"The Future: 2020"

Mark your Calendar now. My book/calendar will help you understand upcoming days and generate less stress as to what a certain day in the past, present or the future will be like, or in essences, what will become an obvious reflection of time. Introduction to the "I Ching" and how the calendar can help with your daily focus as a conversational starting point.
My newest edition, The Future: 2020” is based on the first edition, (“Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days.”) I just downsized the title somewhat and add more of my observations to be noted by my fans that have been following this project. There is also an eBook coming out soon to accompany this new edition. Cost for the eBook will be $0.99 to you for now.
About the first edition:
It’s called, “Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days”. With this enlighten book/calendar, you will learn within a short time about “The I Ching” or “Book of Changes”, and you will gain some insight into how the I Ching influenced me to create a perpetual calendar. My calendar is based on the 64 hexagrams, with the hexagrams for each specific day on “My Calendar of Days,” being a window into the present, past, and of course the future. Once again, use the calendar to gain an insight into the scheme of things relating to the past, present, and also that of future events or outcomes. My main zealous concentration with this perpetual calendar is to know when to fast.
With hexagram 36 days, which is on my calendar, comes the idea that one should fast for three days as a presentation towards atonement of some sort, I usually take raw, fresh fruit juice for three days. It is very enlightening to know when to fast, and also know when to abstain from a full load of activities. I usually take a vacation from work for about three to seven days. This helps me to purge all poisons, and other nonorganic obstructions from my body and it keeps me out of harm’s way as well because as I know, hexagram thirty-six does reflect in some way, Injury, which is mostly self-inflicted through wrong choices of consumptions, such as, alcohol, and smoking, and also not taking time out, through what I would guess, meditation, or yoga, and not so much, television consumption all-day-time.
The one hexagram that brings into mind the relationship between man/woman and God is Hexagram 1, The Creative. The thing with hexagram 36, knowing those days, I know not to take any undue chances, three days leading up to that date, and for three, days thereafter, hence, the old bell curve pattern. Another self-crucifixion can come in the form of consumption of the wrong kind of water. That one could be another slippery sidewalk at night.
The key indicator is how it all relates to “My Calendar of Days,” that is, it all seems to be the general tendency of the events that the I Ching in some way presents its indicator for a given day, these events can all be viewed as Cyclical, thereby, an indication of a perpetual calendar. And on any given Saturday, it will encompass that Lotto machine. But first, find your birthday on the calendar and study that. 
Also see AI Revised Version: click here.

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