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Friday, September 30, 2022

10. Proper Conduct

The Lines 

Bottom. [9] A man who is not involved in a complicated relationship with others remains free of any obligations. His simple life-style allows him to follow his own inclinations, but the simplicity of his activities means he does not have much influence. If he is content with that, all is well and good. He will accomplish things on a small scale without any problem and will enjoy the satisfactions that come from minimal involvements in the world. If, on the other hand, he is dissatisfied with such simplicity and has a gnawing desire to improve his situation, his interest will be in advancing himself, not in accomplishing something. Success in such ambitious undertakings means he will become arrogant and materialistic.

2. [9] If a man chooses the quiet life of a man of wisdom and remains apart from the turmoil of the world, content with his basic needs and not desirous of material acclaim and rewards, he can travel through life peacefully, untroubled by the earthly cares that beset those who seek greater involvement. He can observe the ways of the world while being uninvolved himself. His quiet life-style means he does not challenge the forces that throw the lives of other men into disarray.

3. [6] If a man chooses to ignore his own limitations and plunges ahead into worldly involvements regardless of the difficulties and his lack of abilities, he will overextend himself and expose himself to great dangers. Such recklessness is sure to bring on great difficulties and possibly disaster. This kind of commitment is justified only when a person must rise in defense of something that cannot be abandoned or neglected, or for someone to whom he owes total loyalty.

4. [9] The situation may be dangerous, but the man is convinced he has the power to prevail. Nevertheless, he hesitates out of caution and a natural fear of the possible consequences. His lack of confidence, however, is his biggest problem. If he has the capacity to prevail, he will be successful in spite of the danger.

5. [9] A man recognizes that he must stand up and take charge of the situation, regardless of how dangerous it is. But as long as he remains fully aware of the danger and carefully calculates his actions based on that awareness, he can succeed. Full awareness of the situation enables him to judge exactly what he must do at each step of the way in order to insure that everything works out well. Maintaining his attention on the danger will help prevent him from falling into it.

Top. [9] In the end, how can a man know if his efforts will be successful? It is to look at the consequences that followed from the actions he has taken. If the effects that follow from actions taken are favorable, then the results of the entire effort will be good. It is difficult for a man to understand his own motivations in everything he does. Often he acts instinctively, thinking that whatever he is doing is for the best. But if he looks at the effects that his actions have, if he observes the responses that follow from what he does, then he will know whether he is acting correctly and whether in the end things will turn out successfully or not.

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

60. Limitation

The Lines

Bottom. [9] Sometimes a man comes up against what seems at the time to be insurmountable limitations. When this happens, it is important that the man recognize the situation and not try to go beyond what is possible. By staying within the limits set on his forward movement, he is able to consolidate his resources, sharpen his skills, and adequately plan his next move. Then, when the time is ripe, he will be in a position to take whatever further steps are indicated at that time. Careful planning is necessary for the accomplishment of great enterprises.

2. [9] When a man prepares for action, there comes a time when preparation is complete, obstacles are out of the way, and action is most appropriate. Before that time, he is not really ready. After that time, he has missed the opportunity. If worrying and fretting cause him to delay when the time is ripe, the result will be failure.

3. [6] The man who seeks only the pleasures of frivolous entertainment has no sense of limitations. He is looking for as much of those things as he can find to fill as many hours in the day as he has. Such a path is hardly the way to a fulfilling life, and invariably leads to a sense of emptiness and futility. And just as invariably, he will seek to blame others or circumstances for his fruitlessness. Only when he comes to realize that the vacuity of his life is his own doing, that the path he pursues cannot possibly provide a sense of fulfillment, will he be able to focus himself and his life upon a more productive path.

4. [6] If a man's life is limited by artificial values that do not naturally suit him, he will get nowhere because all his energies are directed at maintaining the form while ignoring the substance. Limitations that lead to success exist for a purpose: they contribute directly to the achievement of the man's goals and purposes, and in fact are necessary to accomplish the goals successfully. Other kinds of limitations that only help make life more complicated and add nothing of themselves detract from the goal and siphon off energy needed to achieve it.

5. [9] A man who seeks to establish limitations on others cannot exempt himself. In fact, he will be much more successful if he presents himself as a model for limited behavior. "Do as I say, not as I do" has little influence on others and instead earns their contempt, not their respect. But if the man adopts the limitations himself and can show how successfully they work, his words and example will exert tremendous influence. With such an approach, success will come to all who adopt the limitations.

Top. [6] All normal men aspire to some degree of personal liberty. For a youth, a reasonable level of liberty is seen as an entitlement as he approaches adulthood. If limitations are imposed that go too far in suppressing what is seen as a reasonable degree of personal liberty, the normal, healthy person will surely rebel. If he who imposes the limitations thinks that he, as an authority figure, has the right to impose any limitations he chooses, no matter how severe, then his actions can only lead to disaster, because they violate human nature and force a reaction in their object. There is one exception to this rule, however. There are occasions when the strictest limitations are needed in order to heal the body or the mind. If a person has lost control over his own behavior, if he is unable to do what he must or unable to resist what he must not, then it is necessary for him to submit himself to whatever limitations are required in order to rescue him from misfortune. These may indeed by unpleasant and even unbearable; but the difficulties that have engulfed him demand no less

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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

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54. The Marrying Maiden

The Lines

Bottom. [9] A man who is a newcomer and a subordinate has an excellent relationship with the head man, who has taken a liking to him and will help him along. It is important, however, that this newcomer keep himself quietly in the background, and not try to step out in front of the other subordinates who are of higher rank than he. This might seem to place him at a greater disadvantage than need be, and he might think it will prevent him from accomplishing some of the tasks he is capable of. But by not pushing himself forward and maintaining a friendly relationship with subordinates of higher rank, he can still accomplish many things without seeming a threat to the others, although he may not enjoy as much status and recognition as he would like.

2. [9] A man feels he has fallen out of favor. Whereas he had hopes of a productive relationship with the head man, the head man seems to ignore him and leaves him to his own devices. The man feels abandoned and shut-out, and this is a great disappointment to him. But he remains loyal and does not depart. He accepts his situation and resolves to accomplish as much as he can, regardless of the apparent neglect. Perhaps things will change for the better in time, but he remains steady, even though there is no assurance that his situation will improve.

3. [6] A man is in a position of little status, and yearns for something better. He is unable to move ahead through the ordinary competitive channels, however, and chooses to make headway in a way that is not flattering to his reputation, even though it is not exactly illegal or wrong. Thus, there is a trade-off: he gains some of the advantages that he so eagerly seeks, but he is not thought highly of because of what he must do to win these gains. His gains entail some losses. The choice is his. It is a real choice with real consequences, however. If he stays where he is, it is unlikely he will never move ahead.

4. [9] This man is in a position of little status, but he decides that he would rather remain where he is than do something that is somewhat less than honorable in order to make advancements. Opportunities seem to pass him by, and true to his choice, he remains in a position of little status. But eventually his better character is recognized, he is honored for his faithfulness and integrity, and somewhat belatedly he receives a position that is just as good as that which he might have obtained had he been less circumspect. In the end, he acquires what he had hoped for and does so with his reputation completely intact.

5. [6] A man of high status and good reputation takes a position of lower rank than he previously held. Where others might see this as an embarrassing or even humiliating step down, he accepts the position with dignity and sees it only as an opportunity to continue his work and to be of service to his fellow man, though with much less pressure. He looks askance at all concerns about rank, class and pride, and focuses instead on the task at hand. As a result, all goes well, the relaxed situation suits him, and he has great success.

Top. [6] A man occupies a high position, but it has little meaning for him. He performs his tasks perfunctorily, but his heart is not in it. He is looked upon as a worthless drudge and a bureaucratic plodder. He accomplishes little, he has no influence, and little self-respect. Nothing good could come of him.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

20. Contemplation

The Lines Bottom.

[6] It is no disgrace for an ordinary man not to understand exactly what it is that gives the superior man the influence he has. This is only made clear by intensive study and contemplation. But for a superior man to be unaware of the elements of character that enable him to be a leader that people look up to draws into question his qualifications for being a leader. In order for him to fill a position of leadership, he should have a complete understanding of the meaning of moral leadership and how what he says and what he does influences others. He must see clearly how his life can be an inspiration and a guide to those he leads.

2. [6] A man of ordinary abilities is not able fully to comprehend how he affects others by the way he thinks, speaks and acts. In doing such things, he merely reacts to how outward circumstances affect himself and his own self-interests. He is not quite able to think in a broader context and see how others might think and feel about what he does. He does not judge right and wrong by how things impact upon groups of people, but only how things impact upon himself. In addition, he does not understand what drives another's actions and what another's motives might be. Here also, his concerns are all centered around himself, and he does not grasp what are the needs and wants of other men, especially if they differ from his own needs and wants. This is sufficient for ordinary persons who need not think of anything beyond themselves and their own immediate concerns. But this is woefully inadequate for a man who is responsible for others, for negotiating with others, and for making decisions that will affect the lives of others. Such a self-centered, inadequate viewpoint can only lead to poor judgments and mediocre outcomes.

3. [6] Ironically enough, a man begins to understand others by contemplating himself. Not, of course, by thinking only of himself and his own needs and interests, but by gaining insight into himself and how he is led by his own self-interest, often to the exclusion of considering the effects that what he does has on others. When he begins to see in these broader terms, he begins to understand how other men are often led by the same self-interests. But he also can begin to understand how other men have certain real needs and interests that his own self-concerns often ignore. With this knowledge, he begins to acquire an enlarged vision of not only himself, but of his place in the world of others. When he can do that, he can make decisions that encompass the interests of larger groups of people. His mind extends beyond himself, and he is able to think in more objective terms. He begins to under-stand that self-knowledge is not really centered on "ME" but on the place that a person occupies in the world as a whole. With this broader vision, he can see how what he does affects others, and with that in mind, he can tell whether some particular action leads to the progress or the setback of those he leads.

4. [6] If a man is of such a high inner development that he understands those things that are conducive to the advancement and growth of societies of men, such a man should be taken in and honored with a position of great responsibility. He is able to judge those measures which are rightly taken, as well as those measures which are not conducive to the general welfare. He should be allowed the freedom necessary to act upon his wise judgments, and should not be used merely for his technical skills and abilities to promote policies formulated by others. His vision and influence are invaluable, and nothing should be put in his way that might impede his exercising command.

5. [9] A leader of men should subject himself to careful self-examination, and in examining himself, he should not just make a value judgment upon his own motives and acts, but he should look to the effects that he has produced. The opinions and criticisms of himself by himself or by others have little meaning up against the real results of the actions he has taken. Have the results of his actions been good? Has he influenced others to do things that must be judged good? Has mankind benefited by what he has done? Are the live of people better for what he has contributed? If so, then he has every right to feel satisfied with himself as a leader and benefactor of men, for it is by the fruits of a man's life that he must be judged.

Top. [9] Whereas the leader of men looks to the results of his actions, the sage considers whether his actions are free from evil. The results of the life of the sage occur in the world of the invisible, and are not readily discernible by men.

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Credit | 20. Contemplation - YouTube


Monday, September 26, 2022

Incredible Benefits of Honey : A Yogic Superfood

Credit | Incredible Benefits of Honey : A Yogic Superfood - YouTube

18. Work On The Decayed

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The root causes of stagnation and decay extend back into the distant past. The habits that produce decline become well-established over time. But it is the nature of decay that it is unacceptable. Everyone recognizes it, even if only unconsciously they know that something is wrong. Therefore, the decay is not so well-entrenched that it cannot ever be corrected. But it must not be ignored. Only when one retains clearly in mind the idea of how things should be can the correction be made.

2. [9] Decline that arises out of inadequacy should not be condemned too severely. After all, a person should not be treated with contempt for something over which they have little control, something they could hardly help doing. The idea is not to execute judgment and make people feel guilty, but to improve the situation. And that is best done through kindness, encouragement, and every form of assistance that will enable those who have allowed things to decline to make them better. They must be shown the way, and helped to acquire the means to follow it.

3. [9] It often happens that, in pursuing the correction of long-standing mediocrity, a man pushes too hard. This naturally causes some unhappiness and even resistance. No one is perfect, not even the corrector of imperfections. But no great harm is done. It is better sometimes to push too hard than not hard enough. All will be forgiven when the situation is finally made better.

4. [6] Permitting mediocrity that is long-standing to continue cannot bode well. These things are difficult to correct, and it is always easier to let things slide and to continue with the same inadequate ways that have been used in the past. Everyone is used to the careless ways they have always worked with, and changes will require a major overhaul. If circumstances are such that increased responsibilities are bringing greater demands, while intrenched inadequacies are beginning to reveal how really bad things are, and then a person still is too weak or indifferent to change them, things will only go from bad to worse. This is a prescription for disaster.

5. [6] If a person lacks the ability to correct long-standing corruption, he should not just ignore the problem. Anything he does will be better than leaving everything as it is. He should solicit as many suggestions and as much help as he can find. Even if he cannot completely correct the situation, any improvement that he can bring about will be recognized and be to his credit.

Top. [9] Not every man need be a crusader or a reformer. Even a superior man, who is fully capable of correcting the decline he sees all about him and leading the way to reform, need not become involved if he chooses not to. But this does not mean that he should feel free to take the easy way out, sit back and criticize, and leave it to others to do the hard work of reform. As a man of superior dedication, it is not his option to do nothing. Rather, he should work on the refinement of his own character and aspire truly to be a sage, together with whatever dedicated activities such a path may require of him. This might well mean as much or more hard work than the job of the reformer. And this, too, has benefits for mankind.

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Sunday, September 25, 2022

63. From Old To New

The Lines Bottom.

[9] Immediately after a significant transition takes place, the momentum of change is still effective, and there is a tendency for it to be carried too far. If change is overdone, it creates uncertainty and weakness, a need for a pullback, and the introduction of confusion that could lead to chaos and disaster. The wise man, therefore, exercises caution at this time when everyone else is pushing ahead with elation and recklessness. He holds back, and even though he may receive some slight injury from the pullback that necessarily follows when a general movement goes too far, his caution prevents the minor loss from becoming a major one.

2. [6] After a complete change to a new order of things, a man feels that the new leadership is ignoring him, and that he lacks the opportunities that are necessary for the advancement of what he seeks to accomplish. Those in new positions of leadership may seem content with the changes that the recent transition has brought, and care nothing for new projects or developments. They are content to sit back and rest upon what they have done. Everyone seems to have lost their sense of mission and their interest in moving forward, and are now chiefly concerned with their own power, position and reputation. This causes the man to consider some ostentatious way of bringing his ideas to everyone's attention, but this would be a mistake. If he becomes a part of the same struggle for power and position that engages everyone else, all that he intends will be corrupted and will come to naught. His wisest course is to guard his integrity, maintain his position, consolidate his resources, refine his plans, and develop his skills in preparation for a time when they can be profitably employed. After the present hollow scene has played itself out, a desire for substance and for men with great ideas will arise, and the man's day will arrive. If he stands firm for his principles and for his solid vision, if his goals are really worthwhile, it is impossible that they will lose their value. All he needs to do is wait patiently for the wheel of Fate to turn, and he will be in a position to realize his goals.

3. [9] When a time of transition is complete and the new order is well-established, a new and revitalized administration usually seeks to expand its powers and enlarge its field of influence. It is filled with energy, and to fail to employ that energy in some constructive way is to invite stagnation and decline. This can mean a long and difficult struggle to move into other territories and incorporate them into the expanding enterprise, however. In order for this to succeed, it must be done correctly and in accordance with what is right and just. It should not be parceled out to parvenus who would not be considered worthy to hold a leading position at home. To expand an operation, but to include inferior people as part of the expansion, is a sure way to bring on disaster to the entire enterprise.

4. [6] When a transition is complete and a community is at the height of its power, it is almost inevitable that some kind of scandal will occur that points to the presence of evil and corruption. This will surely invoke outrage from the people, but since the general tenor of the transition is highly favorable, these problems are easily dispensed with, and the people are mollified. Nevertheless, the wise man looks upon these outcroppings of corruption as for causes, and takes corrective action.

5. [9] In the evolution of civilization, there occurs growth and development in the ways men express their spiritual feelings. This, too, is subject to transitional periods in which simple devotion is replaced by more complex forms and more expensive settings. But in spiritual matters, empty dogma, ostentatious show, material magnificence, and gaudy spectacle are completely without importance. Indeed, they tend to encourage external appearances that serve only as facades that hide a vast emptiness and a profound meaninglessness in the spirit of man. What really counts is the inner man, the seriousness of his convictions, and his respect for, allegiance to, and compliance with universal law. Ritual and dogma too often serve as a cloak that is thrown over the inner poverty of inferior and evil men, but a simple and honest respect for the powers of the Universe are the marks of a truly devout man.

Top. [6] When there is a transition bringing with it significant change, there is often a temptation to turn around, look back, and contemplate the mistakes and evils of the past. But this is a dangerous distraction and can led to unfortunate consequences. By contemplating the past, a man renews and reinforces his attachment to the past and the power it has over him.

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

2.The Receptive

Credit | 2.The Receptive - YouTube

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The worthy assistant remains alert to the first signs of deterioration in the endeavors of which he is a part. Since he does not have responsibility for everything, he can stand back and observe problems at their very beginning. Thus he is able to heed the early signs, take precautions against further deterioration, and keep things going smoothly.

2. [6] The subordinate accommodates himself to the needs of the creative leader. He supplies what the leader lacks, and thus makes himself indispensable. He suggests improvements and effective alternatives that enable the creative leader to achieve his goals. He has no motives or goals himself outside of making the work of the creative leader more effective.

3. [6] The effective assistant does not seek recognition for himself or his abilities, for he knows that to do so would undermine the joint effort. He may well have many assets that others are unaware of, and which he keeps concealed until needed. He avoids attracting attention to himself, because that can arouse resentment as well as all kinds of opposing forces that would defeat his usefulness. Even as an assistant, he may well occupy an important position. Nevertheless, his chief attribute is restraint. His aim is the success of the endeavors of which he is a part, not receiving credit for what he does. This will often require a considerable amount of working behind the scenes.

4. [6] In difficult times, one must act with great delicacy and avoid drawing even the slightest attention to oneself. Since he times are difficult, any degree of prominence is almost surely to be misunderstood or misinterpreted. By remaining completely in the background, the subordinate assistant can complete his work without anyone even knowing that he has been actively involved.

5. [6] If the Devoted Assistant is forced into a prominent position, even though he is not and cannot be an independent player, he must act with the highest degree of discretion, sincerity and dignity. These characteristics should reveal themselves, not in mannerisms or haughty attitudes, but indirectly through the way he does things and brings about results.

Top. [6] The man in a subordinate position who tries to assume the position of leadership brings down upon himself every form of opposition from those stronger than he. He causes great injury to himself, to the work he is supposedly a part of, and to all around him. Such an effort to which he is unsuited by nature can only bring defeat and disaster to everyone involved. All lines 6's. When the subordinate is combined with the creative, the attributes of both are melded together, so that the man remains steadfast and enduring while working in the pursuit of what is right. Nothing great comes of this, but then nothing harmful happens either.

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Friday, September 23, 2022

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55. Abundance

The Lines

Bottom. [9] To join with another who seeks to achieve the same goals through action and clear understanding can only serve to bring about success. With such combined forces, success is assured. No matter how much time they spend working together, they will both find the association stimulating and highly productive.

2. [6] Inferior people are active, and their powerful influence confuses the situation, so that a leader is unable to identify the persons on whom he might depend to accomplish a great work. Under such circumstances, a superior man is envied and disparaged by inferior people, and anything he does is met with distrust and opposition. He is unable to energetically pursue anything that might be productive. All such a man can do is hold to the clarity of his inner vision and stand by what is true. Eventually, the truth of the situation will be comprehended by the leader, and he will realize that the superior man is the only one capable of doing the job.

3. [9] A man's effectiveness can be completely pushed to the side by the prevalence of inferior men, who rise and make their presence known before the leader. The situation is so dominated by inferior people, nothing the man does will turn out successful, despite his best efforts. Although his influence is completely crowded out, he cannot be blamed for this outcome. He is prevented by the circumstances from being effective.

4. [9] The influence of dark forces begins to fade. Persons of clear knowledge and action are able to come together, and a superior man meets a leader who is like-minded with himself. The man's enthusiasm is matched by the leader's wisdom, and the combination means that a favorable outcome is then possible.

5. [6] When a leader is modest and has an open mind to the counsel of wise and able assistants, a large number of good ideas can be made available for consideration by everyone. Many excellent possibilities can be presented and acted upon utilizing the combined intelligence of everyone involved. This results in some great projects that lead to outstanding success, with recognition and prosperity for all.

Top. [6] If a man becomes obsessed with his success, if he is overcome with pride and arrogance because of his own achievements and so dominates everyone that he closes his mind to their counsel, then he loses touch with those he needs most, he loses sight of the whole point of his endeavors, and all his efforts come to naught. Abundance becomes an empty shell because the man got carried away with it all. He ends up alone and with nothing

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

14. Great Possession

The Lines

1. [9] At the beginning of an enterprise, the great leader has not been tested and he is naturally free of mistakes. Yet he should realize that there are many difficulties yet to come, and that he must not assume he can expect great results just because things start off smoothly. He should pay close attention to problems as they arise and not succumb to overconfidence.

2. [9] The leader must know how to make use of the human resources at his disposal. By gathering to himself highly competent and willing helpers, he is able to accomplish far more than he possibly could working alone.

3. [9] A great leader who is modest devotes his talents to great works that will benefit all. He realizes that for his work on this earth to endure, he must give it away in this manner. The lesser man cannot do this, because his efforts are all directed to his own enrichment. As a result, the lesser man's works expire when he does.

4. [9] The great leader must associate with the wealthy and powerful. It is important that he avoid being caught up in their world of intrigues and accumulation. If he keeps his eyes on the work he wishes to accomplish, he will not be distracted and make mistakes.

5. [6] The dedication of the great leader attracts many followers. His honesty and commitment win them over. But the accolades of the crowd can induce him to lower himself to coarse and ignoble behavior, and thus undermine the great influence he has built up. Thus, a great leader maintains dignity in order to pursue his worthy goals.

6. [9] At the height of his achievement, the great leader who is modest receives honor and respect. His selfless devotion to the general good is recognized, and Heaven itself seems to favor him, because all that he does accords with the movement of Fate.

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Credit | 14.Great Possession - YouTube

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

How to get your ideas to spread | Seth Godin

Credit | How to get your ideas to spread | Seth Godin - YouTube

Jason Fried, 37 Signals, Marketing by Sharing

Credit | Jason Fried, 37 Signals, Marketing by Sharing - YouTube

The Talk: Marketing by Sharing

Jason Fried is the co-founder and President of 37signals, a privately-held Chicago-based company committed to building the best web-based tools possible with the least number of features necessary. 37signals' products include Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, Campfire, Ta-da List, and Writeboard. 37signals also developed and open-sourced the Ruby on Rails programming framework. 37signals' products do less than the competition - intentionally. Jason believes there's real value and beauty in the basics. Elegance, respect for people's desire to simply get stuff done, and honest ease of use are the hallmarks of 37signals products.

38. Opposition

The Lines

1. [9] Opposition cannot be eliminated by force, because that only causes the opposition to become indignant and entrenched. Given time, a person of good intent will gradually come around and accept areas of small agreement. Similarly, persons of evil intent, if endured, will gradually lose interest and go away. However, neither will respond to force, except to become more difficult.

2. [9] When opposition causes persons to divide irreconcilably on an issue of mutual concern, no direct action can help. But a casual meeting, devoid of intent, may lead to the beginning of an agreement if, indeed, both parties have a need for one another.

3. [6] If first attempts at reconciling the opposition result in humiliating rejection, one should not despair. Dedication and loyalty in the face of it all will be rewarded, and the problems will eventually be resolved.

4. [9] When a person is absolutely alone in the stand he has taken, he will not be able to make any progress. But if he meets a kindred spirit who will side with and support him, he should by all means join forces with him. With such a helper on whom to test his ideas, he can make progress and avoid making mistakes.

5. [6] Isolated by opposition, a man builds an impenetrable wall around himself for protection. But anyone who will take the trouble to break through that wall in order to pledge support is surely someone who can be trusted. The man makes no mistakes when he agrees to join forces with such a helper.

6. [9] A man becomes paranoid when he is beset by widespread opposition. He misjudges even the good intentions of potential supporters and is suspicious of all friendly acts. But this is error, and when he realizes it, he can welcome the help and rejoice in the support his stand has attracted.

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Credit | 38.Opposition - YouTube


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

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Credit | Accounting 1: Program #1 - "Introduction to Class" - YouTube

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59. Dispersion

The Lines

Bottom. [6] As soon as divisiveness arises, it should be faced up to and eradicated. If a man waits until it gains a foothold, it will be much more difficult to eliminate, and may, in fact, bring down disaster. As soon as evidences of discord, distrust and dislike begin to arise, it is important to get to the source of the disagreement, to discuss the differences, to uncover them and eliminate them through mutual understanding, so that all can return to working together in mutually supportive ways.

2. [9] As soon as in individual detects in himself an alienation from his fellow men, when he realizes that he mistrusts some and dislike others, it is essential that he take steps to eliminate these divisive feelings. He should not let himself slip into a growing separation unawares, but should rely on his own inner examination of the causes, based on a sense of justice and fairness, and a wish to be on good terms with everyone. He should not let ill will fester, for this has a deteriorating effect upon his own personality and can only lead to worse and worse relationships with his fellow man. If he is able to resolve his bad feelings and heal the breech in his relationships, he will avoid a situation that can only lead to regret.

3. [6] When a man's sense of duty calls him to responsibilities that are far beyond his personal interests, it becomes necessary for him to forget about himself and his mundane needs. What he seeks to accomplish will be of enormous benefit to mankind and is of far greater importance than his own material existence. So he abandons such personal concerns and is thereby enabled to complete the great and difficult task that lies before him. By focusing entirely on his calling, on the job that lies ahead, and on the accomplishment of this thing above all other things that might concern him, he arrives at the concentrated state of mind that will permit him to achieve this great humanitarian goal.

4. [6] A man engaged in work that is for the benefit of mankind does not allow himself to be concerned with the interests of those closely associated with himself. What he seeks is of far greater importance than the acquisitive wishes of self-centered friends. He cannot find the proper approach nor develop the proper policies if he allows himself to descend to such petty private interests. What he seeks is far greater than the needs of any single individual, and only he who is able to go beyond such small matters is capable of achieving great and lasting things. Not everyone is able to see this, however. Only he whose vision encompasses the great connectedness of all humanity.

5. [9] There are times when ideas have enormous power. When people are torn apart from one another, when what was a great movement is breaking up with disputes and disagreements -- it is at just such a time that a great man can step in and electrify everyone with a solution, a purpose, an ideal that can bring all the fracturing groups together and prevent their scattering abroad. It is at just such a time -- just when it appears that everything is lost and all is dissolving into bickering factions -- that a tremendous insight can serve as a rallying point to bring everyone together and to resolve all their differences. This is the time when a man in a leadership position can eliminate misunderstandings and bring an entire movement back together.

Top. [9] By taking precipitate action, a man can rescue himself and all those associated with him. In this way, danger is avoided and all are saved from harm. He recognizes the danger, and he knows that it will soon do great harm to everyone if he fails to act and they remain where they are. Therefore he does whatever the situation demands in order to avoid the danger and to assure that everyone is out of harm's way. He does not remain to face the danger, nor to stand his ground against it. He escapes with all the people that are important to him, and escape is unquestionably the right move for him to make.

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Monday, September 19, 2022

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63. From Old To New

The Lines Bottom.

[9] Immediately after a significant transition takes place, the momentum of change is still effective, and there is a tendency for it to be carried too far. If change is overdone, it creates uncertainty and weakness, a need for a pullback, and the introduction of confusion that could lead to chaos and disaster. The wise man, therefore, exercises caution at this time when everyone else is pushing ahead with elation and recklessness. He holds back, and even though he may receive some slight injury from the pullback that necessarily follows when a general movement goes too far, his caution prevents the minor loss from becoming a major one.

2. [6] After a complete change to a new order of things, a man feels that the new leadership is ignoring him, and that he lacks the opportunities that are necessary for the advancement of what he seeks to accomplish. Those in new positions of leadership may seem content with the changes that the recent transition has brought, and care nothing for new projects or developments. They are content to sit back and rest upon what they have done. Everyone seems to have lost their sense of mission and their interest in moving forward, and are now chiefly concerned with their own power, position and reputation. This causes the man to consider some ostentatious way of bringing his ideas to everyone's attention, but this would be a mistake. If he becomes a part of the same struggle for power and position that engages everyone else, all that he intends will be corrupted and will come to naught. His wisest course is to guard his integrity, maintain his position, consolidate his resources, refine his plans, and develop his skills in preparation for a time when they can be profitably employed. After the present hollow scene has played itself out, a desire for substance and for men with great ideas will arise, and the man's day will arrive. If he stands firm for his principles and for his solid vision, if his goals are really worthwhile, it is impossible that they will lose their value. All he needs to do is wait patiently for the wheel of Fate to turn, and he will be in a position to realize his goals.

3. [9] When a time of transition is complete and the new order is well-established, a new and revitalized administration usually seeks to expand its powers and enlarge its field of influence. It is filled with energy, and to fail to employ that energy in some constructive way is to invite stagnation and decline. This can mean a long and difficult struggle to move into other territories and incorporate them into the expanding enterprise, however. In order for this to succeed, it must be done correctly and in accordance with what is right and just. It should not be parceled out to parvenus who would not be considered worthy to hold a leading position at home. To expand an operation, but to include inferior people as part of the expansion, is a sure way to bring on disaster to the entire enterprise.

4. [6] When a transition is complete and a community is at the height of its power, it is almost inevitable that some kind of scandal will occur that points to the presence of evil and corruption. This will surely invoke outrage from the people, but since the general tenor of the transition is highly favorable, these problems are easily dispensed with, and the people are mollified. Nevertheless, the wise man looks upon these outcroppings of corruption as for causes, and takes corrective action.

5. [9] In the evolution of civilization, there occurs growth and development in the ways men express their spiritual feelings. This, too, is subject to transitional periods in which simple devotion is replaced by more complex forms and more expensive settings. But in spiritual matters, empty dogma, ostentatious show, material magnificence, and gaudy spectacle are completely without importance. Indeed, they tend to encourage external appearances that serve only as facades that hide a vast emptiness and a profound meaninglessness in the spirit of man. What really counts is the inner man, the seriousness of his convictions, and his respect for, allegiance to, and compliance with universal law. Ritual and dogma too often serve as a cloak that is thrown over the inner poverty of inferior and evil men, but a simple and honest respect for the powers of the Universe are the marks of a truly devout man.

Top. [6] When there is a transition bringing with it significant change, there is often a temptation to turn around, look back, and contemplate the mistakes and evils of the past. But this is a dangerous distraction and can led to unfortunate consequences. By contemplating the past, a man renews and reinforces his attachment to the past and the power it has over him.

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

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8. Holding Together

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The ties that bind a group together rest upon sincerity and an honest relationship with one another. If a person does not honestly believe in the group and its mission, he not only cannot be a leader of the group; he cannot even be a good member. But when this spirit of genuineness pervades the entire group, it attracts good fortune, and activities meet with success.

2. [6] If requests come in from authorities and the leader responds with perseverance and enthusiasm, he can bring the entire group along in a spirit of mutual engagement. But if the cooperative arrangement is just to use the resources of the group to win favor for the leader from the authorities, the leader disgraces himself and violates the trust his group has placed in him. He not only demeans himself, but he embarrasses the group as well.

3. [6] Not everyone with whom we come in contact with is a member of the group of our principal affiliation. It is important to form friendly associations with such people, but this must not be at the same level of intimacy as with one's own special group. Not everyone is entitled to such an intimate association, and to assume they are can lead to unfortunate results. Kindness and generosity is proper with such people, but not a sharing of confidential matters that belong to one's own intimate group. That would be a violation of trust and would undermine a proper relationship later with the group.

4. [6] In a long-established group, the leader is well-known and the respect and honor with which members hold such a leader may be openly expressed. But such expressions should always be within the bounds of propriety and not be overdone. Respect and loyalty are conducive to good fortune.

5. [9] A leader of a group exercising proper decorum receives others freely, but neither entices them, nor attempts to persuade them. All business is conducted completely above board. They come to him of their own choice, knowingly and without any pressure whatsoever. In this way, all associates feel free to express themselves. They are not being forced or pushed, they feel free to come and free to go, and they do not feel they must defend themselves from manipulative pressure. All relationships are open and without force, and if members join together closely, they do so because they want to. If the leader has all the strengths and qualities necessary to lead, those who wish to associate will do s

Top. [6] If a person is uncertain whether he wishes to be a part of the group or not, a good relationship cannot be formed. And if the association does not begin well, it cannot end well. Early on, a person must decide whether he can be a devoted member of this group or not. Lingering doubts and lingering mistrust are not the materials of a good relationship, and failure is inevitable.

o, and the relationship works out favorably for all.

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