eaters is 3x and 18x, respectively. Each day, a person who eats a vegan diet saves 1,100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30 square feet of forested land, 20 lbs CO2 equivalent and one animal’s life.
What to Make Of It All?
For starters, the future as we think of living on the Earth today does not lie ahead. It will be different. Quite so. It seems unimaginable that Animal Agriculture will continue as it is – the resources on the planet will not sustain it and we won’t be able to live very well with the deterioration of the environment and the earth’s resources. Things will have to change. How fast will changes come and what will bring changes most rapidly? Nobody knows. However, individual changes by those, like ourselves, who are favorably situated, can be immediate or at least pretty soon, for varied motives.
The film clearly favors a transition to vegan diets, which seems simplistic and unlikely, as well as the only way out of disaster. Most living today, at least under prosperous western standards, are unlikely to make the switch. Of course, they will be gone soon enough – in a few generations in any event.
Everyone with the slightest interest in a healthy lifestyle should watch this film. Besides the major topic of how Animal Agriculture is ruining everything, almost as much as religions have been doing throughout human history, Cowspiracy exposes the complicity of environmental organizations that are ignoring the impact of animal agriculture. This alone makes the film a must see.
Be well and look on the bright side. And maybe, just maybe, think twice next time you pick up a menu or wander the aisles of a supermarket.
About: Donald Ardell

How To Green The World's Deserts

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How To Green The World's Deserts

Thanks for watching.
Credit: TED

Advancing Environmental Justice

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Advancing Environmental Justice through the National Environmental Policy Act

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Some Benefits Of Qigong

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Some Benefits of Qigong

By James Byrd, MBA

For many years now, the Chinese medical therapy known as Qigong exercise has helped to alleviate both medical and physical ailments with its concept of “Life energy cultivation.” Qigong is primarily the Taoist art of self-healing. Close attention is paid to body movement and breath control synchronization.

Qi with its meaning carries the connotation of chi or breath of life, such as a baby’s first breath of life after it is cut from the umbilicus cord of its mother, which is now sustainable Qi. Now the other half gong has more to do with body movement; work, self-discipline, meditation, and relaxation exercises. To the extent that one inhales with one movement and exhales with the very next movement, this is meant to extend the full extent of the breath range to the fullest of the stretch range.

The main idea when combining the two concepts of Qi and Gong is to breathe slowly and maintain your focus on the acupuncture point Guanyin, which is located about four fingers widths, below the umbilicus or the belly button.

The whole idea with Qigong is that it helps to expand the aura to the extent that it surrounds and sustains the body without voids, hence, with this, we want a healthy etheric double with no damage. Again we are talking about increasing the impact of your personal life force, Qi, or in short, giving or increasing the body’s ability to heal and repair its self, via increasing life force. A large number of people can feel that profound presence whenever you might pass them in the general public. It helps to share.

As for myself, I try at best to do an early qigong session every morning while my green tea bag is now soaking in hot water, I'll say that takes about 5-10 minutes. I usually do an abbreviated version of the "Eight Section Brocade," and then I am all set for the day, that's just about every morning. If anything, the qigong movements start the blood to circulate to the head making one feel a little light-headed. That why one should do a standing meditation for about one minute or less, depending on how you personally feel at the moment after each movement, and it gives one a chance to also focus on the next movement. 

All that is well, given the fact that the brain needs more oxygen during early starts when rising and preparing one's daily activities. Without a doubt, it is a very good method to alleviate stagnation within the meridian system of the body. In some cases, it helps with some parts of sexual dysfunction, but overall it gives the brain a major boost if practiced during early rising. Thanks for reading and have a good day. 


Medical Qi-Gong. (2005, April 1). The Free Library. (2005). Retrieved November 25, 2015 from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Medical Qi-Gong.-a0131432384

Jancin, Bruce. 2012 Qigong alleviates chronic fatigue symptoms. The Free Library (July, 1), http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Qigong alleviates chronic fatigue symptoms.-a0298671885 (accessed November 25 2015)

Oriental path to perfect health; INSIDE OUT. (2001, November 27). The Free Library. (2001). Retrieved November 25, 2015 from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Oriental path to perfect health; INSIDE OUT.-a080334227

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Good Morning H-41

Biting-Through Is The Word for Today
Source: youtube.com

Diminishing ~ Sun

"This hexagram describes your situation in terms of sacrifice and loss. It emphasizes that lessening yourself and decreasing your involvements is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: diminish!"


Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today is Loss" -- Make It A Good Day!

Are GMF's Killer Foods

Picture source: Wikimedia 

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Killer Foods
By Uche Mbah

In Far away United States Of America, a war has been raging of recent-the war against Monsanto, the food giant that spearheads the research into and production of genetically modified foods, foods manufactured using the activities of genetically modified organisms, GMO. Their Congress has passed a bill that makes it against the law to label foods on the market shelves as being a product of genetically modified organisms. The debate was that, given the fact of an overwhelming evidence that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans, and government insistence that only genetically modified foods are the best for the country, every food that contains GMO should be labeled so that Americans have a choice in deciding whether to buy the GMF or the naturally produced foods. In fact, in recent times, there has been several recalls of shelf foods due to the fact that they were deemed to have used undeclared chemicals in their production.

The government has been at war with the farmers who produce and sell directly to consumers without resort to genetics, with the accusation that their foods are contaminated with the Salmonella species of bacteria. Salmonella is the main causative agent for diarrhea. For example, American federal and state regulators are seeking legal sanctions against farmers in Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California, among others. These sanctions include injunctions, fines, and even prison sentences for farmers who fail to join the genetic bandwagon.

Genetic modification of foods started in the nineteen eighties. The biotechnology giant Monsanto began to genetically alter corn to withstand its activities in trying to round up their weed clearing agenda-or herbicide roundup, as it was generally referred to. The goal was to eradicate weeds but not crops and resist a corn pest called the corn borer. These small changes in the Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, the building blocks of proteins in the body, of the corn are expressed by the plant as proteins. Those proteins act as allergens, provoking a disorder marked by the overproduction of a type of white blood cell called an eosinophil.

The U.S. government started approving GMO corn and soybeans for sale in the mid-1990s, and today, 88% of corn, and 93% of soybeans, are the transgenic varieties. According to my findings, due to cross-pollination via winds, birds, and bees, there's no such thing anymore as a GMO-free corn crop in the U.S. "It's almost impossible to find a corn source in the United States that doesn't have the [protein] in it," Dr. Mansman, an allergist who works in a Virginia hospital, told an American Magazine.

Beyond all the hype, beyond all the gobbledygook, GMFs have become the stable shelf food in Europe and America, and the idea has become acceptable in other parts of the world. In fact the Nigerian National assembly has hurriedly passed the bill to back the genetically modified foods production in the country. Former President Goodluck Jonathan set up a committee to vet the so called biosafety bill as passed by the National Assembly before he could sign it into law. Then, participants at the 10th anniversary of African Agricultural Technology Foundation, AATF seminar say Nigeria's dream of achieving food sufficiency in 2015 will be a mirage, unless the country adopts biotechnology in the agricultural sector. Even Olusola Saraki, a senator and chairman senate committee on environment and ecology, who is currently the Senate President, decried the delay in signing the bill into law. "As a matter of fact, the benefits of signing the bill into law by Mr President are numerous," he said." These include regulating the safe application of biotechnology in Nigeria to harness benefits in fields of agriculture, medical, environment sustainability and industrial growth." Further more, the law will promote technological and material transfer for research collaboration and commercialization in biotechnology." According to him, since 1996, biotechnology-driven crops had been commercially planted and their adoption had increased steadily, with over 8.5 million planting them in 21 countries, with most African countries developing biosafety.He also noted that all over the world, scientists, who recognized the benefits of the technology, had been at the forefront of the call for safety and regulation of activities in the field of biotechnology. "Therefore, there is the need for Mr. President to assent to the bill in the interest of our nation and the attendant economic and employment opportunities that come with it," he had said. "If this feat is achieved, Nigeria, as a nation, would be sufficient in food production and thereby, save the cost of annual food importation and diversify same into a value chain mechanism."

But the question is, how safe is BMF? Investigations indicate that even scientists at the forefront of the promotion of biotechnology are coming out to speak against it. Most food literature focuses on poor nutritional quality of canned and pre-packaged food, which is the only source of food to certain urban people who have no access to fresh foods from the farm. Chemicals found in food packaging are unhealthy-as, for example, Bisphenol A, or BPA. This chemical has been banned from baby bottles and sippy cups in the United States but find ways into the stable consumption of the nouveau-rich in Nigeria. Since it is used to line food cans, intended as a protective barrier between the metal and the can's contents, BPA actually leaches into the food we eat. The effects of leaching BPA are likely most detrimental for pregnant women, babies and children. This chemical has been linked with obesity, cancer (breast and prostate), early onset of puberty, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD and retardation of development of brain and nervous systems. The case of early puberty has been a serious societal issue that results in increased rape cases and pedophilia simply because the children look older than they actually are. And Monsanto and other companies are at the forefront of these drugs. France has banned the use of BPA in the preservation of canned foods with effect from 2015. Soon, other European countries will follow suit. Apart from BPA, Aspartmine is another chemical. Aspartame has been linked to several different cancers and even degenerative brain conditions. Consuming aspartame regularly will burn out neurons and has been linked to headaches, mood alterations and even brain tumors. It is regarded as a healthy and sweeter alternative to sugar, though it actually causes diabetes and may also cause obesity. It was developed in a bio-weapons laboratory from excrement from bacteria culture and bleached with other chemicals by Monsanto corporation. It is currently sold under different brand names and used in food seasonings.

Unfortunately this chemical, originally sold by Monsanto Corp, is now being re-branded under different names There are currently efforts underway to include aspartmine in milk and so called diet products-"low sugar" or "sugarless" drinks, even though aspartame is contained in many products already that do not list it as one of the ingredients. But by far the most important of these products are the genetically modified foods. "Introduction of genetically modified food has raised a number of fears, some genuine and some irrational," says Dr.Leo d'Souza, a Jesuit priest and biotech researcher. "Human fears, whether genuine or irrational, have to be attended to." These fears are currently being expressed by Nigerians who are skeptical of the benefits of the foods. For example, The Daily Trust Editorial of 26 June 2013 was particularly critical of the bill. "It may come as something of a surprise," the paper wrote, "to some, even shock to many, that such a profound policy step would be taken without as much as consultation with the public." The paper continued: "Still, even in advanced nations that have pioneered the technology and fully embraced the crops, controversies over them linger. Scientists have raised concerns about their effect on human health and on the environment. It is alleged that the crops damage the soil and that large quantities of fertilizers and hazardous chemicals are required to successfully cultivate them. And for particularly the developing world, GM crops portend another challenge of having to depend on giant companies in the West for seed imports to replant as some of the crops do not have seeds or those with seeds cannot produce high-yield varieties when they are planted. Unless these allegations about the disadvantages of the crops are satisfactorily addressed, it would be premature to expose Nigerian farmers to GM seeds when the technology is still in its infancy in the country, if at all." The paper insisted that the main challenge now is that a large percentage of the national arable land is not being put under cultivation. " Since the advent of the oil boom nearly four decades ago, successive governments have paid scant attention to agriculture as a national security issue. This is the time to do it, by going back to agriculture, which offers better food and economic security than oil. Efforts should also be made to find a solution to the huge post-harvest losses that farmers suffer. If these and many other steps are taken, the country may in the end find it does not have any need for inorganic substances like GM crops to feed the people," the paper concluded.

A group known as the Mother Earth Foundation frowned seriously at the proposed bill. In a statement signed by Nnimo Bassey, Director of the organization, noted that African countries have been generally resistant to the policy. "Contrary to the claims of the{minister of science and technology), Burkina Faso has not introduced GMOs into their food.", Bassey said, "That country planted genetically engineered cotton otherwise called Bt Cotton. The first harvest of that cotton last year was a big disappointment as the farmers got short fibre cotton rather than the long fibres they harvested from the conventional cotton they were used to planting. South Africa is the most problematic on the continent when it comes to the regulation and introduction of GMOs. Public resistance have been strong, but the historical political context must also be considered in understanding the path the nation began to toe and the difficulties in ensuring a transition from certain routes. Studies by the African Centre for Biosafety has revealed that corn products supplied by Tiger Brand in South Africa to companies including to Dangote Foods, a Nigerian conglomerate, has high GMO corn contents. This revelation ought to drive the Nigerian government to order an investigation into the importation of unwholesome foods and food products into Nigeria rather than making announcement of backdoor moves to ambush Nigerians into eating GMOs without their consent." They noted that the widespread dependence on chemical inputs have led to the death of pollinators like bees and saddled the world with silent farms and forests without insects and other beneficial species. "Certainly Nigeria does not want to join the ranks of nations that hire or buy bees to pollinate their farms," Bassey noted. "We are not sure also that Nigerians want to toe a path that may lead to farmers pollinating their crops by hand," he concluded. A federal minister has recently indicated that one of the GMO companies has been approved to open up an office space in the country. "Yes, Monsanto may soon be in Nigeria", a source from the ministry of Agriculture said, "the honorable minister is all taken up with the program."
Studies have shown that GMO feeds have proven harmful to pigs. According to a report, "GM-fed females had on average a 25% heavier uterus than non-GM-fed females, a possible indicator of disease that requires further investigation. Also, the level of severe inflammation in stomachs was markedly higher in pigs fed on the GM diet. The research results were striking and statistically significant. The new study lends scientific credibility to anecdotal evidence from farmers and veterinarians, who have for some years reported reproductive and digestive problems in pigs fed on a diet containing GM soy and corn." Pigs have basically the same digestive structure with humans, and pork is a stable food in most countries. Most of these pigs are eaten by humans with accumulated GMO passed on to humans who consume them.
Genetically modified foods are a typical example of how man tries to show he can control nature. But the final effect will be a disaster to mankind, because, in the new time, every distortion of natural order will be violently corrected, resulting in so many hitherto unknown diseases. Unfortunately, this will coincide with the time of total collapse of World economy, amid political crisis and Natural disasters in a time that was described as a time of great tribulations.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Uche_Mbah/547586

Ashwagandha's Benefits For Immunity & Vitality

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Ashwagandha's Benefits For Immunity & Vitality

By Sharon Grogan

Ashwagandha is one of the most potent herbs and has been used since ancient times for a variety conditions. The herb is known for its restorative benefits. The Sanskrit meaning of Ashwagandha is "whiff of the horse", that means it imparts the vigor and strength of a stallion.
Because of its rejuvenating features, it is commonly known as Indian ginseng while botanically Ashwagandha and Ginseng are unrelated. It belongs to the family of tomato; it is a plump shrub with yellow flowers and oval leaves. Ashwagandha bears red fruit that has a size of a raisin. Ashwagandha is found in the dry region of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East; now it is grown in the mild climates of the United States.Ashwagandha has traditionally been recommended to strengthen the immune system after an illness.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is woven from the food. The nutrients that we consume are metabolised into the energy and form cells, tissue and organs. Every day we need vital vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to maintain the delicate balance of our bodies. And Ashwagandha, if taken as a supplement is highly useful to create a body balance. One can take a dose of 600 to 1,000 mg of Ashwagandha twice daily.

Ayurveda has specified certain herbs as having adaptogenic benefits; Ashwagandha is one such herb. Adaptogens (a combination of amino acids, vitamins, and herbs) are a substance that modulates the body's response to stress or a changing environment. Adaptogen allows the body to cope with external stress like toxins in the environment and it also helps to overcome the internal stress such as insomnia and anxiety.

Ashwagandha has many useful medicinal components like alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids, and a variety of sugars and others. The leaves and fruits of Ashwagandha have valuable therapeutic features, while its roots are commonly used as an herbal remedy in western countries. Scientists and researchers have been studying Ashwagandha for several years and have compiled many studies pointing to the healing benefits of the Herb.

Ashwagandha helps in stabilising blood sugar, improving learning, memory and reaction time. Ashwagandha has anti-malarial properties and protects the immune system of the human body. It offers anti-inflammatory benefits and helps in lowering and controlling the cholesterol. Also, it reduces the brain cell degeneration. Apart from these advantages, Ashwagandha has significant healing benefits that have been proven scientifically.

For centuries Ashwagandha has been used as a general body tonic, that makes human body stronger and healthy. Apart from boosting overall immunity, Ashwagandha has a great potential to work as an anti-cancer agent as it controls the growth of cancerous tumors. The herb also acts on the endocrine system by stimulating hormonal balance. Further, it is of great use during menopause as it prevents mood swing and hot flashes.

And if you are tired of looking in the mirror at wrinkled, sagging and dry skin, Ashwagandha is of great use to overcome skin problems. Its powerful antioxidant property protects the skin against radical damage and reduces the ageing process. Ashwagandha also promotes the production of natural skin oils, compounds and proteins for healthy skin. It can be used as a toner for the glowing skin.

Ashwagandha, a magical herb is one of the greatest gift of nature to humanity. It keeps you younger, healthier and gives you a better sleep. The miraculous herb is the ticket to get health benefits and beauty benefits.

Wow Herbals is an online store that provides you best himalaya ayurvedic healthcare products, Ashawagandha is a natural ayurvedic composition from himalaya herbals to reduce anxiety, stress, boost immunity and vitality and rejuvenation energy. Buy Now http://www.goo.gl/e3D3Ne

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sharon_Grogan/2028505


MRSA Superbugs In Meat

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MRSA Superbugs In Meat

Source: youtube.com

Weight Loss Soup - Veg Soup Recipe For Dinner - Healthy Diet Soup | Skinny Recipes

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Weight Loss Soup - Veg Soup Recipe For Dinner - Healthy Diet Soup | Skinny Recipes

Qigong Warmup And Exercise

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Qigong Warmup And Exercise

Source: youtube.com

Tirerack.com- Revolutionizing Tire Buying

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Mindfulness Solution Guided Meditations

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The Mindfulness Solution Guided Meditations


Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD, is Assistant Professor of Psychology, part-time at Harvard Medical School, where he has taught for over 30 years. He is a long-time student of mindfulness meditation and serves on the board of directors and faculty of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Happy Birthday Miles

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Miles Davis - Bitches Brew (1970) - full album

Source: youtube.com

"Sunday, Unbelievable" ~ Bro. B. 

Good Morning H-30

This hexagram describes your situation in terms of expanding light, warmth, and awareness. It emphasizes that joining with and depending on what spreads this light, the action of radiance, is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: congregate!

Credit: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- Learn more about "Sunday" -- And Over All, Stay Cool and Make It A Good Day! ........~Schoolboy~
"Given perseverance on your part, this reading indicates success. In spite of challenges, cling to what is luminous in yourself, in others, and in life itself, never forgetting your positive attachment to the highest good. When events seem foreboding, or people seem oppressive, remember the good that has been and is yet to be. Holding to this idea is to cling to the power of light, the only force that can illuminate darkness."

Credit | iChing 30: Clinging like Fire (divination.com)


Saturday, May 25, 2019

Important Elements of a Good Social Manager

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   When hiring any social media manager to take the lead role in your campaigns, it is essential that you find the right person because they will be representing your brand.
If you are an organization that deals with a great number of social issues, a person's lifestyle and online presence may have a huge effect on choosing the right candidate.
List the qualities and skills that you consider the most important must have's for your brand and narrow your candidate choices based on those factors.
When you have narrowed down your choices, prepare what you want to know in advance, so you will already have an idea of what type of individual you are looking for.
Here are things that you may wish to consider asking when you interview them:
  • Do you feel comfortable taking the lead role in creating projects alongside our other departments in order to gain valuable company experience?
The answer to this question is vital because many social media managers do not understand SEO principles and this can cause a huge conflict if the posts and content they are posting is effecting SEO and vice-verse.
These two departments need to work seamlessly together for effective marketing to take place.
  • Do you like to work in a variety of different inbound marketing arenas?
If the social media manager is only able to post to platforms, but lacks skills in basic design, email marketing and content areas, they will not always be the best choice for your company.
Social media marketing involves a great deal more than just posting. Posting is what virtual assistants do, not managers. Managers should posses at least some of the skills that are listed in the job specific details below.
  • Are you up to date on today's latest on line trends? Are you energetic, creative and resourceful? Do you work well with others and are comfortable taking some direction?
This question is very important as the position requires the person to get along with others and find a variety of creative approaches in order to get the job done.
Social media marketing plays an integral role in assisting the corporate management team with overall brand strategy and requires the individual to communicate, promote and implement future marketing strategies through a variety of in bound marketing concepts.
These inbound marketing strategies may include some or all of the following skill sets; graphic design, e-mail marketing, promotion, SEO content, event planning and other services and tools that the company utilizes in order to maximize its brand initiatives. If the candidate is not able to utilize a variety of different applications, software and mediums, it is unlikely that they will be effective.
Many workers in this field think they are managers, just because they post on platforms, this is not so. They do not understand the concepts of marketing, they are only engaging, there is a difference!
Specific Skills Required to be a successful manager:
  • Social media marketing candidates should be expected to have some of the following personal skills:
  • A strong understanding of branding products and customer service.
  • Excellent communication skills, and the ability to sell ideas through a variety of different means.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Basic design and graphic skills.
  • A strong understanding of online marketing concepts such as video marketing, social media, email marketing and content creation.
  • Exceptional writing and editing skills, as well as, the ability to adopt the style, tone, and voice of the brand's blog platform.
  • Excellent organizational skills to be able to work independently and manage projects with many moving parts.
  • Be sociable and engaging with other people.
  • Possess exceptional leadership and group building skills.
  • Socially responsible, humorous and open minded.
While not every skill is as important as the other, and let's face it, not every one can have all the skills required, it is expected that the candidate possess a least a considerable number of them.
The same can be said about the specific job skill requirements, which are:
  • The ability to work and communicate with the appropriate department managers to launch corporate strategies.
  • Create or gain access to content that helps articulate the value of the brand.
  • Conduct Product research and marketing trends analysis.
  • Provide detailed information, training, and product marketing reports to sales reps and other departments when necessary.
  • Properly start up and maintain numerous social media accounts such as, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, etc under the guidance of the marketing manager.
  • Provide communications on social platforms in a consistent, on-brand voice.
  • Search and join brand related social media platforms.
  • Create and evaluate social media strategies.
  • Assist in growing the company's social media reach.
  • Submit various types of articles on a wide range of topics for its' blog.
  • Proper writing and editing skills are a must.
  • Contribute to long-form content projects such as e-books and newsletters.
  • Conduct analytical projects to improve blog strategies/tactics and expand users.
  • Practice white-hat, honest, and creative SEO tactics.
  • Assist in managing email campaigns from start to finish, including planning, testing, evaluating, and reporting.
  • Developing and optimizing lead nurturing campaigns.
  • Developing event planning specific strategies for the brand.
  • Keeping up to date with practices and standards in the email marketing industry and growing the brand through its lists.
  • Assisting all departments in day to day operations.
  • A minimum of 2-3 years of prior experience in marketing or sales.
The truth is social media marketing entails a great deal more than just creating a few posts for Twitter and Facebook, it requires a great deal of time and patience and creative thoughts on the part of the manager to be able to carry campaigns for long periods of time.
Results are hard to quantify and are rarely measured in direct sales.
What social media managers cannot do is create direct sales. This is a misconception created by over zealous social media marketers who are only selling the idea of social media. This is not reality, social media is simply engaging with clients and creating a buzz for a brand which leads to sales via web traffic and corporate promotional marketing campaigns.
My main website is located in Montreal and is dedicated to providing socially responsible social media to small business. I believe in great content and socially responsible social media. We offer a variety of different social media packages including most recently to an exciting new social networking application called GeoWInks check it out!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7874479

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