Saturday, April 30, 2022

19. Approach

The Lines

Bottom. [9] At the outset, the time is favorable for beginning worthwhile projects, and these are supported by some important people. Superior men are encouraged by this and gladly become part of the joint effort. But it is important that a person not be swept along by the general enthusiasm and lose his sense of direction. Only by persisting in what is right can good fortune be assured.
2. [9] If those in a higher position favor the expansion and a man has the ability to work diligently and carefully without the need of an overseer to direct his every move, things will turn out well. Although he is well aware of the nature of such times of growth and expansion and realizes that after a period of rapid growth, a time of decline inevitably sets in, yet he does not allow such sober thoughts to deter him. For the time being, everything furthers his advancement, and he goes along with it without hesitation, living fully in the present moment.
3. [6] In a time of expansion, a man enjoys the fruits of his abilities. He is at the height of his powers, has been able to accomplish great things, and he is viewed with honor and respect. But it is at just such a time that he easily slips into being overconfident. He begins to act careless, as if nothing could reduce his position. But this is a mistake, and will surely lead to disaster. Nevertheless, all need not be lost. If he comes to his senses in time and sees the extent of his carelessness, he can begin to act more responsibly and rescue himself from an unhappy fate. The moment of weakness can be rectified, and any damage caused by his temporary lapse can be corrected.
4. [6] The superior man identifies competent subordinates in whom he confides, and whom he elevates to serve as trusted assistants. In selecting such persons, he pays no heed to judgments based on superficial distinctions and unrelated marks of status, but looks at their character, their abilities, and their dedication to the work that needs to be done. He puts such competent persons in positions of influence, and this move makes a substantial contribution to the success of his efforts.
5. [6] A man in a high position needs assistants who are able to help with the various parts of his activities. In selecting such persons, he is careful to choose those who are highly capable, and those who have the ability to work on their own without constant supervision. He then allows them to function independently, knowing that he can depend upon them to do what is right and to work efficiently for the success of the enterprise. He places his trust in such highly competent assistants, knowing that the best, most competent people are unwilling to work in situations where they do not have the freedom to make decisions and to act in accordance with their own best determinations, being responsible to higher authority for the results, but not dependent on those in higher positions for how to proceed.
Top. [6] The superior man who has left the everyday world in order to pursue the life of a wise sage may sometimes be persuaded to return and lead others for a particular endeavor. This is highly beneficial to all those with whom he works, for he is able to give them the benefits of wisdom acquired over many years of experience and through long hours of study. Such a return to the mundane world of man may seem like a lowering of his standing in the eyes of some, but it does him no harm, and it contributes greatly to the benefit of all concerned.
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Friday, April 29, 2022

35. Progress


The Lines

1. [6] Even though everything is set for Rapid Progress, there is an air of uncertainty. The disinterested man is not sure that he will be accepted and trusted; others may turn him away. But he is not disturbed by this possibility. He continues on a rightful path, without trying to force his way. Eventually, his integrity will be recognized, and all will turn out well.
2. [6] Rapid Progress is prevented by someone in a powerful position. This is a great disappointment, but the man is not deterred. He keeps on his rightful path, and eventually the powerful man recognizes his great assets and rewards him.
3. [6] A man is unable to proceed on his own, but luckily he has many supporters who urge him on. With their support, he is able to make progress in spite of all adversity.
4. [9] A time of Rapid Progress often provides opportunities for wrongful gain. If a man succumbs to such temptations, he runs great risk in eventually having his actions brought to light. A superior man avoids making progress through improper means.
5. [6] If a person in an influential position does not take advantage of opportunities to promote his private interests, he should not entertain regrets. It is far more important to maintain the confidence others place in him and not throw his influence away by pursuing self-enrichment. Such opportunities are trivial compared to his main mission.
6. [9] There is a time when progress demands that a man stand firm and forcefully oppose resistance based on erroneous ideas. This is risky--but proper--when dealing with ones close associates; but it can only lead to reversals if strangers are handled in this way.
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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Goodie's I Ching - #23 Splitting Apart (Hexagram)

Goodie's "Unauthentic" Reading IChing - #23 Splitting Apart (Hexagram) The card illustration is drawn by illustrator AmoLime. The following is the overall description of the image. A mountain is rising high on a flat ground. The mountain is not covered with green grasses; instead, it is only made of stone. The mountain is too high and too rigid that it seems to be dangerous. Parts of rocks are falling down from the mountain. A man and a woman are beneath the mountain. One tries to support it with bare hands so that the mountain does not fall down, symbolizing that some people does not learn to change and try to keep his position in vain even when the danger is imminent. The other is trying to run away from the place covering her head with her hands, which implies that abandoning the current position may not be easy if you have missed your chance to change.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

64. Before Completion

The Lines

1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity.
2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the end approaches, but it is important not to let patience turn into indifference and carelessness. Even though one must not rush ahead, one must still keep completion in mind and work steadily towards it if ultimate success is to be achieved. Constant attention and effort is still required, but it must be controlled and restrained.
3. [6] The time has arrived! Completion of the task is at hand! But one lacks the resources to bring things to a close. Forging ahead regardless of capacity to do so could only result in catastrophe. At such a time, it is necessary to find those who can add to the effort and then, under these new circumstances, make the supreme effort needed to bring it to a successful close.
4. [9] The final phase requires enormous effort and determination. It is necessary to proceed as though with one heart and one mind and not be deterred by doubters. Evil forces may try to intervene, but they must be vigorously overcome. Once the battle is over, once completion is realized, the rewards of successful completion will be won.
5. [6] Completion is accomplished. The culmination of a long and faithful struggle is finally realized. The rewards for all one's efforts are at hand. The result is an important and useful contribution that will remain in existence for the benefit of many.
6. [9] Completion brings celebration, and why not? The great work is completed, and the benefits are to be enjoyed. Nevertheless, one must remain circumspect and celebrate with discretion. It would be foolish to detract from the completion of a massive undertaking with a single act of foolishness.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

62. Small Preponderance

The Lines

Bottom. [6] A modest man, when resources are weak, should try to make the best of the situation as it presently exists. He should attempt improvements only as a last resort, when change becomes imperative and there are no other alternatives. If he tries to alter the situation before he is able to increase his strength and develop his resources, he is bound to fail. To go along with things as they have always been done may be quite unsatisfactory, but to attempt to improve them when conditions are unfavorable will at best result in a waste of time and accomplish nothing.
2. [6] The modest man does not stand on ceremony. He has a duty to perform, and if he is unable to do it in a way that reflects highly on himself, he will do it by whatever more modest means are available to him. At such times, he is led by duty, responsibility, and necessity, not by pride or a desire for recognition. This is not the time for him to seek acknowledgment of his status or recognition of his position. To accomplish his main task is his primary purpose.
3. [9] A righteous man who has done no wrong often feels that he has nothing to fear and that no one can touch him. As a result, his overconfidence leads him to neglect taking ordinary precautions that could save him from needless harm. He thinks that to take defensive measures would suggest that maybe he has something to hide, and perhaps he is not as upright as he tries to project. And so, he moves ahead while ignoring the possibility of threats to him and his integrity. But there are often dangers perpetrated by evil men who wish to attack even the most innocent, and to dismiss the possibility leaves a good man unprepared. To fail to take defensive actions in the face of such possibilities can leave even the most guiltless man subject to great difficulties that just a little bit of prevention could have avoided.
4. [9] Sometimes in a very difficult situation, a man can avoid an unfortunate outcome by doing nothing -- that is, by taking no action and simply stepping aside. Situations often have a way of healing themselves without any movement on the part of the person in a weak or potentially dangerous position. In an extremely dangerous situation, doing nothing at least assures that the man does not make a mistake. It may be that any positive act would make the situation worse and bring the man into danger. This does not mean that he gives up or abandons his cause; on the contrary, he continues working towards his goal inwardly and privately. He remains ever ready to accept an improvement of the situation and to receive benefits, but he makes no outward move in that direction.
5. [6] A man is fully capable of leadership and of helping the people find a way out of difficult times, but he is unable to do anything because he is in a weak position where he is alone and without the right kind of assistance. What he envisions will be of great benefit to the people, but he cannot accomplish it by himself; the job requires assistants with special skills. His first step, therefore, is to find helpers who can provide the needed skills and complete the task. These skilled helpers themselves are modest men and not well known, but they have proven their abilities by the work they have done in the past. By identifying these helpers and seeking them out, a good working team can be assembled, and the great and difficult task can be accomplished.
Top. [6] In a time when only minor tasks can be contemplated, if a man is ambitious and seeks to accomplish a great work, and then refuses to back off regardless of the difficulties, he cannot avoid an unfortunate outcome. Such a man, who sets his will against all indicators and refuses to heed the signs of the time, has placed himself in opposition to the movement of Fate. There is nothing that can save him from a disastrous ending
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Best off-grid cabin I've ever toured- SEE WHY

Monday, April 25, 2022

32. Duration

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The works of man that endure do not come about quickly. Rather, they require much planning, a foundation that is constructed carefully, and a structure that is built laboriously over a long period of time. If a man wishes to build something overnight with the expectation that it will endure through the ages, he asks for a result that is contrary to the nature of things. Things that endure have longevity and solidity as characteristics of their every element, and those characteristics are not created instantaneously. They take time to become established and to grow.
2. [9] When a man's ability exceeds the material resources available to him, he naturally hesitates to begin something for fear that he cannot carry through on it because the supply of necessary materials will not endure. But if he can control his efforts and limit himself to the employment of what is readily at hand, there will be no problem. Just because he is capable of more does not mean he must do more.
3. [9] When a man's character is affected by forces in the outer world, when his attitude varies depending on the responses he receives from outside, he loses his ability to endure and to conduct himself with stability. This, in turn, creates constant distress, and he can never be sure from what quarter the distress will arise. This is the consequence of his lacking a reliable view of what he is about, a solid center that will allow him to act according to his goals and objectives. This lack of consistency will result in an endless stream of humiliating blunders.
4. [9] Persistent effort alone is not enough. To be successful, any effort must be directed intelligently in ways that are likely to accomplish the goal. Misdirected effort, no matter how much energy is expended, will accomplish little or nothing. An important part of any endeavor is an efficient and well-focused employment of energy. Men too often prefer to expend physical effort without applying their minds to the best way to arrive at the end. Thought should precede action, and certainty about means should precede the employment of any means.
5. [6] A subordinate should always follow the instructions of his leader or supervisor, but a leader must examine carefully the aims and purposes that are relative to any endeavor and let that be a guide to the direction in which he leads others. A leader cannot follow the directions of someone else, much less can he look to his followers for the path they want or expect him to take. It is no error for the subordinate to follow directions. But for a leader to be unable to discern what is the proper direction he should take and to look to others in order to know the steps that must be taken, is a disgrace. If he does that consistently, he is no leader. The subordinate expects to be told what to do and how to do it. It is not his job to do original thinking and discover new ways of doing things. But original thinking and discovering new ways of doing things is definitely the responsibility of a leader. To do that he must remain open-minded and willing to experiment with new and original ideas for accomplishing the work that he has set out to do.
Top. [6] A man who is in a constant state of turmoil, who is never certain about what he is doing, and always jumping from one project to another, or leaving one task undone to work on something different, will bring misfortune to whatever he attempts. Putting out fires is not good management of affairs. Stepping aside, quietly reflecting on overall objectives and carefully examining the way things are handled is a far superior way of accomplishing great tasks. But running around and fixing first this problem and then that one as they arise is a method that never settles into an enduring method of managing things. Such constant activity actually prevents a studied way of management. It takes the place of an enduring procedure for accomplishing tasks, keeps everyone and everything in a constant state of uncertainty, and inevitably brings misfortune
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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Conversational marketing: What it means for your social media strategy (


Conversational marketing: What it means for your social media strategy (

27. Mouth-Corners

The Lines

Bottom. [9] A man who is in a situation to live simply and whose nature permits him to enjoy the freedom that comes from not being attached to material things and the worldly life, nevertheless abandons such a tranquil existence and turns with desire and envy to look upon those who are better off than he is in their material circumstances. Whereas those persons previously had some measure of respect for his simplicity and his choice of moderation, his lowering himself from his former state of tranquility only produces their disgust and derogation. What was previously respectable has been turned into the weak grasping after something undeserved. This turn toward inferior sentiments can produce nothing but failure.
2. [6] By nature, every man is an independent entity, attending to his personal needs, making decisions that affect himself personally, and making plans for his own continued existence. Under certain circumstances, when he is unable to look after those things for himself, his family or the community or those with a duty to take care of people who cannot care for themselves, step in and assist the man. If, on the other hand, the man is capable of taking care of himself, but refuses to do so out of indolence and instead relies on the kindness of others to perform that function, he puts himself in an awkward, dependent position and he dishonors his standing as a responsible human being. He loses his self-respect and also the respect of others. If he persists in this, he will enter upon a path of decline, leading to unhappiness and misfortune.
3. [6] The man who wastes himself on trivialities will find himself overcome with dissatisfaction, because he fails to fill his life with the things that nourish the spirit. He turns away from doing things that enrich the lives of others, or from working on things that enrich his own life, and instead devotes himself to amusements and diversions that have no substance. While such things pass the time and may bring momentary pleasure, they provide nothing that enables the man to connect to his fellow man in a significant way. He contributes nothing that is beneficial to others, and he does nothing that would make himself a more capable person. Instead he goes from one form of pleasure to another, foolishly thinking that his inner needs will be satisfied by such emptiness. Every man should enjoy a short respite from his labors now and then, and indulge in some form of relaxation that is pleasurable and entertaining. But to make diversion the whole focus of one's life will only lead the man downhill.
4. [6] A man in a responsible position has aims and goals that occupy his thoughts and energies. He enjoys what he is doing, and there are big things he wishes to accomplish. But the enterprise that so engages his attention is more than he can do alone, and he is always looking out for helpers who can contribute their knowledge, talents, or experiences to the effort. He is like a hungry animal, scouring the neighborhood, always on the lookout for someone who might know something or who can add something that would make the enterprise more successful. And when he finds someone, he goes straight for them, being his most convincing self in an effort to enlist their aid. There is nothing wrong with this. He is not doing it for himself or his own glory, but for the work that he is promoting -- a work that will be of benefit to the whole community. He is a good, hard-working man.
5. [6] A man has the concept of a great work that he realizes should be done -- a work that would contribute mightily to the nourishment of mankind -- but he is not capable of pulling it off himself. He lacks the strength or the knowledge of the ability to do it. He only envisions the goal, but recognizes that it is a worthy one. Although he would like to be the leader of the enterprise, and launch out on his own, he is compelled to consult with and seek the assistance of another who has the required strengths, even though this may not be fully recognized. If he works with and through this more capable man, the enterprise can be successful. But he must remain aware that he is not the one who has the necessary talent. A great work will not be accomplished, however, if instead he is led by arrogance or a desire for recognition and thrusts himself forward as the main force that is doing the job. To do that would cause the whole project to collapse and the great work to fail of accomplishment.
Top. [9] A truly great man has influence upon all those around him, to their great benefit.
As a great man, he is not consumed with self-centered things such as pride or ambition, but is fully aware of the enormous responsibility that he labors under, for he sees how his leadership is an important part of the lives of these others.

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Saturday, April 23, 2022

13. Fellowship

The Lines
Bottom. [9] From the very beginning, duties and responsibilities should be clearly understood by all. When the group enters into actual contact with the situation, there should be no doubts or misunderstandings about aims and means. Any dealings conducted behind the backs of other participants could only lead to disenchantment and failure.
2. [6] The formation of factions within the group must be eliminated by all means. If the leader has his favorites, if others are isolated from the main purpose and left free to pursue their own interests, this only encourages actions that work contrary to the group's overall purpose. This will result in mediocre work and failure.
3. [6] If the members cannot trust one another, if factions plot against other factions behind their backs, the strength of the group is dissipated and they cannot come together to accomplish anything important. All effort is diverted into calculations of one group against another, and the great and worthy purpose of the whole group is forgotten. Those who oppose the group cannot be overcome with such divisions, and the group begins to disintegrate. In time, all the good intentions have come to naught.
4. [6] Eventually, the divisions within the group are seen as counterproductive. It is impossible to make advancement when members are at odds with one another. But happily, the futility of it all begins to be universally recognized. The group is unable to advance, but the causes are clearly seen. This is good, because faults that are recognized can provide insight into the means by which they may be corrected.
5. [9] Members of a group may be at variance with one another, but deep down, they realize that they are all on the same side. Problems arise, and they must deal with them, but they recognize that the best path for them is to settle their differences and find ways to work together. It is a hard struggle, but in the end, they are happy to be working together. Top. [6] When the fire that was present in the hearts of the members has gone, the members find they are still associated with one another, even if the initial attachment has grown weak. The work of the group is not finished, but all keep working towards it, realizing that it is a worthwhile thing and that all should focus on completion, even though the enthusiasm is no longer present

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Friday, April 22, 2022

The A to Z of Instagram Insights (


The A to Z of Instagram Insights (

20 public relations stats to know for better outcomes in 2022

Credit | 20 Public Relations Stats to Know in 2022 | Sprout Social


40. Deliverance Today


The Lines

Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune.
2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance.
3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attracts those who are naturally envious of anyone who thinks they are well off -- those who would wish him ill and would like to deprive him of whatever they can, if only out of meanness. If he continues with such a pretentious attitude, he is sure to meet with misfortune. A man more accustomed to an easier lifestyle is more circumspect. He enjoys himself quietly without expecting strangers to appreciate his favorable situation, and he attracts little attention or envy.
4. [9] When a man's progress is halted in the face of difficulties and obstructions, he may find that inferior men associate with him because they are in similar circumstances, even if permanently. It is easy for the man to think that these are reliable companions just because they are similarly situated and their fate seems to be the same. But when the time of deliverance comes, and the man is able to move ahead out of these unhappy circumstances, it is important that he abandon these characters he had begun to identify with. They are not suitable companions for the higher, more accomplished circles he is destined to move in. If he tries to bring them with him, other people who would be of real assistance to him, and who could help him accomplish his goals, will become wary and inclined to stay away. Superior people do not want to associate themselves with someone who surrounds himself with disreputable characters.
5. [6] When a superior man who has been through a period when his progress has been stymied finally is able to free himself and experience deliverance from his former circumstances, he will find that the inferior people who have attached themselves to him during his period of decline are not so easy to get rid of. He feels some obligation towards them and tries to be accommodating to them, but they interpret that as a desire to continue the association, and they seem to take advantage of his lack of resolve. It is necessary, therefore, that he become clear in his own mind that he definitely no longer wants to continue associating with the lesser characters. Once he acquires that inner certainty, it will be obvious in his general attitude. The lesser people will soon get the point, and will leave him alone.
Top. [6] The possibility exists for the man to move out of a difficult situation that has been holding him back, but an evil person in a powerful position is preventing the man from moving on. This is all that is holding him back, but being evil, this person will not relent and must be dealt with. It is necessary, therefore, for the man to take whatever steps are necessary to overcome this evil obstruction. Once this obstacle is out of the way, everything proceeds smoothly.
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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Earth Day 1970–2022: What's Changed?

35. Progress

The Lines

1. [6] Even though everything is set for Rapid Progress, there is an air of uncertainty. The disinterested man is not sure that he will be accepted and trusted; others may turn him away. But he is not disturbed by this possibility. He continues on a rightful path, without trying to force his way. Eventually, his integrity will be recognized, and all will turn out well.
2. [6] Rapid Progress is prevented by someone in a powerful position. This is a great disappointment, but the man is not deterred. He keeps on his rightful path, and eventually the powerful man recognizes his great assets and rewards him.
3. [6] A man is unable to proceed on his own, but luckily he has many supporters who urge him on. With their support, he is able to make progress in spite of all adversity.
4. [9] A time of Rapid Progress often provides opportunities for wrongful gain. If a man succumbs to such temptations, he runs great risk in eventually having his actions brought to light. A superior man avoids making progress through improper means.
5. [6] If a person in an influential position does not take advantage of opportunities to promote his private interests, he should not entertain regrets. It is far more important to maintain the confidence others place in him and not throw his influence away by pursuing selfenrichment. Such opportunities are trivial compared to his main mission.
6. [9] There is a time when progress demands that a man stand firm and forcefully oppose resistance based on erroneous ideas. This is risky--but proper--when dealing with ones close associates; but it can only lead to reversals if strangers are handled in this way.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

42. Increase

The Lines
Bottom. [9] When unseen forces come together to provide a man with the strength and capacity to achieve something great, it is essential that he use the favorable time responsibly and timely. Such opportunities are rare, and the man will have great success if he uses the occasion to benefit others, and not take advantage of the favorable times merely to enrich himself. If he acts in this way for the benefit of others, his activities will be free of criticism.
2. [6] A man who has dedicated himself to accomplishing worthy deeds will find himself favored by unseen forces, and what he seeks will come about almost of itself. When the forces of the universe are in harmony, there is nothing that can oppose them. Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon the man to keep himself in harmony with those forces, and this he may do by not taking his good fortune for granted, by paying close attention to his purposes, and by being careful to keep himself on a rightful path. With all things working together in this manner, he will be able to accomplish great works for mankind and bring honor upon himself.
3. [6] When everything favors the dedicated man, even events that might ordinarily seem unfortunate turn out to be an advantage for him. This is not a problem for him, however. He is not looked upon as one who profits from the misfortune of others, but rather as one who takes misfortune and turns it into something less of a calamity. By adhering to what is honest and true, the man makes no mistakes and is honored as one who speaks with the authority of Heaven.
4. [6] In a time of progress and abundance, a man who acts as a mediator serves an important function if he is careful to see to it that the higher authorities are kept informed and the people are dealt with justly and generously. In a time when difficult enterprises are underway, it is important that everyone feels they are being treated fairly and have no reason for not working together.
5. [9] A truly kind man bestows his kindness upon those in distress on the basis of need, not merit. He thinks not about those who will show gratitude, but about those who will suffer great injury if someone does not help them. He does not expect to be rewarded, but he nevertheless does receive recognition for his generosity, and his kindness serves as an example to others.
Top. [9] A man in a high place who ignores his duty to work for the benefit of those who are his responsibility soon finds that they have turned away from him. He does not receive their support, and this in turn denies him the cooperation and good fortune that might otherwise come his way. If a man places himself outside the beneficial forces that surround him and in opposition to those who depend upon him, he cannot expect those forces to reward him or those dependents to come to his rescue. A selfish heart should not expect unselfish gifts in return. A man who refuses to provide protection for others cannot expect them to come to his aid when he is attacked.
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