The Fitness Benefits Of Jogging

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The Fitness Benefits Of Jogging

By Charlie C Jameson
Jogging is considered to be the sixth most prominent and popular sport in America. Jogging around your neighborhood is the perfect way to ditch a sedentary life and start an active one. It is a perfect form of workout for beginners because it requires no equipment. Many individuals are worried about the long-term health hazards on the joints, knees and hips as the consequence of running. These risks can be minimized by wearing good running shoes, therefore the benefits outweighing any risks associated with health.

Physical benefits of jogging:
    · Jogging is excellent for your health. It is a great cardiovascular exercise in which all the muscles of the body are employed which results in the toning of all the muscles. It increases the bone density of legs, hips and back.

    · It is a vigorous workout and it yields many health benefits which include a decrease in high blood pressure and coronary exercise, lowering of cholesterol levels and burning of body fat especially around the abdomen and thighs.
    · Jogging strengthens the heart and the lungs and enhances the circulation of the blood which is vital for overall fitness.
    · Jogging alleviates the problems linked with the digestive system by speeding up the rate of metabolism. The calorie burning process is accelerated making it easier to lose weight. Many people are now becoming aware of jogging being the ultimate exercise to lose the stubborn belly fat.
    · Jogging also aids combat with insomnia. When you exercise, your sleep is more peaceful and restful because jogging involves physical fatigue.
    · Jogging dissipates lethargy and you don’t have to be worried about or feel guilty when your meal portions are large or when you want to snack on your favorite treats.
    · Jogging makes you look and feel younger by preventing the decline of bones and muscles related to the age factor.
    · Jogging enhances the immune system thereby reducing the risks of diseases like cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.
The benefits of jogging are not limited to physical level but extend to psychological level too. These are:
    · Jogging gives you a boost of vigor and increases your vitality. You are filled up with boundless energy and vivacity. Jogging raises your confidence and you start loving your body and yourself. Moreover weight loss achieved from jogging is a great motivator.

    · When you are jogging you feel free and happy. Your mind gets time to unclutter and solve life’s riddles and problems. Your anger and aggression fades away and your mind ditches the depression ad stress because jogging releases the happy hormones called endorphins which are responsible for uplifting you mind, packing way the stress and providing you with the sensations of exhilaration and gladness.
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