

by James Byrd


Hexagram thirty-six is associated with the Diminishing of the Light, suggesting a retreat and concealment of one's true intellectual stance.

Similarly, just as the Sun conceals its brilliance at times, so should the Superior person during challenging periods. Therefore, perseverance is advantageous. It is said that the superior individual dwells among the great masses; he veils his light, yet it continues to shine.

1. Now is not an opportune moment to cross the great water. It is beneficial to remain steadfast and persistent.

2. Darkening of the Light:

This illustrates that the superior man leads others in such a way that he demonstrates his wisdom by remaining silent about his current circumstances.

The Image

  1. The Sunset behind the Earth

      a) Stay true to your path

      b) Be mindful of the challenges that lie ahead.

My interpretation is as follows: 

A. On February 15, 2013, during my observance of My Calendar of Days, I recall a significant event—the landing of a celestial rock on Earth. This occurrence is still a topic of discussion as of February 14, 2020. It drew my attention to the calendar's operation, which resembles a standard bell curve graph in statistics; near the peak, one can anticipate a probability or effect that correlates directly with the calendar described in "Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days." According to some interpretations, this hexagram is associated with injury and appears four times a year on My Calendar of Days: February 14, July 17, August 7, and November 14, coinciding with the onset of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The central concept is that sometimes it's wise to take a passive role and enjoy the journey, but avoid being a controlling observer. It's an opportunity to embrace the unknown, yet adhere to your inner values. In essence, don't isolate yourself and undermine your support. Bear in mind that morals are subjective; they may not reflect universal beliefs at present, but with the internet's help, we are moving towards a more unified understanding, thus, the advent of innovative technologies.

 The hexagram maintains that a person should realize the situation they are in at the moment and maintain a firm steadiness to their beforehand planned course, or should I say, maintain your Inward Principles. The same can be seen with Hexagram 6, talking leads to conflict. Now we take six times six to a higher octave, and we see, "keep your fears to yourself." It is better to configure your innermost feelings in such a way that you might come across as being gentle and accepting of others, less, there will be compound conflict at the present moment.

Amidst the troubles in your heart, set your determination on pursuing what is just. Remain amiable amidst boundless challenges. Seek a tranquil place and be patient. Three days prior, and three days following the upheaval. We are currently at the peak of it. Keep things understated today, everyone.

I recall that on Sunday, August 4, 2024, we discussed the dragon concealed within a droplet of water, and now we are surrounded by all sorts of water, folks. Just giving a shout-out to the home team, "The Future: 2020," and mentioning the free T-shirt.



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