April Twenty-First ~ God's Daily Minute

April Twenty-First ~ God's Daily Minute

 “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after.” – Ps. 27:4 ~

We need Thee, O loving God. We are lonesome, discontented, helpless, defeated, without Thee. How shall we know ourselves aright unless Thou teach us? How shall we love goodness and strive after holiness, and know the deep joys of the soul unless Thy Spirit abide in us? How shall we be able to meet Thy just expectations unless we companion with the Most High God? How shall we bear our burdens and overcome our temptations, or be unselfish in service, or turn away from our sins or grow into the beauty and majesty of the character of Christ, unless Thou take possession of us?

Thankful we are, then, that Thou dost not withhold Thyself from any eager, hungry, obedient heart. We know that Thou art willing to give Thyself to us. Teach us how to open our natures to Thee. Help us to be obedient to Thy will, joyous in our allegiance, cooperative in all of Thy plans.
Disturb us when we go astray; discipline us when we are willful; hearten us when discouraged; strengthen us when perplexed.

Through all the experiences of our lives, fashion us into the likeness of our exalted Christ, so that we may be Thy true sons and daughters. Amen

By: Philip L. Frick, Ph.D., Buffalo, New York


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