12.Mycal8 - Stagnation
Hexagram 12 By: James Byrd I. The Oracle A. Hexagram Twelve can be termed as Pi or Stagnation, some additional terms can be seen as Obstruction, something that is Anti-robust. " The Great Going -- The Small Coming. " The lower trigram is K'un: the earth, female, passive, receptive, and the upper trigram is Ch'ien: Heaven, the creative, male, active. The Wife. B. The Judgment 1. Standstill | Evil people do not further The perseverance of the superior man. 2. The great departs, the small approaches. C. The Image 1. Heaven and earth do not unite: a) The image of Standstill. Thus, the superior man falls back upon his inner worth. b) In order to escape the difficulties. He does not permit himself to be hon...