
Showing posts from May, 2022

25. Innocence

Credit |  25. Innocence - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] There is a certain charm in unstudied innocence that is found in children and even in older persons who are sincerely enthusiastic about a new undertaking. At the very beginning, their approach is unspoiled by duplicity, deceit and disingenuousness. They have not yet become victims of evil men and fallen into cynicism and mistrust. Such an attitude of refreshing honesty always bodes well for the beginner. He acts from the purity of a pristine nature and a good heart. 2. [6] The innocent mind embraces each moment for itself. It enjoys the task before it, without looking always to the attainment of some future goal or the accomplishment of some eagerly sought milestone. The man of pure nature does the best he can in the present moment, and leaves future outcomes in the hands of the universal powers that determine such things. For him, it is enough to be intensely engaged with this moment's task. By thus doing his part and tr...

44. Return Of Dark Force

Credit |  44.Return Of Dark Force - YouTube The Lines   Bottom. [6] At the very beginning is the time to put an end to an inferior element that has somehow sneaked in. If, because it is small and weak, it is allowed to take root and grow, it will become enormous trouble. Small causes often give rise to big troubles. This small matter may be insignificant at first, but if not gotten rid of immediately, it will soon reveal how significant it can be. 2. [9] An inferior element that is not forcefully eradicated may remain and not cause trouble if kept under constant control. But it must be confined to a very small area, otherwise it will spread and infect everything it comes in contact with, and get completely out of control. 3. [9] The evil element is inviting, and offers some attractive possibilities to the man. However, the position the man has taken makes it impossible really to associate with that element, although he would like to. He cannot turn his back on his pri...

11. Peaceful Day

Credit |  11. Peace - YouTube The Lines 1. [9] When a capable person sets out to accomplish things in propitious times, good helpers are attracted to the possibilities and join in gladly in the work that needs to be done. Good people want to be a part of a flourishing enterprise, and are gladly connected to the leader with similar objectives. 2. [9] Every person is able to contribute something to an enterprise, if they have a willing attitude. A leader, therefore, bears with those of lesser ability and tries to draw from them whatever they are capable of contributing. There is much work to be done, and some of it is quite difficult. Hence, everyone's contribution is needed and of value, and the attention of all should be directed towards the goals of the enterprise, not merely personal advancement. 3. [9] Good fortune never moves forward forever. There are always setbacks and periods of decline. Therefore, in times of good fortune, the wise leader is always aware that it will so...

41. Loss or Decrease

Credit |  41.Decrease - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] It is a real act of kindness when a man who has completed his own necessary tasks goes to the aid of someone else who is in need of help without making a fuss over it. But people receiving such aid should be careful not to let the helper overdo it. It ceases to be an act of giving if the person helping injures himself thereby. This requires careful consideration to strike the right balance. 2. [9] To give to another beyond your capacity is no virtue. To destroy yourself to benefit someone else is to do injury to a highly deserving person--yourself! Such over-giving demeans the giver and does more harm than good, even to the recipient. He who serves should be careful to maintain his own self-respect . Serving others is an onerous duty if it means doing injury to oneself, and he who requires that kind of service is an oppressive tyrant. 3. [6] Three people do not make a companionable group, since there is a tendency for one...

61. Inner Truth

    Credit |  61.Inner Truth - YouTube   The Lines 1. [9] The man who relies on the Power of Truth must prepare himself. Such ability does not come casually neither is it the result of an instantaneous decision. It is a way of life. Only with such a serious attitude, developed over a long time, will he be uninfluenced by external circumstances and manipulative intents. 2. [9] A man's inner thoughts are reflected in his words and deeds, and his every expression has influence upon all around him. Others will respond to him if his inner being is congenial and his spirit resonates with their spirit. If his inner being is consonant with what is true, others will know, and his influence will spread far and wide. This influence depends on the Power of Truth; he cannot fake this influence. 3. [6] If a man's relationship with others rests on intimacy alone, and is not founded on truth, the man will be always off balance. All of his actions will depend on the response ...

30. The-Clinging

Credit |  30. The-Clinging - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] When a man first awakens to the proper ways of living, things are not clear, and there is some degree of confusion. He tries to discern the workings of fate and life, but his conclusions tend to contradict one another. With his day-to-day involvement in the world, everything descends upon him at once. Clarity is demanded of him, but it is difficult to come by. At such a stage, it is important that the man remain calm and not allow himself to be rushed. If he maintains his tranquility and contemplates each situation carefully and in order, the necessary clarity will come in time. It is the beginning where the greatest difficulty lies. Once he becomes accustomed to observing his environment with insight and wisdom, his mind will develop clarity and things will begin to fall into place. It is at the beginning that clear vision approached quietly and calmly is so important, because how can he develop the habits of mind that ...

46. Pushing Upward

Credit |  46.Pushing Upward - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The man's ascent starts from humble beginnings, but he draws his strength from the simplicity of his lifestyle and his ability to work hard learned in those difficult times. This is a man whom Fate intends for higher things. He is able to move amongst men of consequence and associate with them as an equal. He has a vision that marks him as someone destined to be a leader, and his confidence enables him to accomplish great things. 2. [9] A man of strength who lacks pleasant manners but who is a hard worker with a vision of great accomplishments is nevertheless accepted and experiences no problems from his brashness. He is a man of sincerity and good character, and people are willing to overlook his rough edges. 3. [9] The man meets with no competition or obstructions, but he is not certain how long this will last. He obtains his goals with ease, but will he be able to retain the position he has won so readily? The qu...

43. Breakthrough

  Credit |  43.Breakthrough - YouTube The Lines Bottom.  [9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results. 2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth  transition , of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, ...

64. Before Completion ~ Don't Drink Too Much.

  Credit |  64.Before Completion - YouTube The Lines 1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity. 2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the end approaches, but it is important not to let patience turn into indifference and carelessness. Even though one must not rush ahead, one must still keep completion in mind and work steadily towards it if ultimate success is to be achieved. Constant attention and effort is still required, but it must be controlled and restrained. 3. [6] The time has arrived! Completion of the task is at hand! But one lacks the resources to bring things to a close. Forging ahead regardless of capacity to do so could only result in catastrophe. At such a time, it is necessary to find those who can add to the effort and then, under these new circumstances, make the supreme effort...

Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career

Credit |  Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career - YouTube Learn more below, click.  Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career

43. Breakthrough

Credit |  43.Breakthrough - YouTube The Lines Bottom.  [9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results. 2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth transition , of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, but he will...

High School vs College - How Do They Compare?

Credit |  High School vs College - How Do They Compare? - YouTube

Introduction to Public Relations

Credit |  [JOUR 111] Introduction to Public Relations - YouTube

Philip Kotler: Marketing

Credit |  Philip Kotler: Marketing - YouTube America knows how to market itself, its products, and its ideas. For better or for worse, for richer or poorer, American marketing creativity, power, and prestige influence consumers the world over. Philip Kotler, best known for the marketing principle of the four Ps—product, price, promotion, and place—takes us on a guided tour of American marketing, including its origins and trends, its relationship to economics, and its criticisms. His talk will include examples of exemplary marketing. Kotler is professor of marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, and his textbooks serve as the basis for graduate business programs worldwide. Help us caption & translate this video! Credit |  Philip Kotler: Marketing - YouTube

MOOC | The Age of Sustainable Development - with Jeffrey D. Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs's new, free course, "The Age of Sustainable Development," gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. (Captioned versions of these videos available at Coursera.) Credit |  MOOC | The Age of Sustainable Development - with Jeffrey D. Sachs - YouTube

49. Revolution

Credit |  49.Revolution - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] Revolutionary change is avoided at first, if at all possible. If undertaken before the time is ripe, it will surely result in failure, and failed attempts to overthrow an oppressive force usually serve to make that force even stronger. Therefore, it is essential that the man seeking revolutionary change exercise complete control of the situation in the beginning, remain calm, and avoid premature moves that might only serve to wreck the enterprise before it has a chance to get off the ground. 2. [6] Reformation is the correction of existing conditions without completely eradicating the old and installing a new system. Only after reformation has been tried, but has failed, should a revolution be undertaken. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary that careful plans be made for such a drastic change, otherwise the changes will be chaotic, will surely get out of control, and will result in the defeat of the revolutionary agenda, i...

7. The Army - It Never Rains in The Army

Credit | The Lines Bottom. [9] From the very beginning of a joint effort, right and justice must prevail, and the enterprise must be conducted in an organized fashion. The aim and purpose of the joint effort must be meaningful and made clear to all participants if their loyalty and enthusiasm is expected. Without this element of genuineness, the enterprise is sure to fail. The good leader, therefore, is careful to make clear to all members of the group the purpose of the enterprise and as much about how it will be conducted as is reasonable. 2. [6] He who fills the role of leadership must consider himself a part of the group he expects to lead. His fortunes are tied together with theirs and theirs with his, and he accepts responsibility for all. Only someone who can accept this great responsibility is worthy to be a leader. Whatever honors or recognition he receives is not his alone; it is bestowed upon him as the representative of the group, and each member should look ...

57. The Gentle - Decisive Decision Making

Credit |  57.The Gentle - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] To be influential, a man must remain steady and directed towards a clearly defined goal. Indecision defeats his purpose, confuses those he would influence, and wastes his resources. Gentleness, which is proper, refers to the manner of one's conduct, not to things like determination and goal orientation. If a leader is doubtful about the direction in which he wants to move, how can he expect his followers to move ahead with confidence? If he doesn't want to step aside and let someone of a more resolute character take the lead, then he must deliberately choose a carefully thought-through coarse and proceed slowly but orderly. 2. [9] It often happens that people fall under the influence of mythical ideas of doubtful origin. Often, no one knows exactly where such ideas came from, and are unable to find any rational reason for clinging to them. They are rumors or traditions or delusions or prejudices or old-wives tales tha...


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