The Right Social Platform For Your Organization

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The Right Social Platform For Your Organization

The first goal when understanding the dynamics of any social media platform is to at least understand what will the platform bring in terms of ROI, return on investments. How will the platform itself increase the bottom line, and also, how will it effectively reach the right audience? This is just plain basic marketing at its best, (Wertz, 2017)

Now in most cases, whenever one might be at the stage of deciding which platform to use, and how a particular platform will be used to gauge how effective that particular platform will be, the question is, will the platform hold up against the goals of the organization. One must first look at the intended goals of the organization, or better yet, where the firm is going with its choice of social media platform. There are three main questions to ponder whenever a firm is in the platform decision mode, and that is in terms of which direction it is going with its social media goals. These questions can come in the form of how will the platform increase revenues for the company. Next there is the question of how will the platform lower overall marketing cost while boosting profits, and lastly, the question of how will the platform further enhance the bridge between customer and company. These would be the three questions one might want to use when building on what would be the most viable direction to take when deciding on a particular social media platform, (Sterne, 2010).

Also, there are the ideas of social optimization, and that of content distribution, these two processes play a significant role, in part, in the processes of which platform will prove to be the most effective for an organization, given the situation. Within the confines of these two concepts, one will find the social media objective of an organization. Each platform will reflect its distinct form of social media objects and quality of content distribution, that is, depending on the social media platform. These objects are personified by the content that is presented within that particular social media network, such as (the object) a network of pictures in Flickr, objects such as videos on YouTube, an instant Tweet that is put forth on Twitter, in this case, the object would be the text message. Once again, given the goal of the organization, in order to be effective with platform choice, the goals of the organization must match that of the social media platform, (Solis, 2011).

Snapchat would be a very good choice if your product is geared towards the extent of people under the age limit of 24, which falls within the range of millennials which can be predefined as the group range of 21-41 years of age. Millennials are our most recent college grads and the use of technological apparatuses is not foreign to them. They are the early adopters. A slightly older market would be Facebook users.

Now with Instagram, it is somewhat hard to measure the dynamics of that platform and who is seeing what at any given time. The best avenue with Instagram would be to post beautiful images or videos with the strategic aim of brand building, leading users to a measurable landing page, thereby, trying at best to capitalize on the fact that Instagram has about half a billion users. Lastly, if you want to reach the female populace use the image focused Pinterest platform. For me personally, I do best with Twitter. Again, it’s all about metrics and ROI, (Wertz, 2017).

By James Byrd, MBA

Consultant, MediaEclat


Sterne, J. (2010). Social Media Metrics: How to Measure and Optimize your MarketingInvestment. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Wertz, Jia . (2017). WOMEN@FORBES, Which Social Media Platforms Are Right For Your Business? via @forbes



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