Credit | The Lines Bottom. [9] At the very beginning, there is a sense that something significant is approaching, but it is not yet apparent. Under such circumstances, it is important to continue with normal activities and not to act prematurely. A premature move at this time is a display of anxiety and exposes one's hand. This could weaken one's position when the time comes to act. 2. [9] Danger gradually approaches, and all become aware that it is imminent. This causes unrest and questions to arise, resulting in disagreements and recriminations. If sharp words are not answered in kind, the feelings they display will develop no further. Those who stay calm at this early stage will retain the presence of mind to deal with things properly when they become full-blown. 3. [9] A premature move places one in an unfavorable position, which does not go unrecognized by the enemy, who naturally try to take advantage of it. But eventually they had to know anyway, and a cal...