May Fifth ~ God's Daily Minute

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May Fifth ~ God's Daily Minute

 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks be made for all men.” – 1 Tim. 2:1 ~

OUR dear Heavenly Father, we bring unto Thee our humble offering of gratitude, for all Thy loving kindnesses and tender mercies; so graciously bestowed upon us, all the days of our life. When yesterday passed into the night, we committed body and soul into Thy keeping; and Thou didst again prove, that “He Who keepeth Isreal will not slumber.” Now a new day is ours, -- help us to appreciate its significance. It brings to us new opportunities, -- help us to see, and to use them. It brings to us new duties, -- help us to perform them gladly.

May the love of Jesus, which has touched our lives, touch others through us to-day. Keep our minds pure, our thoughts and deeds free from offense. May someone who knows not Jesus, be attracted unto Him by us to-day. Strengthen those that are weak. Comfort those that mourn. Lead every troubled and seeking soul to light and peace in Jesus. May this day see some prodigal returning to his Father’s house. And O, our Father, we pray: give wisdom, faithfulness, and courage, to all who occupy positions of trust and leadership, in church and state. May they themselves be led by Him who said: “Follow Me.”

Forgive us all our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And may “the Peace of God which passeth all understanding, ever keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Amen

By: Rev. Martin Norstad, Red Wing. Minn.



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