Good Morning (47)

April Eleventh ~ God's Daily Minute

 “For the Father Himself loveth you.” – John 17:26 ~

Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the peace, the rest, the comfort of the night through which we have come. We surely have reason to be grateful for Thy increasing care. Thou art ever thinking of us, and we sleep in safety under the shadow of Thy protection presence.

Now we enter upon the light and blessing of another day. May it be a clean day, a glad day, and an undefiled day! May no dark, impure thoughts obtain possession of our hearts! May we have the grace to put away everything that is sinful and selfish and unworthy of Thee!

Enable us to overcome every form of temptation. In moments of weakness or weariness, or doubt come to us, may we have gracious help from Thee.  In our business life, our home life, with our associates, with our friends, may we be thoughtful, tender, loving, generous, ever bearing in mind that we are to have the Spirit of our Divine Master “who went about doing good.”

Teach us to be pitiful, to be kindly affectionate, to speak words of gentleness, and to remember especially the Wayward, the unfortunate, the sorrow-stricken. So fill us with Thy Spirit as to make us joyous, radiant, eager for service, anxious only to do Thy Will. We ask all these favors in the Name of Thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: J. Wesley Johnston, Litt. D., Brooklyn, New York.

Source:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship


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