56.mycal8 -- The Traveler

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Hexagram 56

By: James Byrd

I. The Oracle 

A. Hexagram fifty-six is called Lu or The Wanderer. Various interpretations may include, Traveling Stranger, Sojourning or The Visitor. The lower trigram is Gen: mountain, and the upper trigram is Li: radiance or fire. Fire on the Mountain. 

B. The Judgment

   1. The Wanderer. Success through smallness.
   2. Perseverance brings good fortune - To the Wanderer.

C. The Image

  1. Fire on the mountain:
      a) The image of The Wanderer.
      b) Thus, the superior man, is clear-minded and cautious,

           In imposing penalties and, protracts no lawsuits. 

II. More elaborations  

A. "The Stranger"

With this episode we see fire on a mountain, you know that look of fire on a mountain as the wanderer approached a gathering, and as he further moves from place to place. His relief is that he does not have to remember those aimless wanderings but moving towards a star there in the night as well, which is the ultimate relief in mind. The light at the top of the mountain is great, but even farther there is a distance star, align with that. Identical trajectory, the notion now is to keep a low profile and to keep moving. 

There is also this guy explaining what the Traveler to him means, in the positioning of his book, a guy from Portland. He is talking intrinsic values, with his measurements of reality. 

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Blofield, John (1965). I Ching the Book of Change an Important New Translation of the Ancient Chinese Book of Diviation
Byrd, James (2018) "The Future"
Huang, Kerson, and Rosemary (1987). I Ching
Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995). I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance]
Van Over, R. (1971), I Ching
Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX)
Wilhelm, Hellmut and Richard Wilhelm (1995). Understanding the I Ching


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