
44. Return Of Dark Force

Credit |  FREE WILL MAGIK The Lines Bottom. [6] At the very beginning is the time to put an end to an inferior element that has somehow sneaked in. If, because it is small and weak, it is allowed to take root and grow, it will become enormous trouble. Small causes often give rise to big troubles. This small matter may be insignificant at first, but if not gotten rid of immediately, it will soon reveal how significant it can be. 2. [9] An inferior element that is not forcefully eradicated may remain and not cause trouble if kept under constant control. But it must be confined to a very small area, otherwise it will spread and infect everything it comes in contact with and get completely out of control. 3. [9] The evil element is inviting and offers some attractive possibilities to the man. However, the position the man has taken makes it impossible really to associate with that element, although he would like to. He cannot turn his back on his principles, and that makes such an ...

Disruption as a Platform for Continuous Innovation

Credit |  MITSMR

I have never eaten such delicious eggs! Simple and easy breakfast! Quick...

Credit |  Enfes Yemek Tarifleri

18. Windy- Windy

  Hexagram 18    by James Byrd I. The Oracle   A. Hexagram eighteen is related directly with  Decay . Another variation is  the idea of Fixing or working on that which is decaying or that which is spoiled , or we can say, when the sailboat is not out at sea, work on the sails because due to weather the sails will, over time, rot or decay:    1. Work on what has been spoiled, this is a sign of supreme success. It furthers one to cross the great water. Follow through with your large plans at this time, now is the time; Before the starting point, three days. After the starting point, three days    2. Supreme Success B. The Image   1. The wind blows low on the mountain       a) The image of Decay       b) Thus, the superior man stirs up the people, this strengthens their spirit. II. My interpretation   A. Work on that which is spoiled has something to do with a person's  c...

Today Remember Opposition H-38

From < 38.mycal8 - YouTube > "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of things that are connected but should not join. It emphasizes that putting things in opposition while acknowledging their essential link is an adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: polarize ! " Source:    Ritsema, Rudolf; Karcher, Stephen. I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance] Hardcover – Barnes and Noble. 1995 Credit:  "The I Ching and My Calendar":  -- Learn more about  "Opposition"  -- And Over All, Make It A Good Sunday! -----------------------------------------------------------

A Wielder of the Light :: Hexagram 38

Credit |  Jared Tredway

64. Before Completion

Credit |  FREE WILL MAGIK The Lines 1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity. 2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the end approaches, but it is important not to let patience turn into indifference and carelessness. Even though one must not rush ahead, one must still keep completion in mind and work steadily towards it if ultimate success is to be achieved. Constant attention and effort is still required, but it must be controlled and restrained. 3. [6] The time has arrived! Completion of the task is at hand! But one lacks the resources to bring things to a close. Forging ahead regardless of capacity to do so could only result in catastrophe. At such a time, it is necessary to find those who can add to the effort and then, under these new circumstances, make the supreme effort needed to bring it to...

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