Union is Strength.


By James Byrd

I.The Oracle 

A. Hexagram eight is related directly with Grouping. Another variation is the Holding Together or that of a puddle of water, it is not part of the sea or ocean, but still, it holds together within its low spot and therefore an Alliance:

   1. Holding Together brings good fortune
   2. Success comes from inquiring the oracle once again. Same as in marketing the early adopters will farewell, but for all latecomers, the hors d'oeuvres are depleted. It is now common knowledge.

B. The Image

  1. On the earth is water
      a) The image of Holding together
      b) Thus the kings of antiquity bestow the different states as fiefs And cultivated friendly relations with the feudal lords

II.My interpretation 

A. As it was said earlier on, that puddle of water will soon dry up and that is due to its position. If it could only conjoin with a larger body of water and enjoy a greater and profound presence.

   1. "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of how you categorize people and things and how you relate to these categories. It emphasizes that joining people and things through recognizing their essential qualities is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: GROUP! -Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995)

    2.  This hexagram has more to do with an Avatar who acts as a conduit that channels water off the roof directly to his immediate surrounds. Because of proximity, it has a telltale effect on the closest recipients. When it gets hot, unlike the ocean, the temperature of the puddle will drastically change, or maybe diminish that small body of water. One more time, which one makes the loudest noise, the small bell or the large bell? It is the aura of The Great Person that Affects. Learn more about Hexagram 8.

Huang, Kerson, and Rosemary (1987). I Ching
Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995). I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance]
Legge, James (2012). The I Ching: The Book of Changes (Sacred Books of China: The Book of Changes)
Reifler, S. (1974) I Ching: The World's Oldest and Most Revered System of Fortune Telling
Van Over, R. (1971), I Ching
Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX)
Wilhelm, Hellmut and Richard Wilhelm (1995). Understanding the I Ching



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