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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

25. Innocence

The Lines

Bottom. [9] There is a certain charm in unstudied innocence that is found in children and even in older persons who are sincerely enthusiastic about a new undertaking. At the very beginning, their approach is unspoiled by duplicity, deceit and disingenuousness. They have not yet become victims of evil men and fallen into cynicism and mistrust. Such an attitude of refreshing honesty always bodes well for the beginner. He acts from the purity of a pristine nature and a good heart.

2. [6] The innocent mind embraces each moment for itself. It enjoys the task before it, without looking always to the attainment of some future goal or the accomplishment of some eagerly sought milestone. The man of pure nature does the best he can in the present moment, and leaves future outcomes in the hands of the universal powers that determine such things. For him, it is enough to be intensely engaged with this moment's task. By thus doing his part and trusting the universal powers to do theirs, the man finds success and fulfillment.

3. [6] Not even the innocent man remains free of adversity. Evil men may happen upon his path who gladly seize an opportunity to do harm to the innocent and unsuspecting. Nothing about the innocent man deserves this misfortune, but it chances upon him nonetheless. The evil person appears to gain at the expense of the good and innocent. Such gains do not carry with them the blessings of Heaven, though this is no comfort to the innocent. The innocent man must realize that evil people appear and gladly take advantage of what they perceive to be prey. He must take steps to safeguard himself and be sure that he avoids leaving himself open to the machinations of evildoers. He should protect himself, without abandoning his innocent approach to action.

4. [9] A man heeds his inner voice, rather than the voices of those around him. Only that inner voice truly understands the man, and can determine what is best for him. He seeks advice and information, of course, and never obstinately shuts himself off from the wise counsel of others. But it is he who must make the final decision, and he would be foolish indeed to act on advice or criticism from another that he did not agree with in his heart. Even in the most distressing of times, when all is chaos and confusion, and the right path seems entirely lost, yet that most reliable inner voice never really departs from us. And a man should never despair and abdicate the direction of himself and turn instead to the advice of another, no matter who it is, no matter how difficult and confusing the circumstances.

5. [9] An evil situation may arise, which is not of one's own making. But if one does not become a part of it, if one does not lend it support nor embrace it, one need not take active steps to eliminate it. Without support, it will shrivel and die on its own. The man only needs to see that it receives no sustenance from him. Evil exists always in the world, but no man can take upon himself the work of eradicating it all. He only needs to be certain that he does not support it in any way.

Top. [9] Even the innocent man must choose his times wisely. If the times are not conducive to forward movement, if nothing falls into place, if every tentative step forward comes up against a stone wall, then not even the purest of disinterested actions are called for. The man holds back and waits for a more favorable time, without developing hidden schemes to win by force what the natural course of events refuses to allow. If one goes up against such natural opposition, how could success be achieved?

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Credit | 25. Innocence - YouTube


Monday, May 30, 2022

44. Return Of Dark Force

The Lines


Bottom. [6] At the very beginning is the time to put an end to an inferior element that has somehow sneaked in. If, because it is small and weak, it is allowed to take root and grow, it will become enormous trouble. Small causes often give rise to big troubles. This small matter may be insignificant at first, but if not gotten rid of immediately, it will soon reveal how significant it can be.

2. [9] An inferior element that is not forcefully eradicated may remain and not cause trouble if kept under constant control. But it must be confined to a very small area, otherwise it will spread and infect everything it comes in contact with, and get completely out of control.

3. [9] The evil element is inviting, and offers some attractive possibilities to the man. However, the position the man has taken makes it impossible really to associate with that element, although he would like to. He cannot turn his back on his principles, and that makes such an association incompatible. But the attraction of some aspects of that evil element weakens the man's resolve and introduces a certain element of indecision and uncertainty. Nevertheless, he sees too clearly the incompatibility of his association with evil, and he avoids further involvement.

4. [9] Inferior people are present, and unfortunately, the man cannot get by without them. It is possible that they can be of some help in the future, but the man is disinclined to bother with them, and would as soon throw them out. If he does that, however, or if he treats them with such contempt that it makes them angry and causes them to leave, they will not be available when he needs them. The result will be a real set-back, but the man has no one to blame but himself.

5. [9] Inferior people are present, but the man is patient and more disposed to work with them. He has such great strength of character, such fine leadership abilities, and such a modest good nature, that he is able to exert his influence upon the inferior people and get something out of them where some lesser man would not. He does not badger them, or treat them with contempt, neither does he attempt to impress them with his superiority. Instead, he treats them as the kind of people that he might wish they were, and they respond to his positive expectations to a surprising degree. The superior man's positive image is infectious and inspiring, and the inferior people do their very best and make a commendable contribution to the general effort beyond everyone's expectations.

Top. [9] The superior man has separated himself from the world and does not suffer fools gladly. He detests the insincerity, the mediocrity, and the stupidity he sees all about, and he openly reveals his contempt when it comes before him. This, of course, does not go over well with the objects of his disdain. They think he is unfriendly, uncongenial and unaccommodating. But he doesn't need them, and couldn't care less what they think of him. He knows that at the level at which he chooses to function, there are few men indeed who want to deal with him. Indeed, his world view makes himself uncomfortable at times. So he loses no sleep over it.

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

11. Peaceful Day

The Lines
1. [9] When a capable person sets out to accomplish things in propitious times, good helpers are attracted to the possibilities and join in gladly in the work that needs to be done. Good people want to be a part of a flourishing enterprise, and are gladly connected to the leader with similar objectives.
2. [9] Every person is able to contribute something to an enterprise, if they have a willing attitude. A leader, therefore, bears with those of lesser ability and tries to draw from them whatever they are capable of contributing. There is much work to be done, and some of it is quite difficult. Hence, everyone's contribution is needed and of value, and the attention of all should be directed towards the goals of the enterprise, not merely personal advancement.
3. [9] Good fortune never moves forward forever. There are always setbacks and periods of decline. Therefore, in times of good fortune, the wise leader is always aware that it will sooner or later run its course. And through whatever turns of Fate that come his way, he remains steadfast and focused on his worthy objectives.
4. [6] In times of success, the good leader is still approachable. He is not carried away by his good fortune and does not focus on his own advancement. He is generous to the lowly, because he knows that every man, regardless of his station, has a role to play and a contribution to make in this world.
5. [6] A person of great ability is capable of working under the direction of someone of lesser status without asserting their superiority. Such a submissive relationship is conducive to harmony and permits the accomplishment of necessary tasks.
Top [6] Change brings about the end of good fortune and prosperity. Decline is inevitable, and violent resistance would only make matters worse. All a person can do is keep to his worthy goals and be supportive of those around him that are in agreement with his intentions.
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Saturday, May 28, 2022

41. Loss or Decrease

The Lines

Bottom. [9] It is a real act of kindness when a man who has completed his own necessary tasks goes to the aid of someone else who is in need of help without making a fuss over it. But people receiving such aid should be careful not to let the helper overdo it. It ceases to be an act of giving if the person helping injures himself thereby. This requires careful consideration to strike the right balance.

2. [9] To give to another beyond your capacity is no virtue. To destroy yourself to benefit someone else is to do injury to a highly deserving person--yourself! Such over-giving demeans the giver and does more harm than good, even to the recipient. He who serves should be careful to maintain his own self-respect. Serving others is an onerous duty if it means doing injury to oneself, and he who requires that kind of service is an oppressive tyrant.

3. [6] Three people do not make a companionable group, since there is a tendency for one to feel the other two are excluding him, or even plotting against him. A beneficial relationship occurs between two people who can then have a friendly exchange. To bring in a third person will almost always introduce a certain awkwardness as two of the three will tend to enter into a dialog and exclude the third. A person who is alone and seeking companionship tends to make contact with one other person, and avoids interrupting the conversation between two.

4. [6] Potential friends and companions are often turned away by a man's aloofness and unfriendly attitude. If he makes a conscious effort to overcome such faults, it will make it easier for others to associate with him, and he and they will be able to find joy in one another's company. Pleasant manners attract pleasant people.

5. [6] There are times when the forces of nature move unmistakably in a favorable direction. Such times are beyond the control of man. When Fate decrees good fortune for a man, he need not fear that it will fail to come to pass, for no opposition to the hand of Fate can ever be sustained.

Top. [9] A man cannot be faulted if he enjoys prosperity without exploiting or injuring others. Everything he does benefits not only himself, but everyone who is associated with him. Such a man will find good fortune in undertaking great projects that involve many people. He attracts other men to him who are glad to be able to work with him, because everything he does is a blessing to all.

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Friday, May 27, 2022

61. Inner Truth


The Lines

1. [9] The man who relies on the Power of Truth must prepare himself. Such ability does not come casually neither is it the result of an instantaneous decision. It is a way of life. Only with such a serious attitude, developed over a long time, will he be uninfluenced by external circumstances and manipulative intents.

2. [9] A man's inner thoughts are reflected in his words and deeds, and his every expression has influence upon all around him. Others will respond to him if his inner being is congenial and his spirit resonates with their spirit. If his inner being is consonant with what is true, others will know, and his influence will spread far and wide. This influence depends on the Power of Truth; he cannot fake this influence.

3. [6] If a man's relationship with others rests on intimacy alone, and is not founded on truth, the man will be always off balance. All of his actions will depend on the response of his companions, not on the dictates of his own character. His stability will be controlled by circumstances.

4. [6] A man turns with respect to those who are stronger in the truth than he, but he stands firm against the contrary and divisive influences that have no part in truth. Only when he has an unwavering inner commitment to truth can he do this.

5. [9] A leader leads with the force of his whole character. His principles come from within and influence all around him. These principles are founded in what is true, and serve to unite all his followers. Without this foundation in truth, the unity breaks apart at the very first crisis.

6. [9] If a leader relies on empty pronouncements while his heart is not dedicated to truth, he may deceive many and succeed for a while, but in the end he must fail. Deception can never be the foundation for real advancement

Credit | 61.Inner Truth - YouTube 


Thursday, May 26, 2022

30. The-Clinging

The Lines

Bottom. [9] When a man first awakens to the proper ways of living, things are not clear, and there is some degree of confusion. He tries to discern the workings of fate and life, but his conclusions tend to contradict one another. With his day-to-day involvement in the world, everything descends upon him at once. Clarity is demanded of him, but it is difficult to come by. At such a stage, it is important that the man remain calm and not allow himself to be rushed. If he maintains his tranquility and contemplates each situation carefully and in order, the necessary clarity will come in time. It is the beginning where the greatest difficulty lies. Once he becomes accustomed to observing his environment with insight and wisdom, his mind will develop clarity and things will begin to fall into place. It is at the beginning that clear vision approached quietly and calmly is so important, because how can he develop the habits of mind that accompany wisdom if he does not begin carefully and thoroughly?

2. [6] The man is able to approach all things in his environment with moderation, and this bodes well. He calmly and quietly contemplates all his involvements and is able to follow the path of wisdom. Clarity is evident in all that he does. Calmness and moderation attract good fortune.

3. [9] The man contemplates his mortality and realizes that his life might soon be over. If he clings to this life, these realizations have a disturbing effect upon him. Instead of the sense of freedom that allows him to accept life if it comes, or to accept death if it comes, he feels profound regret at the thought of the passing of his life and the end of his existence on this earth. In his desperation, he may try to banish such thoughts by frantically seeking out all the pleasures that life affords, or he may withdraw into himself with self-pity and sadness. Either of those choices undermines the real meaning of growing older. The superior man is not concerned whether death comes sooner or later. He realizes that the important thing is what his life consists of as he lives it, and feels certain that whether the rightful path brings death sooner or later, he is determined upon that path and will accept whatever is the natural consequence thereof. His focus is on the acquisition of wisdom, and he welcomes wherever that search leads him.

4. [9] If a man in his anxiety to experience as much of life as he can, or to accomplish as many great works as he can, burns himself out too quickly, the lasting effect of his effort will be less than if he had approached things more slowly, carefully, and thoroughly. By consuming himself so quickly, he does not give his work time to settle in, to become well established, and to form a broad and solid foundation. On the other hand, a series of great works, developed over a long period of time, become well-established, like a monument. People accept it, become accustomed to it, and over time find it inconceivable that it should not exist or that something should replace it. But any kind of work, erected in a hurry does not have time to become established in the memory of man. As soon as the promoter is gone, the effect of his work is gone with him. Establishing a great work is not just a matter of getting it done, but also a matter of establishing it in such a way that it stays done.

5. [6] Big changes after great accomplishments can have a shattering effect, but the man who retains his clarity of mind and accepts the changes as a renewal of life meets good fortune. Others might feel that it is all over, that there is nothing left but disappointment and decline, especially when there are no present prospects for something more. But the superior man is open to the turn of events. He adapts himself to the new circumstances and looks forward to whatever adventure lies ahead. His attitude of mind attracts interesting possibilities, and his sorrow over the wrenching changes is seen as a transitory matter.

Top. [9] The man who is called upon to remedy situations, to correct errors, to eliminate evildoers, keeps ever in mind his goal, which is not to destroy, but to make better. It may be necessary to completely eliminate those who are culpable and ultimately responsible. Leaders who should know better cannot be let off lightly. But it is enough if those who were merely drawn in to the debacle correct their behavior, change their ways, and reverse the path they were on. The idea is not just to punish in order to satisfy some self-righteous judgment or desire for revenge, but to change behavior and make the situation better, to enable things to work smoother and more efficiently. Similarly, in correcting one's own behavior, the purpose is to follow a more rightful path, and matters of little significance should be overlooked. If punishments are too severe, they defeat the purposes of correction.

Credit | 30. The-Clinging - YouTube

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

46. Pushing Upward

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The man's ascent starts from humble beginnings, but he draws his strength from the simplicity of his lifestyle and his ability to work hard learned in those difficult times. This is a man whom Fate intends for higher things. He is able to move amongst men of consequence and associate with them as an equal. He has a vision that marks him as someone destined to be a leader, and his confidence enables him to accomplish great things.

2. [9] A man of strength who lacks pleasant manners but who is a hard worker with a vision of great accomplishments is nevertheless accepted and experiences no problems from his brashness. He is a man of sincerity and good character, and people are willing to overlook his rough edges.

3. [9] The man meets with no competition or obstructions, but he is not certain how long this will last. He obtains his goals with ease, but will he be able to retain the position he has won so readily? The question remains unanswered, but he does not let that stop him. He does what he can, when he can, exploiting all the possibilities available to him in the present time, and does not allow the possibility that it might not last deter him in any way.

4. [6] The man achieves his goals and is able to produce great works for the benefit of his fellow man. He is received into the highest councils and honored for all his accomplishments. What he has done is indeed significant, and he will be remembered for his beneficial deeds long beyond his own lifetime.

5. [6] The man is making remarkable advancements, but he is in danger of it all going to his head. Everything is coming along too easily, and this could cause him to become careless and not attend to every detail. If he falls into this trap, it could prevent him from attaining his goals. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that he proceed carefully and steadily, step-by-step, even when everything is moving ahead as though nothing could stop him. Only if he proceeds as though he might stumble at the next step, will he succeed in reaching his goal.

Top. [6] If a man pushes ahead blindly, he runs the risk that he may stumble and fall. His advancement has been so easy, he fools himself into thinking that he is invincible, that nothing can stop him, and that he need not bother with details. He is tempted to take unnecessary risks and to run ahead of himself until he exhausts his resources. Such impulsive behavior always leads one into mistakes. It is essential, therefore, that he realize that he must always, without once letting up, adhere carefully to his plans, constantly evaluate his gains, and remain faithful to his goals. Only then will he avoid the foolish mistakes that result when a man advances without carefully considering where he is going

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Credit | 46.Pushing Upward - YouTube


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

43. Breakthrough


The Lines Bottom. 

[9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results.

2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth transition, of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, but he will know what to do if something untoward happens. With such thorough preparation, he can walk in the midst of dangers as if they were not there, and people will accept his leadership without question. Meticulous attention to every possible problem that might arise extinguishes fear and anxiety. Preparation creates ease of mind.

3. [9] In a time of transition, inferior people remain active and must be dealt with. One cannot shun them entirely, because they still have the power to undermine the superior man's advancement and defeat his goals. At the same time, to seem to be accommodating to the inferior elements raises questions in the minds of many of the superior man's followers, who actively oppose the inferior elements, as to whether he is really committed to the goals he says he supports. The superior man regrets these uncertain appearances, but he is sure of two things: he cannot outright reject and turn his back on the inferior elements, otherwise that would undermine his own intentions; and his integrity is absolutely unimpeachable, regardless of appearances, because he has no intention whatsoever to actually support the inferior elements. He is in a position where he cannot fully explain himself, for that would be taken by the inferior elements as a kind of repudiation that is precisely what he does not intend to convey to them. Therefore, the superior man does what he must, ignores the discontent of his followers with himself, weathers the minor distrust and uncertainty, and eventually, all works out for the best.

4. [9] A man wishes desperately to advance his own goals, but push as hard as he might, he finds it is impossible and he cannot. The difficulties are greater than his powers enable him to overcome, and his every effort is met with superior opposition. His problem, however, is his own anxious and insistent desire. If he would just let go and let others carry through, things would work out, and he would find success, even if it would not come in exactly the form he desires it. But he cannot let go, and will not. It has to be his way, or not at all. He insists that his exertions be met with acceptance, and so his failure is unavoidable.

5. [9] Offhand, an inferior man in a high position seems impossible to overcome. He is in a position of authority, and can defeat any measure the superior man comes up with. But the superior man cannot surrender his integrity, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. He maintains a steady course, sticking always to his inner convictions, regardless of the apparent chance of success. And he must do this. This is the only course open to him if he is to remain a superior man.

Top. [6] At the very end of a transition, when almost all of the inferior element is eliminated and only the most insignificant remnants remain, it might seem that the little that remains is hardly worthy of attention. Since the bulk of the work has been done, a man might assume that the tiny little bit of evil left will soon cease to exist due to the overall momentum that has been achieved. But this is a mistake. Deliberate, conscious effort must be exerted, otherwise these insignificant remnants will stay in place and begin to take root again, just like a cancer that was not entirely cut out. Therefore, the man cannot rely on momentum to complete the job. He must keep working at it until the inferior elements are completely eradicated and not a hint of the past condition remains. Otherwise what looked like a successful conclusion will deteriorate and end in misfortune.

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Monday, May 23, 2022

64. Before Completion ~ Don't Drink Too Much.


The Lines

1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity.
2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the end approaches, but it is important not to let patience turn into indifference and carelessness. Even though one must not rush ahead, one must still keep completion in mind and work steadily towards it if ultimate success is to be achieved. Constant attention and effort is still required, but it must be controlled and restrained.
3. [6] The time has arrived! Completion of the task is at hand! But one lacks the resources to bring things to a close. Forging ahead regardless of capacity to do so could only result in catastrophe. At such a time, it is necessary to find those who can add to the effort and then, under these new circumstances, make the supreme effort needed to bring it to a successful close.
4. [9] The final phase requires enormous effort and determination. It is necessary to proceed as though with one heart and one mind and not be deterred by doubters. Evil forces may try to intervene, but they must be vigorously overcome. Once the battle is over, once completion is realized, the rewards of successful completion will be won.
5. [6] Completion is accomplished. The culmination of a long and faithful struggle is finally realized. The rewards for all one's efforts are at hand. The result is an important and useful contribution that will remain in existence for the benefit of many.
6. [9] Completion brings celebration, and why not? The great work is completed, and the benefits are to be enjoyed. Nevertheless, one must remain circumspect and celebrate with discretion. It would be foolish to detract from the completion of a massive undertaking with a single act of foolishness.
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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career

Learn more below, click. 

43. Breakthrough

The Lines Bottom. 

[9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results.

2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth transition, of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, but he will know what to do if something untoward happens. With such thorough preparation, he can walk in the midst of dangers as if they were not there, and people will accept his leadership without question. Meticulous attention to every possible problem that might arise extinguishes fear and anxiety. Preparation creates ease of mind.

3. [9] In a time of transition, inferior people remain active and must be dealt with. One cannot shun them entirely, because they still have the power to undermine the superior man's advancement and defeat his goals. At the same time, to seem to be accommodating to the inferior elements raises questions in the minds of many of the superior man's followers, who actively oppose the inferior elements, as to whether he is really committed to the goals he says he supports. The superior man regrets these uncertain appearances, but he is sure of two things: he cannot outright reject and turn his back on the inferior elements, otherwise that would undermine his own intentions; and his integrity is absolutely unimpeachable, regardless of appearances, because he has no intention whatsoever to actually support the inferior elements. He is in a position where he cannot fully explain himself, for that would be taken by the inferior elements as a kind of repudiation that is precisely what he does not intend to convey to them. Therefore, the superior man does what he must, ignores the discontent of his followers with himself, weathers the minor distrust and uncertainty, and eventually, all works out for the best.

4. [9] A man wishes desperately to advance his own goals, but push as hard as he might, he finds it is impossible and he cannot. The difficulties are greater than his powers enable him to overcome, and his every effort is met with superior opposition. His problem, however, is his own anxious and insistent desire. If he would just let go and let others carry through, things would work out, and he would find success, even if it would not come in exactly the form he desires it. But he cannot let go, and will not. It has to be his way, or not at all. He insists that his exertions be met with acceptance, and so his failure is unavoidable.

5. [9] Offhand, an inferior man in a high position seems impossible to overcome. He is in a position of authority, and can defeat any measure the superior man comes up with. But the superior man cannot surrender his integrity, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. He maintains a steady course, sticking always to his inner convictions, regardless of the apparent chance of success. And he must do this. This is the only course open to him if he is to remain a superior man.

Top. [6] At the very end of a transition, when almost all of the inferior element is eliminated and only the most insignificant remnants remain, it might seem that the little that remains is hardly worthy of attention. Since the bulk of the work has been done, a man might assume that the tiny little bit of evil left will soon cease to exist due to the overall momentum that has been achieved. But this is a mistake. Deliberate, conscious effort must be exerted, otherwise these insignificant remnants will stay in place and begin to take root again, just like a cancer that was not entirely cut out. Therefore, the man cannot rely on momentum to complete the job. He must keep working at it until the inferior elements are completely eradicated and not a hint of the past condition remains. Otherwise what looked like a successful conclusion will deteriorate and end in misfortune.

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

High School vs College - How Do They Compare?

Introduction to Public Relations

Philip Kotler: Marketing

America knows how to market itself, its products, and its ideas. For better or for worse, for richer or poorer, American marketing creativity, power, and prestige influence consumers the world over. Philip Kotler, best known for the marketing principle of the four Ps—product, price, promotion, and place—takes us on a guided tour of American marketing, including its origins and trends, its relationship to economics, and its criticisms. His talk will include examples of exemplary marketing. Kotler is professor of marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, and his textbooks serve as the basis for graduate business programs worldwide. Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/C9F6/

MOOC | The Age of Sustainable Development - with Jeffrey D. Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs's new, free course, "The Age of Sustainable Development," gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. (Captioned versions of these videos available at Coursera.)

49. Revolution

The Lines

Bottom. [9] Revolutionary change is avoided at first, if at all possible. If undertaken before the time is ripe, it will surely result in failure, and failed attempts to overthrow an oppressive force usually serve to make that force even stronger. Therefore, it is essential that the man seeking revolutionary change exercise complete control of the situation in the beginning, remain calm, and avoid premature moves that might only serve to wreck the enterprise before it has a chance to get off the ground.
2. [6] Reformation is the correction of existing conditions without completely eradicating the old and installing a new system. Only after reformation has been tried, but has failed, should a revolution be undertaken. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary that careful plans be made for such a drastic change, otherwise the changes will be chaotic, will surely get out of control, and will result in the defeat of the revolutionary agenda, if it is suppressed, or a disorganized disaster run rampant if it is not. If the result of the revolution is not to be a set of conditions as bad or worse than what is being overthrown, it is essential that the revolution be led by a man in whom the people have complete confidence -- a man of superior abilities who is able not only to overthrow the old, but also is able to guide and direct the installation of a new and better system. The first step to take is to make a deliberate declaration of the reasons for the revolution, that is, an explanation of the intolerable conditions that demand change, and then a description of the kind of system which the revolutionaries wish to bring about to replace the existing order. Only when the necessities, the purposes, and the goals of the revolution are clearly enunciated is it likely to result in an improvement to the untenable conditions.
3. [9] There is a right time to begin a revolution. If one begins too hastily, before careful plans are laid and preparations made, or for a cause that is not sufficient to support the struggle, the effort will end in disaster. But if one waits too long, the interest engendered by a worthy cause is allowed to dissipate, and the people too easily lose interest. A revolution should be discussed and considered, but when the time for change is clear, the moment must be seized if the job is to be completed successfully.
4. [9] Most revolutions have ended with a subversion of the very liberation they were intended to establish. For a revolution to succeed truly, it must be conducted in accordance with the highest aspirations of the human spirit. If a revolution is undertaken for lesser reasons -- because of a loss of face, or because of a desire to punish an ethnic group that is the subject of long-standing animosity, or some such ignoble motive -- then the revolution has no worthy purpose, and its implementation will be corrupted by its leaders turning their efforts to self-serving ends. Only when men feel they have enlisted in a noble cause will they be inspired to pursue honesty, justice and probity in every aspect of their endeavors.
5. [9] When a great man proposes a revolution to his people, his personal greatness expresses itself in a clarity of purpose in all that he does that is obvious to all. There is no ambiguity and no uncertainty. The reasons, the justifications, the purposes, the goals of the revolution -- all these things are clear and unquestioned. Every honest man can see that this is a worthy cause. Such a great man, with such a worthy mission, need not even consult the oracle, because the people immediately enlist themselves in support of this high-minded endeavor.

Top. [6] A great revolution involves great changes in a large number of basic issues. But invariably, there are a multitude of minor issues that undergo change also. Even inferior people recognize that a change has occurred, and their behavior reflects some of the change also, even if their changes are on the surface, and do not go down to fundamental issues. But it is never possible to wipe out every vestige of old prejudices and traditional practices. One must be satisfied with a settling of the big issues, and not expect every minute little outcropping of the old ways to disappear. Even after a great, successful revolution, the world will not then be made perfect. If an attempt was made to make it perfect, it would defeat the big picture and turn a time of liberation into a time of rigid oppression.
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Friday, May 20, 2022

7. The Army - It Never Rains in The Army

Credit | youtube.com

The Lines

Bottom. [9] From the very beginning of a joint effort, right and justice must prevail, and the enterprise must be conducted in an organized fashion. The aim and purpose of the joint effort must be meaningful and made clear to all participants if their loyalty and enthusiasm is expected. Without this element of genuineness, the enterprise is sure to fail. The good leader, therefore, is careful to make clear to all members of the group the purpose of the enterprise and as much about how it will be conducted as is reasonable.

2. [6] He who fills the role of leadership must consider himself a part of the group he expects to lead. His fortunes are tied together with theirs and theirs with his, and he accepts responsibility for all. Only someone who can accept this great responsibility is worthy to be a leader. Whatever honors or recognition he receives is not his alone; it is bestowed upon him as the representative of the group, and each member should look upon such honors as being given to him also.

3. [6] If the leader lacks a clear vision of the group's purpose, if the members of the group are left to their own devices and have no clear understanding of where they are going or what they should be doing, misfortune is bound to result. If there is no proper leadership, if every member of the group is left to rely on his own inept or inadequate vision of the goals of the enterprise, how can it succeed? Without a unifying vision and a clear definition of means, how can a difficult objective be achieved? Uncertainty leads to wasted effort and time lost, and is a sure way for a concerted effort to become unraveled.

4. [6] Retreat is not a disgrace when one is up against impossible odds or an unbeatable foe. Rather, to continue to struggle against such insurmountable difficulties suggests a stubbornness or a failure to carefully calculate the chances for success, and this could only lead to a great catastrophe. But a carefully planned retreat saves the enterprise, avoids catastrophe, and opens the possibility for a renewed struggle at a later time when a more favorable outcome may be expected. A leader who continues in the face of certain defeat just to avoid the appearance of cowardice is not strong but is weak, because he is being guided by fear and a misplaced sense of honor, rather than an intelligent and responsible assessment of the situation. The important thing is the goal of the enterprise, not a mere appearance.

5. [9] The leader of a group should be a man of thorough experience and vision. If a younger man with little experience who lacks a clear understanding of the problems that lie ahead is put in charge, all of the effort, which should be carefully directed, will lead to misfortune. Without a unifying vision and a central command, the element of danger which is inherent in any mass of people can easily surface, allowing the enterprise to get out of hand and people to indulge in destructive behavior. If uncontrolled, the struggle becomes a mob action and the purpose of the struggle degenerates into whatever each member thinks it may be. This is a prescription for chaos and disintegration.

Top. [6] When the end has been achieved, when the struggle is finally over, all those who aided the effort should be rewarded generously. But it is important that even faithful helpers not be given rewards and responsibilities of which they are not worthy. Let inferior helpers be rewarded with material gifts, but not with positions in which they may do harm and undermine the whole purpose of the struggle.

Credit | youtube.com


Thursday, May 19, 2022

57. The Gentle - Decisive Decision Making

The Lines

Bottom. [6] To be influential, a man must remain steady and directed towards a clearly defined goal. Indecision defeats his purpose, confuses those he would influence, and wastes his resources. Gentleness, which is proper, refers to the manner of one's conduct, not to things like determination and goal orientation. If a leader is doubtful about the direction in which he wants to move, how can he expect his followers to move ahead with confidence? If he doesn't want to step aside and let someone of a more resolute character take the lead, then he must deliberately choose a carefully thought-through coarse and proceed slowly but orderly.

2. [9] It often happens that people fall under the influence of mythical ideas of doubtful origin. Often, no one knows exactly where such ideas came from, and are unable to find any rational reason for clinging to them. They are rumors or traditions or delusions or prejudices or old-wives tales that have been passed around by word of mouth, but which many people cling to and allow to influence their actions. When such ideas stand in the way of progress, it is necessary to examine them closely and take a completely rational, scientific approach to them. Where did these ideas come from? How did they get started? Is there any basis for them in reality? Are they based mainly on irrational fears? Most often, these ideas are fictions implanted in the minds of gullible believers by priests and charlatans who have something to gain by spreading such falsehoods. By discussing the subject openly, clearly identifying these deceptions, revealing the lack of an intelligent basis, and exposing the real reasons why they have been passed along, these false ideas are brought out into the light of day and deprived of their power over people.

3. [9] There is a point beyond which careful consideration and reflection becomes dalliance and procrastination. Unending questions about which path to take turns into a hindrance to progress and an excuse for doing nothing. After all the important facets have been identified and taken into account, a decision should be made, and it becomes time to move on. By going back over a decision and endlessly reconsidering and re-evaluating the basis for the decision, the energy needed to move ahead is dissipated, a person loses his initiative, and he sinks into a sea of self-doubt. New facts always require that a decision be reconsidered; but rehashing old facts and past decisions is a waste of time and effort.

4. [6] A superior man possessing long and valuable experience occupies a highly responsible position. He is a man of modest character, but he has great enthusiasm and determination. He is a good organizer and a careful planner, and he is unafraid to face difficulties and take the needed action. He performs his tasks with a high sense of rectitude, his work is a great service to mankind, and his beneficial influence encourages all who associate with him. Such a man possesses all the keys to success.

5. [9] The man enters upon work that has had a mediocre beginning. Great changes are needed if the goals of the enterprise are to be successfully met. His entrance upon the scene provides the opportunity to make the vast changes that are needed. If carefully planned and well-executed, all can be accomplished successfully. But there are very many changes that need to be made, and many of them are quite complicated. The need for change is obvious, but exactly what those changes should be is what is difficult and what has prevented their being implemented already. The man, therefore, does not rush into the many changes, since that might produce confusion and failure. He plans each change precisely and takes whatever time might be necessary so that he is sure everything will be done right and will correct the problem. Then after the change is effected, the man does not then move on to something else. Not at all. He carefully reviews the changes and assures himself that they have been carried out as intended and have indeed solved the problem. He is also careful to see to it that workers do not slip back into old habits and revert to the old ways of doing things. This kind of checking can only be done over a considerable period of time. If he makes these kinds of careful plans and then carefully reviews the changes that were made, he can feel confident that his work will be successful.

Top. [9] The man sees clearly the misconceptions and delusions he is up against, but he lacks the power and influence to overcome them. These ideas are strongly held, and he is unable to convince people to abandon them. If he tries to attack these ideas, he will convince no one, and turn everyone against him. Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do about this. He must accept the situation and learn to live with it.


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