
Showing posts from November, 2022

Loss and Reduction for todays.

Hexagram  41 By: James Byrd I. The Oracle   A. Hexagram forty- one is Sun or Diminishing. Another interpretation is Decrease. The lower trigram is Dui : open, swamp or forest. The upper trigram is Gen : bound or mountain.            B. The Judgment    1. Decrease combined with sincerity         Brings about supreme good fortune        Without blame. One may be persevering in this.     2. It furthers one to undertake something. How is this to be carried out?        One may use two small bowls for the sacrifice. C. The Image   1. At the foot of the mountain, the lake:       a) The image of Decrease.       b) Thus, the superior man controls his anger            And restrains his instincts. II. My interpretation...

28. Great Potential

Credit |  28. Great Potential - YouTube The Lines 1. [6] The very beginning of an enterprise in a time of Great Potential is when great caution must be exercised, because the beginning determines the foundation upon which further progress will be built. If the beginning is faulty, further efforts will be difficult or impossible. 2. [9] During extraordinary times, extraordinary events occur and unusual steps are in order. Making an alliance with those of humble position may be unusual, but it has the potential for unconventional gain. 3. [9] The arrogant and unheeding meet only failure in a time of Great Potential. Such a man cuts himself off from others who could assist him. Because he must rely solely on his own resources, he is unable to cope with the opportunities presented and meets with disaster. 4. [9] By enlisting the aid of those from a humble station in life, broad support for the opportunities that Great Potential brings is possible. But if a man diverts this conf...

22.mycal8 Grace

From< mycal8 11 27 22 Copy - YouTube > Hexagram  22 By  James Byrd I. The Oracle   A. Hexagram 22 is Bi or Adorning. Further variations include Grace and Luxuriance. The lower trigram is Li: radiance or fire, and the upper trigram is Gen: bound or mountain.      B. The Judgment    1. Grace has success.    2.  In small matters        It is favorable to undertake something. C. The Image   1. Fire at the foot of the mountain:       The image of Grace.   2. Thus the superior man proceeds        When clearing up current affairs.        But he dares not decide controversial issues in this way.             II. My interpretation   A.  "Beauty and Grace " “The orator, he has the ear of the people provided, content, the end goal, behavioral temperaments, within a range of days/years are consistent with the image t...

Small Influences

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9: Small Influences A gentle wind gathers clouds, but still, there is no rain. Softer influences predominate as the power of smaller forces accumulates, making this a time for smooth and friendly persuasion. The ebb and flow of events are like waves in the sea, and there are periods of low tide. At present, more sweeping actions are impossible or inappropriate, but small matters ultimately lead to bigger and better things when attended to with success. When the tide is rolling in, by all means ride the waves; when they are receding like they are now, however, focus on the little things. When you cannot do much to affect large matters, persuasion and subtle influence prepare the way for stronger moves in the future. Use your intuition to chart your long-term course, but avoid bold actions—they are unlikely to work. This is a better time to refine existing abilities or develop new talents. Gentleness is the k...

Great Abundance

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14: Affluence Supreme success! Like the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a person whose fortunes have turned for the better shines brightly now. At the core of true success lies unselfishness generosity and modesty. It is the tendency of a flexible or yielding nature to draw powerful forces to it, especially when prosperity begins to manifest. When this added power is wielded with grace and dignity, we have supreme success and great abundance! Ah, but be careful. Along with any accumulation of wealth or influence can come an increase of pride and arrogance. Fight this tendency if you want your good fortune to continue. Stay attentive enough to manage your affairs well. And remember that while prosperity beats the alternative, it is only one element of a satisfying life. A lasting prosperity is one that honors the highest values and furthers the collective good. From< Hexagram 14 - Affluen...

Moving Upwards

46: Pushing Upward Natural advancement is represented by growth in springtime, when new plant life pushes upward through the earth. The emphasis is on upward motion, a movement from obscurity to influence, with growth that is supported by adaptability and an absence of obstacles. Constant, flexible growth is the key attribute of a plant pushing upward . This reading suggests a period of promotion and prosperity for you. The wise person, in harmony with fate, is sensitive but determined. Make a sincere effort to apply a determined effort against the forces of inertia by bending around obstacles that arise, and good fortune will follow. By remaining tolerant and flexible, you will retain the conscious innocence that best fuels growth and advancement. Willpower and self-control are necessary to manage growth properly, but an inner enthusiasm for life is what drives it. From:< Hexagram 46 - Pushing Upward: Meaning and Interpretation | >  

Creating More Human Experiences on Social (ft. No More Lonely Friends cr...

Credit |  Creating More Human Experiences on Social (ft. No More Lonely Friends creator, Marissa Meizz) - YouTube

61.mycal8 -- Sincerity

Image From < 61.mycal8 -- Sincerity - YouTube > Hexagram  61 B y: James Byrd I.The Oracle   A. Hexagram 61 is Zhong Fu, or Center Returning. Further variations are Lower Truth and Central Return. The lower trigram is Dui : open, swamp or forest. The upper trigram is Xun : ground or wind.      B. The Judgment    1. Inner Truth. Pigs and fishes.        Good fortune.        It furthers one to cross the great water.    2. Perseverance furthers.           C. The Image   1. Wind over lake: the image of Inner Truth.       a) Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases       b) In order to delay executions.             II. Another interpretation   A. "Inner Truth" " Legge:  Inner Truth  denotes the highest quality of man, giving it...

Creating a Successful Brand Ambassador & Advocacy Program: Ivanti

Credit |  Creating a Successful Brand Ambassador & Advocacy Program: Ivanti - YouTube

Our Calendar of Days ~ Come join us on Sunday to celebrate the word for ...

Credit |  Our Calendar of Days ~ Come join us on Sunday to celebrate the word for that day. - YouTube


Credit |  mycal8 11 13 22 - YouTube Our Calendar Of Days ( On Sunday we talked about " Limitations ". We will meet today to discuss the word for today, @ 10:00 am Est, the topic will be about " Inner Truth ," Rev. James Request Prayer #mycal8 References Blofield, John (1965).  I Ching the Book of Change an Important New Translation of the Ancient Chinese Book of Diviation Byrd, James (2018) "The Future" Huang, Kerson, and Rosemary (1987). I Ching Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995). I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Legge, James (2012). The I Ching: The Book of Changes (Sacred Books of China: The Book of Changes) Reifler, S. (1974) I Ching: The World's Oldest and Most Revered System of Fortune Telling Van Over, R. (1971), I Ching Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX) Wilhelm, ...

18. Work on the Decayed

Credit |  18. Work On The Decayed - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The root causes of stagnation and decay extend back into the distant past. The habits that produce decline become well-established over time. But it is the nature of decay that it is unacceptable. Everyone recognizes it, even if only unconsciously they know that something is wrong. Therefore, the decay is not so well-entrenched that it cannot ever be corrected. But it must not be ignored. Only when one retains clearly in mind the idea of how things should be can the correction be made. 2. [9] Decline that arises out of inadequacy should not be condemned too severely. After all, a person should not be treated with contempt for something over which they have little control, something they could hardly help doing. The idea is not to execute judgment and make people feel guilty, but to improve the situation. And that is best done through kindness, encouragement, and every form of assistance that will enable those wh...

40. Deliverance

Credit |  40. Deliverance - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune. 2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance. 3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attr...

36. Diminished Influence

Credit |  36.Diminished Influence - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A man may attempt to overcome the adverse times in spite of the fact that his influence has diminished, but he cannot. The forces opposed to him are stronger than he is. He is forced to back down and avoid the conflict. There is no one who will receive him and give him encouragement. Since he holds to his principles and stays focused on his goals in a time when all are opposed to him, he is forced to remain isolated, to rely solely on his own resources, and to endure being an outcast. 2. [6] The superior man is in a subordinate position, and he is held back by those above him. Nevertheless, he is able to do some good to the few that are still his supporters, in spite of the difficulties. He helps as many as he can and is unconcerned about his own problems. Such selfless generosity brings good fortune, and he finds success in spite of the difficult times. 3. [9] The superior man persists in his struggle to accom...


Credit |  mycal8 11 13 22 - YouTube  | Please Comment, Like and Share

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Credit |  Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days: Byrd, James C: 9781720149224: Books

60. Limitation

Credit |  60.Limitation - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] Sometimes a man comes up against what seems at the time to be insurmountable limitations. When this happens, it is important that the man recognize the situation and not try to go beyond what is possible. By staying within the limits set on his forward movement, he is able to consolidate his resources, sharpen his skills, and adequately plan his next move. Then, when the time is ripe, he will be in a position to take whatever further steps are indicated at that time. Careful planning is necessary for the accomplishment of great enterprises. 2. [9] When a man prepares for action, there comes a time when preparation is complete, obstacles are out of the way, and action is most appropriate. Before that time, he is not really ready. After that time, he has missed the opportunity. If worrying and fretting cause him to delay when the time is ripe, the result will be failure. 3. [6] The man who seeks only the pleasures of frivo...


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