The Marrying Maiden by James Byrd I.The Oracle A. Gen. Meaning Now with this situation, I can say with very little doubt, that there will be nothing to be gained by advancing in just about any direction at this time. "Go Easy." The Marrying Maiden is accompanied by her younger sister who is the vested consort. With these terms, all is well, but if by chance the consort is the older of the two, all will not go well. And of course, twins would make for a very difficult situation. It's a "Domestic Dispute", he turns and walks away. Time Out. Go and believe what you see. On all accounts, the marriage can without penalties be canceled until one or two of the variables are favorably adjusted. To hold such an important event as a wedding at such an inopportune moment, would be the same as a cloudy sky but no rain. 1. The Marrying Maiden . 2. This means the end of life as a maiden and the beginning of mothe...