Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] As soon as divisiveness arises, it should be faced up to and eradicated. If a man waits until it gains a foothold, it will be much more difficult to eliminate, and may, in fact, bring down disaster. As soon as evidences of discord, distrust and dislike begin to arise, it is important to get to the source of the disagreement, to discuss the differences, to uncover them and eliminate them through mutual understanding, so that all can return to working together in mutually supportive ways. 2. [9] As soon as in individual detects in himself an alienation from his fellow men, when he realizes that he mistrusts some and dislike others, it is essential that he take steps to eliminate these divisive feelings. He should not let himself slip into a growing separation unawares, but should rely on his own inner examination of the causes, based on a sense of justice and fairness, and a wish to be on good terms with everyone. He should not let ill will fes