
Showing posts from February, 2022

9. The I Ching and My Calendar.

  Image Credit |  Washington's crossing of the Delaware River - Wikidata     With Few, Against Many Source:  "The I Ching and My Calendar":  -- Learn more about  "Clouds from the west, but no rain"  -- Make It A Good Day! "Gentleness  is the key word here. Regarding whatever is on your mind right now, gentleness—combined with determination—is likely to generate more progress than brute force ever could." Credit |  iChing 9: Small Influences ( -----------------------------------------------------------

40. Deliverance

Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune. 2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance . 3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attracts those who are nat...

9. With Few, against Many.....

  I.The oracle   A.  Hexagram nine  has more to do with the Superior man refining the outward aspect of his nature. Another variation is the  idea of leaving the way of  Tao  and returning to it with loyal credence , in short, stay with what you know deep down in your being as right action: returning is good but try at best to be, and here comes my favorite word, "Consistent." "Be Consistent."    1. You may stray from  The Way , if you stop along the way, you should always find your way back, and this is all due to loyalty and understanding of The Way.    2. Know that Success comes with being a strategic decision-maker, know which way to go? We see clouds coming from the west, will there be rain? Don't be capricious, trust your perception. B. The Image   1. Wind above, Heaven below       a) The image of The Taming Power of the Small       b) Thus with this, we see an impend...

64. Before Completion

Credit | The Lines 1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity. 2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the end approaches, but it is important not to let patience turn into indifference and carelessness. Even though one must not rush ahead, one must still keep completion in mind and work steadily towards it if ultimate success is to be achieved. Constant attention and effort is still required, but it must be controlled and restrained. 3. [6] The time has arrived! Completion of the task is at hand! But one lacks the resources to bring things to a close. Forging ahead regardless of capacity to do so could only result in catastrophe. At such a time, it is necessary to find those who can add to the effort and then, under these new circumstances, make the supreme effort needed to bring it to a succes...

42. Increase

Credit | The Lines Bottom. [9] When unseen forces come together to provide a man with the strength and capacity to achieve something great, it is essential that he use the favorable time responsibly and timely. Such opportunities are rare, and the man will have great success if he uses the occasion to benefit others, and not take advantage of the favorable times merely to enrich himself. If he acts in this way for the benefit of others, his activities will be free of criticism. 2. [6] A man who has dedicated himself to accomplishing worthy deeds will find himself favored by unseen forces, and what he seeks will come about almost of itself. When the forces of the universe are in harmony, there is nothing that can oppose them. Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon the man to keep himself in harmony with those forces, and this he may do by not taking his good fortune for granted, by paying close attention to his purposes, and by being careful to keep himself on a rightful path....

51. Arousing

Credit | The Lines 1. [9] Sudden Change often appears as sudden loss at first. But after this initial reaction, a man realizes that change need not mean disaster, but can lead to its very opposite and produce advancement instead. Thus, change brings the occasion for real joy. 2. [6] Sudden Change often does indeed produce great and unavoidable loss. But the change also creates new situations in which the loss is recoverable. Thus, while taking necessary precautions to avoid further loss, the wise man awaits the opportunity to recover his losses in the new situations that are brought about. 3. [6] A Sudden Change of events can bring catastrophe, and the man is at a loss for what to do. In the face of such confusion and change, a man cannot know what steps he should take, and is inclined to passively submit to his fate. But inactivity is not the answer. If he will seize the initiative, a way out of the disaster can be found. 4. [9] Not every Sudden Change can be turned to ...

15. Modesty

Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] If a man is faced by a difficult and complicated task, his work is made easier if he can do it without interference, and that is made possible by not having a lot of announcements and fanfare beforehand. Stirring up a lot of attention enables some people to think of all kinds of objections and reasons why it should not be done, whereas going ahead, doing it, and getting it over with avoids all those who think it their duty to oppose anything new.   2. [6] A modest frame of mind cannot but manifest itself in modest behavior, and this attracts good fortune to a man because it does not arouse opposition and negative feelings in those around him. Inferior people resent others who makes a show of their accomplishments, and do everything they can to defeat those they envy. But a modest man does not awaken such negativity, and this allows good fortune to come his way. He is able to exert great influence upon those who benefit directly from ...

40. Deliverance

Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune. 2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance . 3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attracts those who are nat...

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  Credit | Online Store

56. The Wanderer

Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] A man who travels afar moves amongst people whose customs are unfamiliar to him, as his manners are unfamiliar to them. This is not the time to engage in trivial or superficial activities that might easily be misunderstood or incorrectly interpreted. A stranger in a strange place cannot be sure how his actions will be viewed. He does not know how people will respond to him. Therefore, he should be serious but pleasant, friendly but not overbearing, kind but reserved, open but dignified. Any kind of exceptional behavior subjects the stranger to the possibility of rejection. 2. [6] A traveler’s modest behavior wins him acceptance, and he is able to settle down. The people he meets are good to him, and are willing to help him find necessities and manage comfortable accommodations. He makes friends with one person in particular, and this person is a great help to him in getting settled and getting acquainted with all the amenities the new locati...

31. Influence

Credit | FREE WILL MAGIK The Lines Bottom. [6] At the very beginning of relationships, the interplay of influence is hardly noticed. The parties are acquainted with one another, the possibilities of a deeper relationship are present, but whether the relationship will develop or not remains to be seen -- it may, or it may not. But as long as everything is in an incipient stage, no judgment can be made upon it. At this point, neither party is harmed or helped, whether the relationship goes forward or does not.   2. [6] At a later stage of an acquaintance, there is the bare beginning of a flow of influence, but it is not subject to the man's control. Whether the relationship proceeds or not requires the actions of others, and this is not a good way to begin. If this is allowed to proceed, the man will be subject to the whim of others, and the outcome will not go well. It is better for the man to wait until circumstances place him in a position where his action...

Union is Strength.

  Hexagram 8   By  James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram eight is related directly with Grouping. Another variation is the  Holding Together  or that of a puddle of water, it is not part of the sea or ocean, but still, it holds together within its low spot  and therefore an  Alliance :    1. Holding Together brings good fortune    2. Success comes from inquiring the oracle once again. Same as in marketing the early adopters will farewell, but for all latecomers, the hors d'oeuvres  are depleted. It is now common knowledge. B. The Image   1. On the earth is water       a) The image of Holding together       b) Thus the kings of antiquity bestow the different states as fiefs And cultivated friendly relations with the feudal lords II.My interpretation   A. As it was said earlier on, that puddle of water will soon dry up and that is due to its position. If it could on...

53. Development

Credit |  FREE WILL MAGIK The Lines Bottom. [6] A young man seeking the path of wisdom and truth starts out with no one to help him. He must struggle along on his own, it is difficult for him to discern the right path, and his progress is slow and hesitant. He is honest and open, but he is also determined, and this subjects him to frequent criticism. The difficulties and the criticisms act as guideposts, however, and prevent him from settling too quickly into an improper path. But because he is sincere and really tries to do what is right, he will ultimately succeed. 2. [6] A man finds success, and his first impulse is that he wishes to share it with his friends. After a long period of uncertainty, when finally the man has some security, it is natural that he feels a certain amount of elation and confidence. What better way to celebrate one's good fortune than to invite a few friends over? His purpose is not to glorify himself, but to share and be generous. 3. [9] A man, in his...

36. Happy Valentine

  Hexagram 36   by James Byrd I. The Oracle   A. Hexagram thirty-six is related to  Diminishing of the Light , hence, retreating and hiding one's true intellectual position. Another variation would be  just as the Sun hides its brilliance at times, so should the Superior person during times of difficulties.  Hence, it furthers one to be persevering. It can be said that the superior man lives with the great masses, yet he vails his light, still the same it shines.    1. Now is not a good time to cross the great water. It furthers one to be persevering.    2. Darkening of the Light: With this we see the superior man managing others to the degree that he is somewhat proving his intelligence by keeping quiet about the situation he is in at the moment. B. The Image   1. The Sunset behind the Earth       a) Keep to your course       b) During these times, be aware of the difficulties ahead...

43. Breakthrough

Credit |  FREE WILL MAGIK The Lines Bottom. [9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results. 2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth transition , of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, but he will know what to do...


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