Hexagram 60: Limitation
"The Future: 2020" By James Byrd Hexagram 60: Limitation Hexagram 60, known as Limitation , is one of the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, or Book of Changes. This ancient Chinese text is used for divination and offers wisdom and guidance through symbolic interpretations. Each hexagram consists of six lines, which can be either broken (yin) or solid (yang), and presents a unique message or lesson. Understanding Hexagram 60 Hexagram 60 is composed of two trigrams: Water over Lake . This combination symbolizes boundaries and limits, suggesting that setting boundaries is essential for maintaining order and harmony in life. Meaning and Symbolism Limitation is about recognizing the importance of constraints and structure. While it may seem restrictive, setting limits can actually provide freedom and clarity. It helps in defining what is necessary and what is excessive, thus preventing overindulgence or chaos. Water (top trigram): Represents adaptability, flow, and the ability to ...