Setting Social Media Goals in 2020
How to Set Social Media Goals in 2020 By Susan Friesen Create the Most Effective Social Media Marketing Plan There's a vast sea of social media information out there. Experts are everywhere and there are just so many opinions on best practices and tactics. Not only that, but the platforms themselves are constantly changing, whether it's adding new features, increasing character limits or otherwise changing the rules. That's why I've created this guide to help you understand how to set social media goals for 2020. This article is especially good for you if you've never taken stock of your marketing campaigns or created objectives. Throughout this process, it's really important to be honest about your successes and failures. It's okay to admit that some of what you've done has been a wasted effort-that's why we're here. Here's my 3-step process to set social media goals for 2020: 1. Check Your Reports Keeping rep...