
Showing posts from August, 2019

Good Morning H-22

Elegance Is The Word for Today   "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of its outward presentation. It emphasizes that building intrinsic value by embellishing appearance and displaying valor is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: adorn!" Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And  "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day! -----------------------------------------------------------

August Thirtieth ~ God's Daily Minute

  August Thirtieth ~ God's Daily Minute “I love them that love me.” –Prov. 8:17 ~ “Father, we thank Thee for the night, And for the pleasant morning light; For rest and food and loving care, And all that makes the day so fair.” We are glad for the privilege of calling upon Thee. We love Thee because of what Thou art and because of what Thou hast done. Thou art the Creator and Preserver of our lives. In Thee we live, and move, and have our being. We thank Thee for Thy Son, in Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and the hope of eternal life. We thank Thee for our country, and for our homes and schools and churches. Help us to love the right and despise the wrong. Prepare us for the duties of the day. We know not what is before us, but it is written, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Give us grace whereby we may overcome evil with good. Bless all our friends and neighbors. Bless Thy followers everywhere. Let Thy Kingdom ...

Good Morning H-58

Joy Is The Word for Today “Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.”  ―  Sean O'Casey Explore More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And for now,  "The Word For Today--- Mist"   -----------------------------------------------------------

Fort Lauderdale Aerial & Ground Tour


Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing Basics:  What worked years ago still works today! By: Jack Humphrey Internet marketing can seem mystifying not only for beginners, but for moderately skilled internet marketers.  With all the courses, forums, blogs, reports, seminars and teleconferences available to help people learn how to get traffic to their sites, it is one of the most overwhelmingly dense subjects on the internet. Unfortunately, and this is perfectly true, most of the advice or "expert" tips are outdated or completely false.  Since anyone can publish on the internet, you have a mixed bag of good information followed with much more bad information. The mysticism of internet marketing is created largely by this glut of some good and mostly bad information.  It makes the whole topic SEEM like rocket science when, in fact, much of what was true about internet marketing years ago is true today. Most people think that since search engine marketing changes every fiv...

Good Morning H-41

Loss Is The Word for Today “It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”  ―  Chuck Palahniuk Explore More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar" : -- And for now,  "The Word For Today--- Loss"   -----------------------------------------------------------

Good Morning H-15

Modesty Is The Word for Today "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of the necessity to cut through pride and complication. It emphasizes that keeping close to fundamental things through keeping your words unpretentious is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: be humble!" Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And  "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day! -----------------------------------------------------------

Brioche Bread -- Recipe

Brioche Bread -- Recipe Here is a simplified version of a classic French bread recipe. Brioche is my first choice when making bread pudding and French toast, and it is wonderful toasted with jam. Oh yeah, it's great plain, too. Brioche 4 cups (1 L) all-purpose flour, plus more for kneading 1/4 cup (60 ml) sugar 1 1/2 tsp (7 ml) instant yeast 1 tsp (5 ml) salt 8 Tbs (120 ml) cold butter, cut into small pieces  3 eggs 1 egg yolk 1/2 cup (125 ml) plus 2 Tbs (30 ml) milk 1/3-1/2 cup (80-125 ml) water Combine the flour, sugar, yeast, and salt in an electric food processor and process with the steel blade for 5 seconds. Add the butter and 3 eggs and process for 10 seconds. Add 1/2 cup (125 ml) milk and 1/3 cup (80 ml) water while the machine is running and process for 30 seconds. The dough should be very sticky-if it is not, add more water. Grease a large bowl and scoop the dough into it. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 2 to 3 hours, until doubled in volum...

Social Media And Your Company

Social Media And Your Company By James Byrd, MBA Now in most cases, whenever one might be at the stage of deciding which platform to use, and how a particular social media the platform will be used to gauge how effective that particular platform will be, the question is, will the platform hold up against the goals of the organization.  One must first look at the intended goals of the organization, or better yet, where the firm is going with its choice of social media platforms. There are three main questions to ponder whenever a firm is in the platform decision mode and that is in terms of which direction it is going with its social media goals. These questions can come in the form of how will the platform increase revenues for the company.  Next, there is the question of how will the platform lower overall marketing cost while boosting profits, and lastly, the question of how will the platform further enhance the bridge between custo...

Japanese Street Food - OKONOMIYAKI Seafood Pancake Osaka Japan


Good Morning ~ God's Minute

August Twenty-Fifth ~ God's Daily Minute “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us; That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for Thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth.” – Ps. 67:1-4 ~ Our God and Father, we render Thee our thanks and praise for all the good of this day. New were Thy mercies in the morning, and sweet is Thy love in the evening hour. We bless Thee that Thou hast given us this day our daily bread; that Thou hast not forgotten us even in those self-centered moments when we forgot Thee. And now we pray Thee to watch over and preserve us, body and soul, during the hours of the day and night. May our rest and sleep be sweet to us. May we be brought to this new day refreshed and encouraged for all its duties and privileges, its sor...

Good Morning H-7


Good Morning H-25

Unexpected Is The Word for Today “There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected:  the expected for which one has refused to prepare.” ―  Mary Renault , Explore More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And for now,  "The Word For Today---The Unexpected"   -----------------------------------------------------------

Bedding -- Alexander Hybrid


Good Morning H-43

Resolution Is The Word for Today Hexagram 43 "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of separation and diverging directions. It emphasizes that resolutely dividing your energies is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: part!" Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And  "The Word For Today---Resoluteness"   -----------------------------------------------------------

Mother Earth News Simple Living and Country Skills Newsletter

Mother Earth News Simple Living and Country Skills Newsletter

Good Morning H-18

Windy Is The Word for Today Hexagram 18 "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of disorder, perversion and putrefaction. It emphasizes that letting things rot away so they become obsolete is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: accept corrupting!" Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And  "The Word For Today---Decay"   -----------------------------------------------------------

Good Morning H-10

Conduct Is The Word for Today Hexagram 10 "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of finding and making your way. It emphasizes that doing this step by step is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: tread!" Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And  "The Word For Today---Conduct" -- Make It A Good Day! -----------------------------------------------------------


I.The oracle   A. Hexagram nine has more to do with the Superior man refining the outward aspect of his nature. Another variation is the idea of leaving the way of  Tao and returning to it with loyal credence , in short, stay with what you know deep down in your being as right action: returning is good but try at best to be, and here comes my favorite word, "Consistent." "Be Consistent."    1. You may stray from The Way , if you stop along the way, you should always find your way back, and this is all due to loyalty and understanding of The Way.    2. Know that Success comes with being a strategic decision-maker, know which way to go? We see clouds coming from the west, will there be rain? Don't be capricious, trust your perception. B. The Image   1. Wind above, Heaven below       a) The image of The Taming Power of the Small       b) Thus with this, we see an impending storm, d...

Good Morning H-45

“Somewhere along the line, "Church" became a weekly event rather than a "Gathering" of people who did life together.”  ―  Todd Stocker

Good Morning H-11

Peace Is The Word For Today Source: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- Learn more about "Peace" -- And Over All, Make It A Good Day!

5 Ways to Improve your COMMUNICATION Skills - #BelieveLife


4 Things to Practice daily to Improve Communication Skills | Communicati...


How to Start a Social Media Agency in 2019: VaynerMentors Consultation


This 12,000 Year Old Ancient Discovery is Shaking the Foundations of Hi...


Good Morning H-27

Nourishment Is The Word For Today Source: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- Learn more about "Nourishment" -- And Over All, Make It A Good Day! The Archetype There is a time... To provide nourishment to others, both to their bodies and to their souls. To choose carefully the people who are to be nourished. If one cares for those who will care for others, one’s care is magnified. To offer only that which is truly nourishing and only as much as is really needed. To remember that one can only nourish others if one also nourishes oneself. To observe how people care for themselves and others and thus learn how to best nourish their inner nature. To not confuse nourishment with indulgence. Now is that time. Credit |  Hexagram 27 | The Christian I Ching

Good Morning H-60

Limitations Is The Word For Today Source: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- Learn more about "Limitations" -- And Over All, Make It A Good Day!

Are You Ready for Facial Recognition at the Airport? - WSJ

Are You Ready for Facial Recognition at the Airport? - WSJ

Good Morning H-43

The Word for Today-- Breakthrough Parting - Going Your Way "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of separation and diverging directions. It emphasizes that resolutely dividing your energies is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: part ! " Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Learn More...: "The I Ching and My Calendar" -----------------------------------------------------------

Good Morning H-49

Revolution Is The Word for Today Learn More About...: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- And  "The Word For Today" -- Make It A Good Day! -----------------------------------------------------------

Good Morning H-42

Gain Is The Word for Today Learn More About...: "The I Ching and My Calendar":   -----------------------------------------------------------


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