Hexagram 23: Splitting Apart I. The Oracle A. Overview Hexagram 23, often referred to as "Peeling Off" or "Splitting Apart," symbolizes a period of disintegration and removal. The imagery evokes peeling layers of an onion to reach its core, representing the stripping away of what is non-essential to uncover truth or stability. This is not a time for bold action or significant ventures but rather for introspection, patience, and fortifying one's position. Key Advice Avoid major decisions or undertakings, like "crossing the great water," which represents attempting difficult or risky ventures. The mountain resting on the earth serves as a metaphor: while the mountain remains still, it is supported by the density of the earth. To ensure stability, you must strengthen the foundational aspects of your life or situation. B. The Image Mountain on Earth: This static image implies that little movement is possible without risk of collapse. Practical Applicati...