Showing posts with label Wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wellness. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2019

10 Ultimate Ways to Manifest Happiness


By Kevin Hufford
Happiness, health and well-being are the “Ultimate Three Aspects of Life” that you need to manifest so that you can experience an awesome life, reality and world.
I would like to share with you 10 WAYS, 10 AFFIRMATIONS and 10 MIND POWER QIGONG breathing exercises that I have done and continue to do and that you can use to set yourself on your road to happiness, health and well-being.
    1. Make a grateful list

    2. Define what happiness means to you
    3. Make meaningful goals
    4. De-clutter
    5. Laugh out loud
    6. Mind power qigong
    7. Meditate
    8. Let more fresh air in
    9. Spend some daytime outside
    10. Spend some nighttime outside
These are 10 excellent ways to begin your journey in the new year but can also serve as your guiding principles to create and manifest happiness, health and well-being on a daily basis throughout the year and beyond.
Let's Talk.

Happiness has been defined as a long-lasting and enduring enjoyment of life. It is simply really being in love with living. Happiness may be defined differently for you than for others. To me it is a state of being, reward for achieving good character and the pursuit of rational personal values. From my perspective some examples of important values are the positive and valued treatment of others, a creative and productive career, loving family relationships, successful friendships, positive social interactions and having fun things to do.
Health is of course the state of being where you are free from illness and injury. Health depends upon your positive success in each of your three planes of existence – the physical, the mental and the spiritual.
Well-being in popular usage usually relates to health. But, philosophically well-being is a much broader term that amounts to your notion of how well your life is going. The concept of well-being also includes what is “actually,” truly, good for you and not what you may think is good for you. This obviously can vary greatly from person to person.
1. Make a grateful list
Get a pad of paper and a pencil and sit down in a quiet comfortable place. Focus on all the great things that you have and experience in your life that enhance your feelings of joy. Write these on your grateful list and place the list in a convenient location where you can read it each morning and new items to it at the end of the day.
Affirmation 1 – “gratitude is definitely the best way to attract more good things into my life.”
Qigong Exercise 1 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. INHALE, imagine that you are standing outside on a beautiful night with a dark clear sky, stars shining bright everywhere and say to yourself, “gratitude is definitely the best way…” EXHALE, imagine that thousands of fine silvery threads emanate from your solar plexus and each connects to a star in the universe and say to yourself, “…to attract more good things into my life.” REPEAT this for several minutes feeling your connection to the universe, the world and your reality.
2. Define what happiness means to you
Happiness is an attitude, not a physical state. It is a state of being. You need to make the decision to be happy and then go out and create the circumstances and find what makes you happy.
Affirmation 2 – “every atom of my being now resonates with joy and happiness.”
Qigong Exercise 2 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. INHALE, imagine that warmth and happiness shines from you like the sun’s golden rays and it lights up everything around you with positive happy golden energy and say to yourself, “every atom of my being now resonates…” EXHALE, imagine that everything that you lit up now reflects this warmth and happiness back to you and say to yourself, “…with joy and happiness.” REPEAT this for several minutes and with each breath you feel warm and happy inside.
3. Make meaningful goals
You need a sense of purpose to thrive. It has been shown that people with dreams and aspirations are happier than those without. There are many areas of your life where you can create goals. Ask yourself, “What is my purpose in life?” “What do I really want to do in my life?” “What kind of life do I want to create for myself?” These questions will help you define yourself and your goals.
Affirmation 3 – “I focus completely on what I am doing and I am happy and grateful that my goal has been achieved.”
Qigong Exercise 3 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. INHALE, imagine your goal in your mind’s eye, see yourself performing the steps to achieve your goal and say to yourself, “I focus completely on what I am doing…” EXHALE, imagine that you have achieved your goal, create a really clear picture of your success and say to yourself, “…and I am happy and grateful that my goal has been achieved.” Repeat this for several minutes and with each breath sense and feel the joy that completing your goal brings to you.

4. De-clutter
This is a really super concept and if you want a clear mind you need to de-clutter everything about your life. Specifically, and you may not even realize that this is affecting you, but a clean home is a clean mind and you really will feel better in an orderly environment.
Affirmation 4 – “I will not allow the space in my mind to be cluttered by things that add no value to my life.”
Qigong Exercise 4 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. INHALE, imagine the cluttered areas of your home perhaps your cupboards, closets, bookcases, bathroom, kid’s room and say to yourself, “I will not allow the space in my mind to be cluttered…” EXHALE, imagine what your home would look like all weeded out, clean and organized and say to yourself, “…and I have removed the things that do not add value to my life.” Repeat this for several minutes and in the process sense how nice, how fresh your new organized life feels.
5. Laugh out loud
It has been shown through scientific research that laughing releases endorphins and lowers the levels of stress hormones that are circulating in your blood and body. Laughing is good for the soul and we all know how contagious it can be when in the company of friends and relatives.
Affirmation 5 – “I am lightening up, laughing more, playing more, and fully embracing all that’s joyful in life.’
Qigong Exercise 5 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. INHALE, imagine yourself laughing, EXHALE and feel what it is like to be laughing and put a smile on your face. REPEAT this 6 times. Next place your right hand over your heart and gently place your left hand on top of it. INHALE as you press gently inward with both hands toward your heart, EXHALE as you softly vocalize, “haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ha, ha,ha,ha, haaaaaa” and focus on what you feel under your right hand, feel the stress leaving your body, feeling great.
6. Mind power and qigong
Through the use of mind power coupled with qigong you can create the Balance, Abundance and Flow that is necessary for stress-free living. You can manifest a higher, more positive state of being. Learning to control your breathing through qigong practice helps you manifest positive responses to the stresses, fears and anxieties that crop up during your day. Mindful breathing brings peace and contentment.
Affirmation 6 – “I use my breath and mind to increase my awareness of self.”
Qigong Exercise 6 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. INHALE for a count 1-2-3-4, PAUSE your breath for a count of 1-2, EXHALE for a count of 1-2-3-4, PAUSE your breath for a count of 1-2. Repeat this 6 times. Now, INHALE for a count of 1-2-3-4 while saying to yourself, “I use my breath and mind…” PAUSE for a count of 1-2, EXHALE for a count of 1-2-3-4 while saying to yourself, “…to increase my awareness of self…,” PAUSE for a count of 1-2. REPEAT this 6 times. It is here that you can learn to control your body, mind and spirit.
7. Meditate
Through tons of scientific research, medical studies and according to the Dali Lama meditation not only decreases stress, but also triggers a neurological response that makes you happy.
Affirmation 7 – “focus and clearing my mind produces a healing stillness within me.”
Qigong Exercise 7 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose, INHALE slowly and feel the air as it flows past your nostrils, EXHALE slowly and again feel the air as it flows past your nostrils. REPEAT this 9 times making sure to feel the air as it brushes past your nostrils. INHALE, feel the air and say to yourself, “focus and clearing my mind…” EXHALE, feel the air and say to yourself, “…produces a healing stillness within me.” REPEAT this 9 times. When finished take a moment and reflect on how you are now feeling.
8. Let more fresh air inside
Very often the air inside your place of residence gets stuffy and stagnant. Open a window and let some fresh air in. Fresh air is invigorating and increases the levels of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is a chemical that helps maintain a “happy feeling,” and seems to help keep your mood under control by helping with sleep, calming anxiety, and relieving depression.
Affirmation 8 – “I am grateful for fresh air that comes through my window.”
Qigong Exercise 8 – Sit near your open window where there is fresh air (do not sit directly in the draft and if it is chilly make sure you bundle up warmly), INHALE, expand your mind to feel and smell the fresh air and say to yourself, “I am grateful for the fresh air…” EXHALE and say to yourself, “…that comes through my window.” REPEAT this for 5-10 minutes. Know that the fresh air is good for your health and mental well-being.
9. Spend some daytime outside
The outside, relative to the inside, is considered to be yang. Daytime is yang and therefore energizing. There is nothing like the bright outdoors, the air, the trees, nature and especially the daylight. Take a walk. Just taking a quick walk, even just down the street and back, can clear your mind and raise your mood.
Affirmation 9 – “Taking a walk in the daylight feels great. It gives me energy and lifts my mood.
Qigong Exercise 9 – Take a few abdominal breaths and relax. As you are walking INHALE to a count of your footsteps 1-2-3-4, then EXHALE to the count of your footsteps 1-2-3-4. REPEAT for several cycles until you have this pattern going nicely (adjust your breath or your walking speed if necessary). INHALE 1-2-3-4 while you say to yourself, “Taking a walk in the daylight feels great…” EXHALE 1-2-3-4- while you say to yourself, “…It gives me energy and lifts my mood.” Make sure you smile at the end of each breath and repeat this for your entire walk.
10. Spend some nighttime outside
Nighttime is an awesome time to be outdoors. Compared to daytime it is Yin and thus it can have an immense calming and peaceful effect on your mind and spirit. You might try going stargazing. By looking out at the stars you can experience and really feel the limitless abundance of the Universe. Go out and find a spot relatively free of unnatural light and marvel at the beauty of the night sky and the wonders of the Universe.
Affirmation 10 – “I am being pulled by the infinite field of possibilities, to my true self and the life of my dreams.”
Qigong Exercise 10 – Find a nice place outdoors at night where you can look at the sky with little or no extraneous light. Place your right hand on your abdomen so that your thumb covers your navel, then gently place your left hand on top of it. Breath normally, INHALE slowly, EXHALE slowly, as you imagine yourself surrounded by a blanket of universal energy. REPEAT this for 2 to 5 minutes. INHALE and say to yourself, “I am being pulled by the infinite field of possibilities…” EXHALE and say to your self, “…to my true self and the life of my dreams.” REPEAT this for as long as you like. Enjoy the nighttime knowing that its peaceful Yin energy is soothing your body mind and spirit.
The above 10 ways are really awesome, inexpensive and in fact FREE ways to create and manifest happiness, health and well-being in your life. But, I think that an 11th and very beneficial way to manifest happiness, health and well-being is to share with others. To share with your family and friends by telling them, showing them and experiencing with them what makes you happy. Let them know the things that you are doing. Everyone can learn from each other so share your happiness, your health and your well-being with everyone that you meet. Together we can all move the universe and the world to a higher level of consciousness. Remember – It’s Your health! Create It Now!
Kevin Hufford is a respected qigong master and teaches classes, seminars and instructor certification in upstate New York, the USA and Internationally. He is the founder of a new and revolutionary system called Mind Power Qigong. For more information and to CLAIM YOUR COPY of “It’s Your Health, Create It NOW!” please visit –
Credit: [,-Health-and-Well-Being-in-the-New-Year&id=6813401] 10 Ultimate Ways to Manifest Happiness, Health and Well-Being in the New Year

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Ashwagandha's Benefits For Immunity & Vitality

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Ashwagandha's Benefits For Immunity & Vitality

By Sharon Grogan

Ashwagandha is one of the most potent herbs and has been used since ancient times for a variety conditions. The herb is known for its restorative benefits. The Sanskrit meaning of Ashwagandha is "whiff of the horse", that means it imparts the vigor and strength of a stallion.
Because of its rejuvenating features, it is commonly known as Indian ginseng while botanically Ashwagandha and Ginseng are unrelated. It belongs to the family of tomato; it is a plump shrub with yellow flowers and oval leaves. Ashwagandha bears red fruit that has a size of a raisin. Ashwagandha is found in the dry region of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East; now it is grown in the mild climates of the United States.Ashwagandha has traditionally been recommended to strengthen the immune system after an illness.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is woven from the food. The nutrients that we consume are metabolised into the energy and form cells, tissue and organs. Every day we need vital vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to maintain the delicate balance of our bodies. And Ashwagandha, if taken as a supplement is highly useful to create a body balance. One can take a dose of 600 to 1,000 mg of Ashwagandha twice daily.

Ayurveda has specified certain herbs as having adaptogenic benefits; Ashwagandha is one such herb. Adaptogens (a combination of amino acids, vitamins, and herbs) are a substance that modulates the body's response to stress or a changing environment. Adaptogen allows the body to cope with external stress like toxins in the environment and it also helps to overcome the internal stress such as insomnia and anxiety.

Ashwagandha has many useful medicinal components like alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids, and a variety of sugars and others. The leaves and fruits of Ashwagandha have valuable therapeutic features, while its roots are commonly used as an herbal remedy in western countries. Scientists and researchers have been studying Ashwagandha for several years and have compiled many studies pointing to the healing benefits of the Herb.

Ashwagandha helps in stabilising blood sugar, improving learning, memory and reaction time. Ashwagandha has anti-malarial properties and protects the immune system of the human body. It offers anti-inflammatory benefits and helps in lowering and controlling the cholesterol. Also, it reduces the brain cell degeneration. Apart from these advantages, Ashwagandha has significant healing benefits that have been proven scientifically.

For centuries Ashwagandha has been used as a general body tonic, that makes human body stronger and healthy. Apart from boosting overall immunity, Ashwagandha has a great potential to work as an anti-cancer agent as it controls the growth of cancerous tumors. The herb also acts on the endocrine system by stimulating hormonal balance. Further, it is of great use during menopause as it prevents mood swing and hot flashes.

And if you are tired of looking in the mirror at wrinkled, sagging and dry skin, Ashwagandha is of great use to overcome skin problems. Its powerful antioxidant property protects the skin against radical damage and reduces the ageing process. Ashwagandha also promotes the production of natural skin oils, compounds and proteins for healthy skin. It can be used as a toner for the glowing skin.

Ashwagandha, a magical herb is one of the greatest gift of nature to humanity. It keeps you younger, healthier and gives you a better sleep. The miraculous herb is the ticket to get health benefits and beauty benefits.

Wow Herbals is an online store that provides you best himalaya ayurvedic healthcare products, Ashawagandha is a natural ayurvedic composition from himalaya herbals to reduce anxiety, stress, boost immunity and vitality and rejuvenation energy. Buy Now

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MRSA Superbugs In Meat

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MRSA Superbugs In Meat


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Steps To Senior Exercise Motivation

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Steps To Senior Exercise Motivation

By Donovan Baldwin
Okay, you’re old. I am too, so don’t take offense. I have been where you are in life, and, perhaps a little bit longer than you have. I have also been studying about exercise, and, actually exercising for years, starting long before I became ‘old’.
Quite often, it’s not the exercise itself that presents a huge hurdle to an older person. After all, we’ve faced, and conquered, many things in our lifetimes.
No, often, the exercise itself is not the problem.
Actually, the biggest problem for anyone contemplating some sort of senior exercise plan, is the same one faced by younger folk.
It’s hard to keep working on a project when you can’t see any real progress. It’s even harder when you are not sure what ‘progress’ really means.
Well, I am not going to give you facts and figures about how many minutes, how many times a week, how much weight, and so on. A lot of that is going to depend on who you are, where you are at in your fitness journey, where you want to go, and what sort of exercise you choose… just to name a few issues.
First of all, let’s eliminate those who don’t need to read this.
If you are exercising in hopes of participating in some sport or fitness activity, you probably don’t need to be reading this. You are going to be exercising at a level far above the person just trying to be healthy and live longer.
If you have specific health needs or problems, and are exercising to meet them, while this little essay may give you thought, you really need to follow the guidance of the health care professional you are working with.
If you are an ordinary person wanting to remain healthy, stay fit, and, perhaps, prolong your life, read on. We are not going to achieve final conclusions, but, we are going to touch on a couple of concepts.
There are two major forms of exercise you need to consider:
Why didn’t I include flexibility exercises?
Well, flexibility is important, and, if you can work it in, I do recommend it. However, many seniors are going to find that getting the exercise they need in the two areas I mention may not leave them time, energy, or inclination to add the extra. Also, I have found that if you are doing the two I mentioned, you will probably experience improvements in flexibility anyway.
One way to cover strength and flexibility is to practice yoga. But, you will still need to include some sort of cardiovascular exercise.
There’s the dilemma.
Almost any particular form of exercise will be good for one area or the other, but, getting both benefits from it often demands additional time and effort.
Fortunately, someone beginning a senior exercise program is not going to have to reach the levels of a younger exerciser.
Some experts have said you need to walk 10,000 steps a day. Others say you need 10 minutes of exercise a day. Some want you to lose 10 lbs. Still others want you to get an hour and a half of exercise a week.
Most find that aiming for one of these makes it difficult to meet the others.
It can really be a buzzkill to try to regularly get in all the exercise you think you ought to get. Once you begin to doubt if your exercise plan is doing any good, the motivation tends to seep away.
First of all, recognize that some exercise daily, especially in a senior exercise program, is better than having a few, scattered, intense exercise sessions at specific times and places.
Second, blending strength training and cardiovascular activity can create a sort of holistic exercise experience. In other words, do some of one, and then some of the other. While for cardiovascular benefits, it might be best to put several minutes of exercise together, doing some strength training now, and some aerobic activity later will work well for the older exerciser… if it’s done regularly.
Finally, doing something is better than doing nothing… as long as you do not try to do too much at any one time. Since “doing something” can include gardening, swimming, doing the laundry, cutting the grass, or lifting weights, you can combine pleasant activities, necessary activities, and just plain exercising to get the amount of exercise you need for health and fitness.
As I said at the start, my intention is not to give you minutes and measures, but to give you ideas for senior exercise motivation. Knowing you can get it done without overdoing it is a good first step.
Donovan Baldwin is a 72-year-old exerciser, freelance writer, certified optician, and Internet marketer currently living in the Dallas – Fort Worth area. A University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has been a Program Accountant for the Florida State Department of Education, the Business Manager of a community mental health center, and a multi-county Fiscal Consultant for an educational field office. He has also been a trainer for a major international corporation, and has managed various small businesses, including his own. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, with 21 years of service, he began writing articles on health and fitness. He now frequently publishes original articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. You can read his report, []Why Diets Don’t Work at []
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Keep a Balanced Exercise Program to Maintain Fitness

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Keep a Balanced Exercise Program to Maintain Fitness

by Trina Rowe
A well thought out exercise program and proper nutrition equals being physically sound and healthy. Sounds simple enough, right? But how do I start? And what type of exercise program is really best for me, based on my age, body shape and size, abilities and time constraints? And how do I know if I’m making progress?
While that can be a lot to digest at once, the path to good fitness and health doesn’t have to be complicated and difficult to travel. With the proper guidance, exercise plan and the right equipment, anyone can find their own way to fitness and health.
First, there’s one key point we’d like to make – the difference between “physical activity” and “exercise.” Physical activity is simply any movement that uses energy. Walking up stairs, lifting boxes, folding laundry are all movements that use energy and involve different parts of the body.
Exercise is defined as “physical activity that is structured and done at a specific intensity for a length of time.” We engage in exercise for fitness and health benefits, to improve some components of our physical well-being – cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength or endurance, flexibility, body composition, etc.
A proper exercise program combines aerobic activity and strength training with stretching. The American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control recommend 30-40 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 30-40 minutes most days, combined with 2 days of resistance/strength training per week.
A fitness program that includes regular exercise and increased physical activity, can add years to your life and life to your years. But proper exercise is most important to fitness and health and a well-balanced body. Many people are looking specifically at changing their eating habits to lose weight and get in shape, but that’s only half the battle. In order to get the maximum benefits from a healthier diet, an exercise program needs to be developed and followed as well.
Some of the benefits of both Aerobic and Strength exercise include:
Aerobic Exercise
– Increases the level of oxygen to the lungs and bloodstream.
– Improved fitness and health with decreased blood pressure.
– Increases immunity to disease, by circulating and draining the fluids in the lymphatic system.
– Lessens our body’s fat stores because they are being used to fuel our activity level.
– Strengthens and builds up the heart muscle and our bones.
– Improves the endurance level of the cardiovascular system.
– Helps to detoxify the skin due to the promotion of sweating.
– Conditions the lungs so they’re better able to handle everyday activity.
– Improves the flexibility and strength of muscles throughout the body.
– Decreases the risk for developing heart disease.
– May help with the alleviation of stress and improve our overall mood.
Strength Training
– Increases our body’s bone density and strength.
– Helps to develop tendon and ligament strength.
– Helps to intensify our body’s fat weight loss process.
– Increases the body’s metabolism and overall fitness and health.
– Boosts our body’s stamina, energy and endurance.
– Helps increase the body’s coordination and balance.
– Gives our body greater muscle strength, tone and firmness.
As you can see, an exercise program is good for your overall fitness and health in so many ways. And if you’re trying to lose weight, exercise raises your metabolism, which allows your body to burn fat instead of storing it. If the activity level is maintained, this will help you keep your weight under control. Getting in at least some form of exercise every day is an important part of everyone’s path to fitness and health, and your well-being.
For more information on how you can develop your own exercise program, visit the Bauerfeind Performance Center in Santa Monica, CA. The new Bauerfeind Performance Center is helping athletes raise their potential throughout the Los Angeles area. Discover more tips at

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