July Twenty-Second ~ God's Daily Minute “This is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.” – Mark 14:24 ~ (For Communion Sunday.) We sing our Eucharistic hymn this day, O God, with voices from which all tones of mortal sadness have vanished away. We sing the song of new-born life, and not of death. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh, and men beheld the glory of Thy love in the face of Jesus Christ. Come, O Creator Spirit blest, and impart anew Thy marvelous gifts. May Christ be born again in every heart. Purge our ears from the rattling noises of the world, until they are quick to hear the heavenly song of Thy peace and good-will for men. Lead all seekers to some spiritual Bethlehem and help them to find the Holy Child. May the nations come to His light, and rulers behold the rightness of His rising. May the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Crist, that He may reign forever and ev...