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Thursday, June 30, 2022

18. Work on the Decayed

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The root causes of stagnation and decay extend back into the distant past. The habits that produce decline become well-established over time. But it is the nature of decay that it is unacceptable. Everyone recognizes it, even if only unconsciously they know that something is wrong. Therefore, the decay is not so well-entrenched that it cannot ever be corrected. But it must not be ignored. Only when one retains clearly in mind the idea of how things should be can the correction be made.

2. [9] Decline that arises out of inadequacy should not be condemned too severely. After all, a person should not be treated with contempt for something over which they have little control, something they could hardly help doing. The idea is not to execute judgment and make people feel guilty, but to improve the situation. And that is best done through kindness, encouragement, and every form of assistance that will enable those who have allowed things to decline to make them better. They must be shown the way, and helped to acquire the means to follow it.

3. [9] It often happens that, in pursuing the correction of long-standing mediocrity, a man pushes too hard. This naturally causes some unhappiness and even resistance. No one is perfect, not even the corrector of imperfections. But no great harm is done. It is better sometimes to push too hard than not hard enough. All will be forgiven when the situation is finally made better.

4. [6] Permitting mediocrity that is long-standing to continue cannot bode well. These things are difficult to correct, and it is always easier to let things slide and to continue with the same inadequate ways that have been used in the past. Everyone is used to the careless ways they have always worked with, and changes will require a major overhaul. If circumstances are such that increased responsibilities are bringing greater demands, while intrenched inadequacies are beginning to reveal how really bad things are, and then a person still is too weak or indifferent to change them, things will only go from bad to worse. This is a prescription for disaster.

5. [6] If a person lacks the ability to correct long-standing corruption, he should not just ignore the problem. Anything he does will be better than leaving everything as it is. He should solicit as many suggestions and as much help as he can find. Even if he cannot completely correct the situation, any improvement that he can bring about will be recognized and be to his credit.

Top. [9] Not every man need be a crusader or a reformer. Even a superior man, who is fully capable of correcting the decline he sees all about him and leading the way to reform, need not become involved if he chooses not to. But this does not mean that he should feel free to take the easy way out, sit back and criticize, and leave it to others to do the hard work of reform. As a man of superior dedication, it is not his option to do nothing. Rather, he should work on the refinement of his own character and aspire truly to be a sage, together with whatever dedicated activities such a path may require of him. This might well mean as much or more hard work than the job of the reformer. And this, too, has benefits for mankind.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

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20. Contemplation

The Lines Bottom.

[6] It is no disgrace for an ordinary man not to understand exactly what it is that gives the superior man the influence he has. This is only made clear by intensive study and contemplation. But for a superior man to be unaware of the elements of character that enable him to be a leader that people look up to draws into question his qualifications for being a leader. In order for him to fill a position of leadership, he should have a complete understanding of the meaning of moral leadership and how what he says and what he does influences others. He must see clearly how his life can be an inspiration and a guide to those he leads.

2. [6] A man of ordinary abilities is not able fully to comprehend how he affects others by the way he thinks, speaks and acts. In doing such things, he merely reacts to how outward circumstances affect himself and his own self-interests. He is not quite able to think in a broader context and see how others might think and feel about what he does. He does not judge right and wrong by how things impact upon groups of people, but only how things impact upon himself. In addition, he does not understand what drives another's actions and what another's motives might be. Here also, his concerns are all centered around himself, and he does not grasp what are the needs and wants of other men, especially if they differ from his own needs and wants. This is sufficient for ordinary persons who need not think of anything beyond themselves and their own immediate concerns. But this is woefully inadequate for a man who is responsible for others, for negotiating with others, and for making decisions that will affect the lives of others. Such a self-centered, inadequate viewpoint can only lead to poor judgments and mediocre outcomes.

3. [6] Ironically enough, a man begins to understand others by contemplating himself. Not, of course, by thinking only of himself and his own needs and interests, but by gaining insight into himself and how he is led by his own self-interest, often to the exclusion of considering the effects that what he does has on others. When he begins to see in these broader terms, he begins to understand how other men are often led by the same self-interests. But he also can begin to understand how other men have certain real needs and interests that his own self-concerns often ignore. With this knowledge, he begins to acquire an enlarged vision of not only himself, but of his place in the world of others. When he can do that, he can make decisions that encompass the interests of larger groups of people. His mind extends beyond himself, and he is able to think in more objective terms. He begins to under-stand that self-knowledge is not really centered on "ME" but on the place that a person occupies in the world as a whole. With this broader vision, he can see how what he does affects others, and with that in mind, he can tell whether some particular action leads to the progress or the setback of those he leads.

4. [6] If a man is of such a high inner development that he understands those things that are conducive to the advancement and growth of societies of men, such a man should be taken in and honored with a position of great responsibility. He is able to judge those measures which are rightly taken, as well as those measures which are not conducive to the general welfare. He should be allowed the freedom necessary to act upon his wise judgments, and should not be used merely for his technical skills and abilities to promote policies formulated by others. His vision and influence are invaluable, and nothing should be put in his way that might impede his exercising command.

5. [9] A leader of men should subject himself to careful self-examination, and in examining himself, he should not just make a value judgment upon his own motives and acts, but he should look to the effects that he has produced. The opinions and criticisms of himself by himself or by others have little meaning up against the real results of the actions he has taken. Have the results of his actions been good? Has he influenced others to do things that must be judged good? Has mankind benefited by what he has done? Are the live of people better for what he has contributed? If so, then he has every right to feel satisfied with himself as a leader and benefactor of men, for it is by the fruits of a man's life that he must be judged.

Top. [9] Whereas the leader of men looks to the results of his actions, the sage considers whether his actions are free from evil. The results of the life of the sage occur in the world of the invisible, and are not readily discernible by men.

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Credit | 20. Contemplation - YouTube


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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

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47. Oppression

The Lines

Bottom. [6] From the very beginning, it is important that a man see that adversity is an inner struggle, not an outer condition about which he can do nothing. What is essential is how the man handles it. If his character is strong, he faces the situation but remains true to himself. He does not let the problem affect who he is, where he stands, what he aspires to. If his character is weak, he is crushed by adversity. He withdraws from life and is overcome with sadness and depression, which only makes his situation worse. This comes from a mistaken mind set that allows his inner person to be shaped by outward circumstances. A weak man becomes a looter when civil order breaks down, whereas a strong man retains the same moral stand no matter what occurs around him. Similarly, a man must develop a firm inner constitution based on the principles of rightness, not on an unthinking response to whatever happens to him. That is what enables him to stand firm in the face of adversity.

2. [9] A man has a sense of ennui. His material existence is satisfactory, but he is overcome with the drabness and meaninglessness of his existence. He feels trapped by dull routine, with no way out. But when an opportunity arises to work with a powerful and influential man, he asks himself if he is equal to the task? He has lived so long in a dull, boring routine he is not sure he is capable of the vigorous demands that would be placed upon him. He can take on these new responsibilities, but it is essential that he prepare himself mentally and spiritually for the task. He is rusty, and needs to bring himself up to speed. He can do this by reading materials related to this new opportunity, brushing up on some of the recent ideas on working with others, participating in religious and social activities, etc. It would be a big mistake if he were to accept this move without some preparation beforehand. His awkwardness and sluggishness would cause him to fumble around and make many mistakes. But by brushing up on his interpersonal skills, he will do alright.

3. [6] The man is adrift in a sea of difficulties. Nothing seems to work for him, and he remains frustrated and unhappy. Every attempt he makes to better his situation only runs into more difficulties, although these problems could be resolved if he were able to deal with them carefully and sensibly. But that is not his nature. He attempts things that he should be able to see are impossible to achieve. He turns to foolish endeavors that could help no one to succeed and only serve to waste his time and resources. His pointless, poorly organized efforts mean that he has neglected home and family, and they are no longer available to comfort him. The result is, his thoughtlessness and carelessness has brought him to misfortunes that cannot be avoided. His whole life is a disaster.

4. [9] A man is well-off and wants to be a benefactor of mankind, but instead of acting forcefully and with careful planning, he dabbles around and proceeds clumsily, making a mess of things. Naturally, he runs into all kinds of problems and difficulties. Others who are more adept at such things than he try to help, and he feels compelled to follow their advice, even if that leads him in to a new series of problems. In spite of it all, however, things finally work themselves out. His good intentions and his honest wish to help other people keep him on track and serve as a guidepost, and surprise of surprises, he is able to accomplish what he set out to do.

5. [9] A man who is really well-intentioned and wishes to do something to help his fellow man runs into nothing but difficulties. Everyone, whether above him or below him, turns on him and makes life difficult for him. Those in authority who would normally be expected to give him some guidance and assistance do not want to be bothered with him. Nevertheless, the man looks within for his strength and does not give up. He dedicates himself to what he sees as his calling, and remains faithful to his principles. Ever so slowly he is able to make some headway and to accomplish his goals. 

Top. [6] The man has been beset by difficulties for a long time, but those problems are gradually beginning to lessen, and he could easily break out of his state of despair, if only he would do so. Nevertheless, he is fearful. He has been spooked by the past. He looks at all the difficult times he has been through and believes that any attempt to move forward now will only bring him more of the same. But on this he is wrong. As soon as he realizes that the situation truly has changed, that the time of difficulties if now past, and that he is free to move ahead, then he will be able to take vigorous steps to accomplish his long-sought goals and to overcome all the difficulties that have for so long weighed him down

 Credit | 47.Oppression - YouTube


Monday, June 27, 2022

1. The Creative

The Lines Bottom.

[9] The Creative Force is still potential and unrecognized. Nevertheless, the superior man is aware of the potentiality of this force and does not lose sight of the developing possibilities. He is not concerned about the absence of effect, because he knows that all is only at the beginning and not obvious to others. His virtue at this time is patience, and he does not seek to force something into being when the time is not ripe.

2. [9] The effectiveness of the superior man begins to show itself, but things are still in their earliest phases. His position is still modest, though others begin to realize that he is a man that can be counted upon. He is steady and reliable, and his singleness of mind means he is someone from whom important actions may proceed in the future. He is therefore someone to associate with from the very beginning.

3. [9] The superior man's influence begins to grow, and he is able to handle himself well. While others are able to relax, he remains busy with details and involvements. The danger at this stage is that he might get carried away with his own self-importance and lose sight of his mission and purpose. But the truly superior man is not distracted by the pomp and circumstance. He is able to visualize his goals and stick with them, thus avoiding the traps that ambition might lead him into.

4. [9] Now there is a crossroad; the superior man has a choice. He can become an important actor on the world's stage, or he can withdraw from it all and develop his inner self. He can be a man of renown, or he can be a man of great spirit. Neither is right nor wrong. It is his choice, and he is sufficiently developed to make the choice that is correct for himself. He will find, whatever his choice, that it works well for him.

5. [9] Now the superior man reaches the highest levels that any man is capable of. He is able to exert great influence, and is widely recognized as a man of spiritual achievement. While realizing this himself, he is not beset by pride, ambition, or other attachments. Others are glad to make his acquaintance and feel blessed by his presence.

Top. [9] Even in the search for spiritual attainment, pride and ambition can burrow their way in. If a man becomes obsessed with his own self so that he loses his way and his ties to others, he loses his essential humanness and that which connects him to the real world. Thinking more of himself than of his place in the real world, he ultimately fails. All 9's. When all lines are nines, the hexagram changes into The Receptive, and the Creative and the Receptive blend together to form an inner strength of vision derived from the Creative, and an outer mildness of manner derived from the Receptive. Such a happy combination works well in one's relationship with mankind, and happiness and abundance are the result

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Credit | 1.Creative - YouTube


Sunday, June 26, 2022

62. Small Preponderance

The Lines

Bottom. [6] A modest man, when resources are weak, should try to make the best of the situation as it presently exists. He should attempt improvements only as a last resort, when change becomes imperative and there are no other alternatives. If he tries to alter the situation before he is able to increase his strength and develop his resources, he is bound to fail. To go along with things as they have always been done may be quite unsatisfactory, but to attempt to improve them when conditions are unfavorable will at best result in a waste of time and accomplish nothing.

2. [6] The modest man does not stand on ceremony. He has a duty to perform, and if he is unable to do it in a way that reflects highly on himself, he will do it by whatever more modest means are available to him. At such times, he is led by duty, responsibility, and necessity, not by pride or a desire for recognition. This is not the time for him to seek acknowledgment of his status or recognition of his position. To accomplish his main task is his primary purpose.

3. [9] A righteous man who has done no wrong often feels that he has nothing to fear and that no one can touch him. As a result, his overconfidence leads him to neglect taking ordinary precautions that could save him from needless harm. He thinks that to take defensive measures would suggest that maybe he has something to hide, and perhaps he is not as upright as he tries to project. And so, he moves ahead while ignoring the possibility of threats to him and his integrity. But there are often dangers perpetrated by evil men who wish to attack even the most innocent, and to dismiss the possibility leaves a good man unprepared. To fail to take defensive actions in the face of such possibilities can leave even the most guiltless man subject to great difficulties that just a little bit of prevention could have avoided.

4. [9] Sometimes in a very difficult situation, a man can avoid an unfortunate outcome by doing nothing -- that is, by taking no action and simply stepping aside. Situations often have a way of healing themselves without any movement on the part of the person in a weak or potentially dangerous position. In an extremely dangerous situation, doing nothing at least assures that the man does not make a mistake. It may be that any positive act would make the situation worse and bring the man into danger. This does not mean that he gives up or abandons his cause; on the contrary, he continues working towards his goal inwardly and privately. He remains ever ready to accept an improvement of the situation and to receive benefits, but he makes no outward move in that direction.

5. [6] A man is fully capable of leadership and of helping the people find a way out of difficult times, but he is unable to do anything because he is in a weak position where he is alone and without the right kind of assistance. What he envisions will be of great benefit to the people, but he cannot accomplish it by himself; the job requires assistants with special skills. His first step, therefore, is to find helpers who can provide the needed skills and complete the task. These skilled helpers themselves are modest men and not well known, but they have proven their abilities by the work they have done in the past. By identifying these helpers and seeking them out, a good working team can be assembled, and the great and difficult task can be accomplished.

Top. [6] In a time when only minor tasks can be contemplated, if a man is ambitious and seeks to accomplish a great work, and then refuses to back off regardless of the difficulties, he cannot avoid an unfortunate outcome. Such a man, who sets his will against all indicators and refuses to heed the signs of the time, has placed himself in opposition to the movement of Fate. There is nothing that can save him from a disastrous ending

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Credit | 62.Small Preponderance - YouTube


Saturday, June 25, 2022

18. Work on The Decayed

The Lines

Bottom. [6] The root causes of stagnation and decay extend back into the distant past. The habits that produce decline become well-established over time. But it is the nature of decay that it is unacceptable. Everyone recognizes it, even if only unconsciously they know that something is wrong. Therefore, the decay is not so well-entrenched that it cannot ever be corrected. But it must not be ignored. Only when one retains clearly in mind the idea of how things should be can the correction be made.

2. [9] Decline that arises out of inadequacy should not be condemned too severely. After all, a person should not be treated with contempt for something over which they have little control, something they could hardly help doing. The idea is not to execute judgment and make people feel guilty, but to improve the situation. And that is best done through kindness, encouragement, and every form of assistance that will enable those who have allowed things to decline to make them better. They must be shown the way, and helped to acquire the means to follow it.

3. [9] It often happens that, in pursuing the correction of long-standing mediocrity, a man pushes too hard. This naturally causes some unhappiness and even resistance. No one is perfect, not even the corrector of imperfections. But no great harm is done. It is better sometimes to push too hard than not hard enough. All will be forgiven when the situation is finally made better.

4. [6] Permitting mediocrity that is long-standing to continue cannot bode well. These things are difficult to correct, and it is always easier to let things slide and to continue with the same inadequate ways that have been used in the past. Everyone is used to the careless ways they have always worked with, and changes will require a major overhaul. If circumstances are such that increased responsibilities are bringing greater demands, while intrenched inadequacies are beginning to reveal how really bad things are, and then a person still is too weak or indifferent to change them, things will only go from bad to worse. This is a prescription for disaster.

5. [6] If a person lacks the ability to correct long-standing corruption, he should not just ignore the problem. Anything he does will be better than leaving everything as it is. He should solicit as many suggestions and as much help as he can find. Even if he cannot completely correct the situation, any improvement that he can bring about will be recognized and be to his credit.

Top. [9] Not every man need be a crusader or a reformer. Even a superior man, who is fully capable of correcting the decline he sees all about him and leading the way to reform, need not become involved if he chooses not to. But this does not mean that he should feel free to take the easy way out, sit back and criticize, and leave it to others to do the hard work of reform. As a man of superior dedication, it is not his option to do nothing. Rather, he should work on the refinement of his own character and aspire truly to be a sage, together with whatever dedicated activities such a path may require of him. This might well mean as much or more hard work than the job of the reformer. And this, too, has benefits for mankind.

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Friday, June 24, 2022

29. Dangerous Undercurrents

The Lines

Bottom. [6] If a man becomes accustomed to a dangerous situation and accepts it as "the way things are," it becomes a part of him, and is integrated into his personality and his way of thinking. When that happens, he has lost all sense of direction. He no longer can discriminate between right and wrong, and this necessarily leads to his downfall.

2. [9] When a dangerous situation first develops, it is not a wise move to attempt to escape from it at one fell swoop, nor should one try to accomplish anything important in spite of the danger. The first precaution is to avoid being overcome by the danger. The next step is to carefully access the situation and study the danger. Then the man is in a position to gradually extricate himself from the danger, one small step at a time. Any sudden move would be too disruptive and would undermine his plans. But if he carefully and slowly worked his way through, he will find success.

3. [6] When there appears no way out of the danger, when the slightest movement forward or backward will only create increased danger, then the wise thing to do is absolutely nothing. This does not mean that the man gives up and accepts the dangerous situation as a given. Rather, it means he is conserving his strength and waiting patiently for the situation to change sufficiently that an escape route is revealed to him. But to force one's way out when there is no rational possibility for escape would likely mean disaster. Remain still, and wait for the proper moment to reveal itself.

4. [6] Times of danger require that everything be reduced down to basics. This is no time for elaborate rituals and detailed formalities. Such niceties only serve as distractions. What is important is the aims and goals that are threatened by the dangerous situation. The man looks for help wherever it can be found, and when approaching others that might assist, gets right to the point. This causes no problem, because everyone realizes the urgency of the situation.

5. [9] The danger intensifies if one tries too hard. The best way to proceed is to select that path that is the natural one -- the one that faces the fewest number of obstructions. It makes no sense to increase the difficulties if an easier escape is available. There also is no point in trying to do more than escape from the danger. That in itself presents difficulties enough.

Top. [6] If a man loses sight of his goals in the face of danger and allows himself to become involved in the dangerous situation, becoming part of the obstructing forces and working together with them, then all is lost. He is trapped, and there is no way out. He cannot escape the misfortune that is his lot.

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Credit | 29. Dangerous Situation - YouTube



Thursday, June 23, 2022

6. Conflict

The Lines Bottom.

[6] At the very beginning, it is best not to make a big issue of a minor conflict. Find some way to make a reasonable and amicable accommodation over the thing, before it grows into something big. Rather than push things to a definite decision with an adversary who has the upper hand, make a reasonable give and take adjustment. Then, even if some disagreement arises, it will not go far and can be easily settled.

2. [9] If the opposing forces are definitely stronger, and one is not likely to succeed against them, it is better to back-off and concede, rather than pushing things to an open conflict and being humiliated by defeat. An accommodating attitude is like an offer of goodwill, and all concerned are able to avoid taking sides in an open conflict.

3. [6] Seeking recognition for something that is not entirely one's own work only creates distrust and resentment. If one is really the source, then another is not likely to get far claiming credit. Nevertheless, if one is working on behalf of and in service to another, he should not expect to receive public recognition for what he does. His satisfaction comes from seeing that the work is done and that his superior is pleased to make use of it. Recognition under such circumstances is not appropriate, and only detracts from the final outcome.

4. [9] A person may be inclined to enter into a conflict because he thinks there is some advantage to be had, even when he is not entirely on the side of right. If he has the upper hand, he may succeed, even if unjustly. But such a course will not bring lasting satisfaction, and he should realize this and turn away. Only be remaining on the side of what is right does a man live with himself satisfactorily. And when he does this, things turn out well.

5. [9] One need not hesitate to place his case before a strong and fair judge who can be depended upon to do what is right. If one is indeed right, only good could come from employing such a referee.

Top. [9] If, contrary to all good advice, a person persists in conflict without relenting, it may happen that he is actually seen as victorious. In spite of all, he gets his way and overcomes the opposition. But it is as a pyrrhic victory that brings no lasting satisfaction and no good results. He will never be able to rest secure in his supposed accomplishment, and he will be constantly assaulted in his hard-won position.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

25. Innocence -The Unexpected

The Lines

Bottom. [9] There is a certain charm in unstudied innocence that is found in children and even in older persons who are sincerely enthusiastic about a new undertaking. At the very beginning, their approach is unspoiled by duplicity, deceit and disingenuousness. They have not yet become victims of evil men and fallen into cynicism and mistrust. Such an attitude of refreshing honesty always bodes well for the beginner. He acts from the purity of a pristine nature and a good heart.

2. [6] The innocent mind embraces each moment for itself. It enjoys the task before it, without looking always to the attainment of some future goal or the accomplishment of some eagerly sought milestone. The man of pure nature does the best he can in the present moment, and leaves future outcomes in the hands of the universal powers that determine such things. For him, it is enough to be intensely engaged with this moment's task. By thus doing his part and trusting the universal powers to do theirs, the man finds success and fulfillment.

3. [6] Not even the innocent man remains free of adversity. Evil men may happen upon his path who gladly seize an opportunity to do harm to the innocent and unsuspecting. Nothing about the innocent man deserves this misfortune, but it chances upon him nonetheless. The evil person appears to gain at the expense of the good and innocent. Such gains do not carry with them the blessings of Heaven, though this is no comfort to the innocent. The innocent man must realize that evil people appear and gladly take advantage of what they perceive to be prey. He must take steps to safeguard himself and be sure that he avoids leaving himself open to the machinations of evildoers. He should protect himself, without abandoning his innocent approach to action.

4. [9] A man heeds his inner voice, rather than the voices of those around him. Only that inner voice truly understands the man, and can determine what is best for him. He seeks advice and information, of course, and never obstinately shuts himself off from the wise counsel of others. But it is he who must make the final decision, and he would be foolish indeed to act on advice or criticism from another that he did not agree with in his heart. Even in the most distressing of times, when all is chaos and confusion, and the right path seems entirely lost, yet that most reliable inner voice never really departs from us. And a man should never despair and abdicate the direction of himself and turn instead to the advice of another, no matter who it is, no matter how difficult and confusing the circumstances.

5. [9] An evil situation may arise, which is not of one's own making. But if one does not become a part of it, if one does not lend it support nor embrace it, one need not take active steps to eliminate it. Without support, it will shrivel and die on its own. The man only needs to see that it receives no sustenance from him. Evil exists always in the world, but no man can take upon himself the work of eradicating it all. He only needs to be certain that he does not support it in any way.

Top. [9] Even the innocent man must choose his times wisely. If the times are not conducive to forward movement, if nothing falls into place, if every tentative step forward comes up against a stone wall, then not even the purest of disinterested actions are called for. The man holds back and waits for a more favorable time, without developing hidden schemes to win by force what the natural course of events refuses to allow. If one goes up against such natural opposition, how could success be achieved?

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Credit | 25. Innocence - YouTube


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

17. Following

The Lines

Bottom. [9] Times change, and a man must adapt to changing times, though always maintaining his principles based on what is right. He who does not change and adapt with the times soon finds his circle of followers growing smaller and smaller and his prospects growing less and less. Hence, it is important that the man not surround himself with just followers who agree with him, but that he go outside his own circle and listen to the views of all kinds of men, even those who disagree with him or consider themselves his enemy. He remains in touch with his followers, but he also remains willing to reach out to others and to know and understand them in order to maintain the broadest of views.

2. [6] A man must choose carefully those he associates with. If he wastes time with unworthy characters, he will not have time for more worthy companions. Moreover, unworthy associates tend to drive away those more worthwhile, who may be more discerning and particular than is the man and find such persons distasteful. Since unworthy companions tend to distract a man and lead him into unworthy actions, his inattention to the quality of his associates will mean that his efforts will come to naught.

3. [6] Association with persons of high quality improves a man's character and his fortunes. Though he may lose some companions who are uncomfortable with those who are more worthy, the loss is not significant and is more than made up for by the advantages he gains to his life and work from persons who have more to contribute. The right choice is clear, but still the man must decide: does he want to improve himself and better his opportunities, or does he want to waste his time and substance with persons who are unworthy and fritter away things that are important?

4. [9] A man in a prominent position may attract unworthy associates who recognize his good qualities, and he allows this merely because he chooses to overlook their inferior qualities. Such people, however, are only using him for whatever advantage it may bring them, and will do whatever it takes to win his favor. If the man surrounds himself with those kinds of parasites, he will surely meet with misfortune. It is necessary that he ignore their flattery and look beyond the feeling of importance such people give him. If he can focus clearly on his goals and the principles he knows to be important, he will be able to see these people as they are and not be distracted from what it is he wishes to accomplish.

5. [9] Every person stands for something, whether he has articulated it clearly or not. This is what defines his character, determines his choices, and forms his destiny. If he devotes himself to that which is honest and true, that which is just and right, and that which is beautiful and uplifting, his life will be enhanced, and he will find success and satisfaction on his path.

Top. [6] A man may have lived a productive life of service to mankind, he may have struggled with difficulties and improved himself until he now occupies a place of respect, and he may feel that the time has come to withdraw from the world of men and enjoy a time of repose. But if a person who fully appreciates the man comes forth and entreats him to take on yet another worthy effort, he may do so, and he and his follower will both benefit from the effort. The result will be a worthy contribution to mankind, together with well-deserved honors and recognition to the man.

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Credit | 17. Following - YouTube



Monday, June 20, 2022

63. From Old To New

The Lines Bottom.

[9] Immediately after a significant transition takes place, the momentum of change is still effective, and there is a tendency for it to be carried too far. If change is overdone, it creates uncertainty and weakness, a need for a pullback, and the introduction of confusion that could lead to chaos and disaster. The wise man, therefore, exercises caution at this time when everyone else is pushing ahead with elation and recklessness. He holds back, and even though he may receive some slight injury from the pullback that necessarily follows when a general movement goes too far, his caution prevents the minor loss from becoming a major one.

2. [6] After a complete change to a new order of things, a man feels that the new leadership is ignoring him, and that he lacks the opportunities that are necessary for the advancement of what he seeks to accomplish. Those in new positions of leadership may seem content with the changes that the recent transition has brought, and care nothing for new projects or developments. They are content to sit back and rest upon what they have done. Everyone seems to have lost their sense of mission and their interest in moving forward, and are now chiefly concerned with their own power, position and reputation. This causes the man to consider some ostentatious way of bringing his ideas to everyone's attention, but this would be a mistake. If he becomes a part of the same struggle for power and position that engages everyone else, all that he intends will be corrupted and will come to naught. His wisest course is to guard his integrity, maintain his position, consolidate his resources, refine his plans, and develop his skills in preparation for a time when they can be profitably employed. After the present hollow scene has played itself out, a desire for substance and for men with great ideas will arise, and the man's day will arrive. If he stands firm for his principles and for his solid vision, if his goals are really worthwhile, it is impossible that they will lose their value. All he needs to do is wait patiently for the wheel of Fate to turn, and he will be in a position to realize his goals.

3. [9] When a time of transition is complete and the new order is well-established, a new and revitalized administration usually seeks to expand its powers and enlarge its field of influence. It is filled with energy, and to fail to employ that energy in some constructive way is to invite stagnation and decline. This can mean a long and difficult struggle to move into other territories and incorporate them into the expanding enterprise, however. In order for this to succeed, it must be done correctly and in accordance with what is right and just. It should not be parceled out to parvenus who would not be considered worthy to hold a leading position at home. To expand an operation, but to include inferior people as part of the expansion, is a sure way to bring on disaster to the entire enterprise.

4. [6] When a transition is complete and a community is at the height of its power, it is almost inevitable that some kind of scandal will occur that points to the presence of evil and corruption. This will surely invoke outrage from the people, but since the general tenor of the transition is highly favorable, these problems are easily dispensed with, and the people are mollified. Nevertheless, the wise man looks upon these outcroppings of corruption as for causes, and takes corrective action.

5. [9] In the evolution of civilization, there occurs growth and development in the ways men express their spiritual feelings. This, too, is subject to transitional periods in which simple devotion is replaced by more complex forms and more expensive settings. But in spiritual matters, empty dogma, ostentatious show, material magnificence, and gaudy spectacle are completely without importance. Indeed, they tend to encourage external appearances that serve only as facades that hide a vast emptiness and a profound meaninglessness in the spirit of man. What really counts is the inner man, the seriousness of his convictions, and his respect for, allegiance to, and compliance with universal law. Ritual and dogma too often serve as a cloak that is thrown over the inner poverty of inferior and evil men, but a simple and honest respect for the powers of the Universe are the marks of a truly devout man.

Top. [6] When there is a transition bringing with it significant change, there is often a temptation to turn around, look back, and contemplate the mistakes and evils of the past. But this is a dangerous distraction and can led to unfortunate consequences. By contemplating the past, a man renews and reinforces his attachment to the past and the power it has over him.

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Sunday, June 19, 2022

59. Dispersion - Distribution

The Lines

Bottom. [6] As soon as divisiveness arises, it should be faced up to and eradicated. If a man waits until it gains a foothold, it will be much more difficult to eliminate, and may, in fact, bring down disaster. As soon as evidences of discord, distrust and dislike begin to arise, it is important to get to the source of the disagreement, to discuss the differences, to uncover them and eliminate them through mutual understanding, so that all can return to working together in mutually supportive ways.

2. [9] As soon as in individual detects in himself an alienation from his fellow men, when he realizes that he mistrusts some and dislike others, it is essential that he take steps to eliminate these divisive feelings. He should not let himself slip into a growing separation unawares, but should rely on his own inner examination of the causes, based on a sense of justice and fairness, and a wish to be on good terms with everyone. He should not let ill will fester, for this has a deteriorating effect upon his own personality and can only lead to worse and worse relationships with his fellow man. If he is able to resolve his bad feelings and heal the breech in his relationships, he will avoid a situation that can only lead to regret.

3. [6] When a man's sense of duty calls him to responsibilities that are far beyond his personal interests, it becomes necessary for him to forget about himself and his mundane needs. What he seeks to accomplish will be of enormous benefit to mankind and is of far greater importance than his own material existence. So he abandons such personal concerns and is thereby enabled to complete the great and difficult task that lies before him. By focusing entirely on his calling, on the job that lies ahead, and on the accomplishment of this thing above all other things that might concern him, he arrives at the concentrated state of mind that will permit him to achieve this great humanitarian goal.

4. [6] A man engaged in work that is for the benefit of mankind does not allow himself to be concerned with the interests of those closely associated with himself. What he seeks is of far greater importance than the acquisitive wishes of self-centered friends. He cannot find the proper approach nor develop the proper policies if he allows himself to descend to such petty private interests. What he seeks is far greater than the needs of any single individual, and only he who is able to go beyond such small matters is capable of achieving great and lasting things. Not everyone is able to see this, however. Only he whose vision encompasses the great connectedness of all humanity.

5. [9] There are times when ideas have enormous power. When people are torn apart from one another, when what was a great movement is breaking up with disputes and disagreements -- it is at just such a time that a great man can step in and electrify everyone with a solution, a purpose, an ideal that can bring all the fracturing groups together and prevent their scattering abroad. It is at just such a time -- just when it appears that everything is lost and all is dissolving into bickering factions -- that a tremendous insight can serve as a rallying point to bring everyone together and to resolve all their differences. This is the time when a man in a leadership position can eliminate misunderstandings and bring an entire movement back together.

Top. [9] By taking precipitate action, a man can rescue himself and all those associated with him. In this way, danger is avoided and all are saved from harm. He recognizes the danger, and he knows that it will soon do great harm to everyone if he fails to act and they remain where they are. Therefore he does whatever the situation demands in order to avoid the danger and to assure that everyone is out of harm's way. He does not remain to face the danger, nor to stand his ground against it. He escapes with all the people that are important to him, and escape is unquestionably the right move for him to make.

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Saturday, June 18, 2022

58. The Joyous

The Lines

Bottom. [9] A man experiences joy within himself and is not dependent on any external approval. He needs neither praise nor the approval of the world because his confidence rests on a heart that is honest and that honestly seeks what is right. Since his heart is open and his mind is not filled with self-centered ideas, since he himself is content and is free of acquisitive desires as well as emotional revulsions, he journeys through life with happiness and good fortune as his lot.

2. [9] Any man may sometimes be tempted to associate with inferior people and indulge in entertainments that are vulgar and degrading. But a superior man finds such activities distasteful and invariably regrets the time wasted on them, even if only for a short while. Eventually, he realizes that such dalliance is futile, that there is no real pleasure involved, and he resolves to avoid such diversions completely. Even his inferior associates recognize that he experiences no real joy in such things, and they cease trying to persuade him to accompany them.

3. [6] The superior man finds joy in his very existence. His thoughts and meditations bring him pleasure as does his work and his recreational activities, which are educational, uplifting and enlightening. But the inferior man is empty inside. He has no interest in constructive activities or enlightening experiences. Instead, he seeks entertainments and diversions that will distract him from a recognition of his inner vacuum. He is miserable if he is isolated and alone for any length of time. He depends on the external world to fill his emptiness, and his lack of an internal life attracts an endless stream of empty diversions. The more he indulges in filling this void with idle pleasures, the less he is able to cultivate the life of his mind. His spirit shrivels, his personality deteriorates, and his life sinks deeper into meaninglessness.

4. [9] If a man cannot decide between the enlightenment and development of his mind, and the idle entertainments offered by the world, he will feel himself torn between them. It is a choice between the deeper joys of cultural activities, and the frivolous pleasures of mindless amusements. Finally he realizes that distractions have no depth and provide no genuine satisfaction; that only the finer pleasures of art, literature and similar uplifting activities bring any lasting satisfactions; that meaningless entertainments leave him disappointed, whereas meaningful ones make him feel better about himself. The choice becomes obvious, the uncertainty is eliminated, and he enjoys a richer, happier existence.

5. [9] A good man with worldly contacts will meet persons or opportunities that mislead him into unrewarding and unprofitable activities. Often, these diversions seem harmless at first, and a person can easily allow them to take over more and more of his time. The harmful effects are so little noticed, and their intrusion is so gradual, the man is hardly aware of what is happening or of the danger he is slipping into. But if he becomes aware of what is has been going on and awakens to the danger, he can take steps to extricate himself, and he escapes unharmed.

Top. [6] A man has allowed himself to be seduced by empty pleasures that encourage his self-indulgence. If he has no inner depth, no central core of being, these diversions easily take over his whole life and he cares about nothing else. He is completely possessed by them, they have in fact taken over his life, and he is no longer in control. Whatever becomes of him is determined by these outside forces, not by himself. If his diversions are physically harmful, he will be physically harmed. If they are intellectually degenerative, his intellect will suffer. He is at their mercy.

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Credit | 58.The Joyous - YouTube


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