
Showing posts from January, 2022


  For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else. –Emerson Hexagram  41 B y: James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram forty- one is  Sun  or Diminishing. Another interpretation is Decrease. The lower trigram is  Dui : open, swamp or forest. The upper trigram is  Gen : bound or mountain.            B. The Judgment    1. Decrease combined with sincerity         Brings about supreme good fortune        Without blame. One may be persevering in this.      2. It furthers one to undertake something. How is this to be carried out?        One may use two small bowls for the sacrifice. C. The Image   1. At the foot of the mountain, the lake:       a) The image of Decrease.       b) Thus the superior man contro...

The Taming Power of the Small

  I.The oracle   A.  Hexagram nine  has more to do with the Superior man refining the outward aspect of his nature. Another variation is the  idea of leaving the way of  Tao  and returning to it with loyal credence , in short, stay with what you know deep down in your being as right action: returning is good but try at best to be, and here comes my favorite word, "Consistent." "Be Consistent."    1. You may stray from  The Way , if you stop along the way, you should always find your way back, and this is all due to loyalty and understanding of The Way.    2. Know that Success comes with being a strategic decision-maker, know which way to go? We see clouds coming from the west, will there be rain? Don't be capricious, trust your perception. B. The Image   1. Wind above, Heaven below       a) The image of The Taming Power of the Small       b) Thus, with this, we see an impen...

4.Youthful Folly

Credit |  FREE WILL MAGIK The Lines Bottom. [6] A person who lacks discipline will not be able to devote himself to the intensive  study necessary to master a subject. Discipline does not mean the forced performance of  dull routine, however. That only deadens the mind and replaces true inquiry. Discipline  means focusing one's attention on the object of study until it becomes clear, until it is understood  and can be used. The young child is accustomed to play and expects everything to  be fun. But the serious student finds pleasure in working on something that is difficult until  it becomes easy. 2. [9] A kind man is patient with inexperienced youth. He is meticulous with explanations  to those who find it difficult to comprehend. He takes it as his responsibility to help and encourage  such persons, not to ridicule and humiliate them. With tolerance and inner  strength, such a man is able to lead large groups of the young and inex...

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50. The Cauldron

50.The Cauldron | The Lines Bottom. [6] Every man has a place in society, and every man can find success in life if he conducts himself in the right way, i.e., if he follows the right path. Not every man is destined to be a leader or a great man or sage. But by aligning himself with the universal forces of right, he can become everything he is naturally capable of becoming. This means he can find success, accomplish things, and be recognized as a good man and a contributor to his community. Every man is recognized by his fellow men, not for what he feels inside about his inner worth, but for what he accomplishes externally for the benefit of others. But he cannot make real progress in accomplishing things that benefit others unless he pursues rightful goals in a rightful way. 2. [9] It is the duty of every man to do something significant with his life -- something that distinguishes him as a person and that makes a contribution to the life of his community, however mod...

Good morning - Receptive is the Word for Today!

The Receptive |   Hexagram  2 B y: James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram 2 is Kun or Field. Additional variations include The Receptive, Acquiesce or the Natural Flow . Hexagram 2's lower trigram is field or earth, and its upper trigram is identical.      B. The Judgment    1. The Receptive brings about sublime success,        Furthering through the perseverance of a mare.        If the superior man undertakes something and tries to lead,         He goes astray; But if he follows, he finds guidance.    2. It is favorable to find friends in the west and south,         To forego friends in the east and north.          Quiet perseverance brings good fortune. C. The Image   1. The earth's condition is receptive devotion.   2. Thus the superior man who...

How To Write a Business Plan To Start Your Own Business

How To Write a Business Plan To Start Your Own Business | Start Your Own Business by Writing Business Plan. How to write a successful business plan for successful startups. Step By Step - How to write a business plan an effectively for starting your own business. Watch 11 Elements of Sample Business Plan - TOP 10 TIPS Before Starting Your OWN BUSINESS : Join our Young Entrepreneurs Forum - #youngentrepreneursforum Do you need a business plan for successful startups in India, USA, UK & Canada. Starting an own business needs working plan which compiles some important details about product & company. Problem Solving Skills To Start a Small Business - #startsmallbusiness 9 Steps For Writing a Business Plan - Required Steps to Write a Business Plan for your company or service. Step 1 - Define your vision 1:16 ...

ECON 125 | Lecture 24: Michael Porter - Strategy

ECON 125 | Lecture 24: Michael Porter - Strategy |

Chris Anderson - Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Chris Anderson - Free: The Future of a Radical Price |   

5 Essential CRM Fields to Track Sales and Marketing Growth

Credit |  Ascend Business Growth

How to make white bean and vegetable soup - Gordon Ramsay - Gordon Ramsa...

Credit |  Quadrillebooks
Coaching Business Success Plan Coaching Business Success Plan By Suzan Schmitt Failing to plan for your coaching business is like planning to fail in your coaching business. You have to have a plan and work that plan. Would you go to a surgeon who did not have a plan for your surgery? Would you go to an accountant who did not have a plan for your taxes? Then why would you allow yourself not to have a plan for your own business? Develop Your Marketing Plan and Work It You must have a plan to marketing and grow your coaching business. Success does not usually happen by accident it requires planning and hard work on a consistent basis. Start with a marketing plan for your coaching business. Set goals and determine the strategies you will employ to reach those goals. Your goals should include the income you desire, the number of hours you wish to work, the type of clients you want to work with, where you want to work and how you want to structure your business. Goals are not simpl...

The Cauldron - Sacrifice None.


Aramco and AEC strengthen digital ecosystem

Aramco and AEC strengthen digital ecosystem  |

The Small Gets By.

Hexagram  62 B y: James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram sixty-two is Xiao Guo , or Small Exceeding. Additional interpretations include Preponderance of the Small and Small Surpassing. The lower trigram is Gen : bound or mountain, and the upper trigram is Zhen : shake or thunder.        B. The Judgment    1. The Preponderance of the Small. Success.        Perseverance furthers. Small things may be done; great things should not be done.    2. The flying bird brings the message: It is not well to strive upward,         It is well to remain below. Great good fortune. C. The Image   1. Thunder on the mountain: (you heard?)       a) The image of Preponderance of the Small.       b) Thus in his conduct, the superior man gives preponderance to reverence.            I...


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