August Twelfth ~ God's Daily Minute

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August Twelfth ~ God's Daily Minute

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go.” – Ps. 32:8 ~

We praise Thy name, our Father, that Thou hast again brought us to the sweet consciousness of life and to realization of Thy divine grace and loving favor. We are grateful to Thee for all the mercies so abundantly bestowed upon us through Thy Son. Grant unto us this day Thy watch-care and guidance, that we may in nothing offend Thee or bring reproach upon Thy name.

May we, by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, be led into that truth which will enable us to glorify Thee in our lives. Keep our minds from error and our hearts from sin. May all our thoughts be true, our loves be pure, and our actions right before Thee. Give unto us and ours the things necessary for our temporal comfort and or spiritual good. Bless Thou the toil of our hands and make it abound to the welfare of our fellow-men and to Thine own glory. Help us to be ever conscious of the presence and fellowship of Thy dear Son, our Saviour and our Friend.

Comfort, we pray Thee, those who are in sorrow. Strengthen those who are weak. Be Thou beside the beds of suffering, to ease pain, strengthen courage and inspire hope. We ask all in the name of Him Who dwelleth in our hearts through faith.  Amen

By: Rev. Daniel McGurk, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Credit:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship



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