Meat: From Field to Consumption
The federal government has from time-to-time tried to intervene
within the meat processing industry with such campaigns as “Eat less red and
processed meats,” as pronounced by the federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee (DGAC). I understand it’s like candy but the whole truth about the
road of meat from birth to consumption can be short and cheap, or it can be
long and beneficial for human consumption. It’s not like when my Mother use-to
go out and grab a chicken out the chicken coop and chop its head off. With
those chickens we knew what was fed to the chickens because that was my job,
feeding the chickens. Their food consisted of regular crackled-up corn feed.
Nowadays that claim is doubtful with any type of meat consumptions which has
a gigantic array of additives to enhance the shelf-life and maybe the taste of
that particular meat.
The start of the process begins with farmers who believe
that they are doing the right thing by producing and grazing millions of farm animals
which in turn has a devastating impact on both the water supply and quality of
air. Now next these same open-range animals are then moved on downline to the inhumane
factory farms or feedlots. At that point they are fed; antibiotics genetically
engineered grain and the most ill-reversible fate of all, artificial hormones.
The last byproduct of factory meats is very important because it affects the
sexual orientation of young people. Do you need that?
Also, there are psychological ramifications to expect with
the consumption of confined animal’s hormones (CAFO), that is, you
become what you eat, by eating caged stressed animals, and you will in turn become
stressed, the waterfall effect. So there you have it, the meat in most cases
starts out ok, except for the environmental detriments, and is somewhat
contaminated as it makes its way to your plate, and we are talking about 95
percent of beef and a large percentage of other meats still come from feedlots
and factory farms.
Trust me, once you stick to vegan and try going back to
eating meat once again, you will almost immediately sense the taste of
Cummins, Ronnie. 2015 The food fight we might all agree on:
because no one in their right mind really wants meat from factory farms. The
Free Library (July, 1), food fight we might
all agree on: because no one in their right...-a0420197589 (accessed August 29
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