
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

12 Steps to Create Ridiculously Good Content for Your Website or Blog [Infographic] | Social Media Today

Good Morning H-50

The Cauldron Is The Word for Today

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Good Morning H-42

Increase Is The Word for Today

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Monday, July 29, 2019

Good Morning H-55

Abounding Is The Word for Today

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"This hexagram describes your situation in terms of profusion and abundance reaching culmination. It emphasizes that exuberantly increasing things to their fullest is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: abound!"


Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Good Morning H-64

Before Completion Is The Word for Today

"This hexagram describes your situation in terms of being on the edge of an important change of situation. It emphasizes that waiting and accumulation energy to begin the upcoming move is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: not-yet ford the stream of events!"


Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Good Morning H-43

Breakthrough is the word, Today!

“Winners were not born winners; they learnt and practiced how to win and they have it! Everyone who gives a great testimony about his/her life begins with a beginning that was "inadequate" until something happened... an a breakthrough became evident!” 

― Israelmore AyivorThe Great Hand Book of Quotes

Friday, July 26, 2019

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Good Morning H-57

Gentle Wind Is The Word for Today

Learn More About...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Social Media Marketing Element

The Social Media Marketing Element

by James Byrd, MBA

There are a number of hurdles to jump during the process of implementing the perfect social media marketing structure, and we are talking in terms of creating a sustainable branding effect for your online presence on a global scale, and across all spectrums of user groups.

First thing first, you or your group must buy into the fact that nowadays one must and should have a unique online presence, given the magnitude of mobile devices and their impact on the up and coming 18 years old, and the younger segment of consumers.

With this effect, we see growth within this channel of media communications. It is a growing trend that is being fueled by the acceptance and reliance of personal mobile devices, first thing first, every day we need the information to navigate our day in a convenient informative manner.

In terms of price and the impact of marketing reach, social media marketing is the horse to put your money on.

So, without a doubt, every firm must have some kind of conduit or social channel reaching out to the public to build an ongoing relationship with the present and soon to be customers. All the ideas combined within the marketing mix moves in the direction of keeping the product on the customer’s mind. Within all types of businesses, there is a need to add the social media conduit within the marketing plan of every type – business. Besides, word-of-mouth has a new and dynamic twist these days, social media platforms.  


(1) How to implement a social media marketing plan with limited resources: getting institutional support--and participation--is the key to a vibrant social media strategy.. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved Aug 04 2015 from

(2)  SbrTechnologies Biswajit Singh (2013). Social Media Marketing -- How it Affects Your Business. Retrieved from

The Business of Social Media | Home Business Magazine

Good Morning H-4

“You can never make someone like something they don't like, but you can always help them to better understand it.” 
― Criss Jami

Monday, July 22, 2019

Good Morning H-17

Following Is The Word for Today

Learn More About...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Word for Today H-19

The Word For Today Is: Approach

15 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure

Food for Life: 5 foods you should never eat

What is a Normal Blood Pressure Reading?

What Coffee Does to the Heart, Brain, & Body - Dr. Alan Mandell D.C.

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster at TEDxZurich

Good Morning ~ God's Minute

July Twenty-First ~ God's Daily Minute

 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” – Ps. 24:3-5 ~

Heavenly Father, for all the blessings of the night past and for this new day that Thou hast given us, we desire now to thank Thee, and O we pray that as Thou hast given us rest in sleep, so now may we serve Thee this day with all the strength of the life Thou hast given back to us again. Direct us, we pray Thee, in all the work of our hands this day, so that in all things we may please Thee. Help us to be kind, loving, forgiving, and ever watchful lest we offend against Thee in word, thought, or deed.
And while we pray for ourselves, we would not forget to pray for those near and dear to us—our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, kindred and friends. Bless each and all toward whom our hearts turn with a great love, and finally bring us, unbroken family circles, to our Father’s house above, from which we shall go out no more, but shall ever be at home with Thee.  Amen

By: Llewellyn Brown, M.A., Brantford, Ont., Canada

Source:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Good Morning H-11

Peace Is The Word for Today

Learn More About...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Human Conflict in the Face of a Vast Universe

Good Morning H-6

Conflict Is The Word for Today

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Good Morning H-51

Legge: Shock consists of the trigram for Thunder doubled. (This trigram also represents Movement and the Eldest Son.) The hexagram therefore symbolizes a crash or peal of thunder, and combined with the idea of movement shows a sudden change taking place in the kingdom. The lesson is the conduct to be pursued in a time of sudden change through an awareness of danger and the proper regulation of oneself.

Learn More About...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It a Good Day!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Inspiration motivation Women's Plus Size Football> James' T-shirt Emporium

Women's Classic T-Shirt : Review Your Custom Product

Men's Classic T-Shirts : Review Your Custom Product

Good Morning -- Have A Good One H-36

Darkening Of The Light Is The Word for Today

"This hexagram describes your situation in terms of intelligence hidden or harmed. It emphasizes that deliberately concealing your light by entering what is beneath you is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: hide your brightness!"


Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

"I can say this, just as the earth blocks the light from reaching the moon during an eclipse, for better or for worse,  situations are constantly changing." ~Bro. B.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Good Morning H-10

Conduct Is The Word for Today

"This hexagram describes your situation in terms of finding and making your way. It emphasizes that doing this step by step is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: tread!"


Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Our Calendar Of Days -- July 2019 H-36

"I am just messing with ya." ~Bro. B.

👉 Our Calendar Of Days -- July 17, 2019

Inspiration motivation Golf Shirt

Farming for Life - Part 1: Is Farming Right for You?

Our Complex Attitudes Towards Animals

A Spiritual Quest

Eat Your Way To A Healthier Life

About Free-Range Food Labels

Healing vs Curing

Healing Vs. Curing Micrographic by Jacuzzi Saunas



Meatless Meat And GDP

Should we Recycle?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Free eBook ~ Today

By: James Byrd, MBA (Business Consultant)

Mark your calendar now. My book/calendar will help you understand upcoming days and generate less stress as to what a particular day in the past, present or the future will be like, or in essences, what will become an obvious reflection of now-time.

My newest edition,  “The Future: 2020” is based on the first edition, (“Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days.”) I just downsized the title somewhat and add more of my observations to be noted by my fans that have been following this project. There is also an eBook coming out soon to accompany this new edition. Cost for the eBook will be $46.00 to you before the sale, or right now. Today, 9/12, “The Future: 2020” will be free to download.

Good Morning ~ God's Minute

July Fourteenth ~ God's Daily Minute

 “I will praise Thee, for Thou hast heard me.” – Ps. 118:21 ~

Our dear Heavenly Father, reverently do we approach Thee, the giver of all good and perfect gifts. We give thanks to Thee for all the blessings Thou hast so graciously bestowed upon us. Thou hast kept us day by day unto this hour. We must say that goodness and mercy have followed us. We have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. For the sake of Jesus do Thou forgive all our sins. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb.
Give us grace to perform every duty in life conscientiously, and in Thy fear, O Lord. May we not be slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. May our lives be fully consecrated to Thy service. Help us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Give us the mind of Christ. May we crucify the old Adam with all his affections and lusts, so that the new man may daily arise within us to live before Thee in righteousness and purity. Give us grace, dear Lord, to live such lives day by day, that when our end shall come we may be prepared to enter upon the rest that remaineth for the people of God.  Grant these blessings unto us, and to all our fellow men, out of the fullness of Thine infinite love and mercy, in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour, and for His sake alone. Amen

By: Conrad Huber, D. D., Richmond, Ind.

Source:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship

Kaneh Bosm: The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament

More Notes

A doctor's case for medical marijuana | David Casarett

Can Cannabis oil reduce cancerous tumors? - Newsnight

BBC Newsnight

Published on Mar 25, 2015

Its known as a pain reliever but can it cure serious illnesses? The medical use of marijuana has been legalized in almost half of US states and anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis oil can be used for serious illnesses.

"Besides, Canada, Cannabis, its a no brainer. ' ~Bro. B.

The Pot Debate

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Watch this stimulating debate on the motion to legalize drugs. Since the drug war began 30 years ago it has cost the U.S. government $2.5 trillion dollars and has currently locked up over 100,000 nonviolent drug offenders in federal prison. The side arguing for the legalization of drugs points out how the drug war has primarily been waged against minorities and the poor in a disproportionate ratio to drug usage. They argue that drug use does not equal drug abuse, and that many drugs such as marijuana are less harmful to society than the current legal drugs of alcohol and prescription drugs. The side arguing against legalizing drugs points out the detrimental effects some drugs have had on communities such as meth and heroin, and how the drug war has to an extent deterred drug usage. Be sure to wait for the results of this excellent debate from Intelligence Squared U.S.

Source it now:

"Besides, Canada, Cannabis, its a no brainer. ' ~Bro. B.

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