28. Great Potential

The Lines

1. [6] The very beginning of an enterprise in a time of Great Potential is when great caution must be exercised, because the beginning determines the foundation upon which further progress will be built. If the beginning is faulty, further efforts will be difficult or impossible.

2. [9] During extraordinary times, extraordinary events occur and unusual steps are in order. Making an alliance with those of humble position may be unusual, but it has the potential for unconventional gain.

3. [9] The arrogant and unheeding meet only failure in a time of Great Potential. Such a man cuts himself off from others who could assist him. Because he must rely solely on his own resources, he is unable to cope with the opportunities presented and meets with disaster.

4. [9] By enlisting the aid of those from a humble station in life, broad support for the opportunities that Great Potential brings is possible. But if a man diverts this confidence placed in himself to his personal ends, he is discredited and meets with failure.

5. [9] If the potential appears great but is in reality only superficial, the energy expended may appear to produce results, but they quickly dissipate. While nothing is lost, little is gained.

6. [6] The difficulties encountered in a time of Great Potential may be overwhelming, and success may be beyond reach. But it is never wrong to expend great effort in a worthy cause. Even if success is not one's lot, to make such a heroic effort in a great cause can never be justification for censure.

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