
Showing posts from August, 2022



22. Grace

Credit |  22. Grace - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A novice who is not really the kind of person who should put on a big show must take responsibility for his own progress and how he conducts himself. He avoids pretentiousness, and if there is an opportunity to pretend he is someone he is not, or that he is of a rank that he does not deserve, the person of integrity rejects such artificiality. He prefers to be who he is and present himself as he is, rather than gaining ground by being a fake. 2. [6] To turn one's entire attention to form and appearances betrays a certain egocenteredness. Such a man is not bent on accomplishing any great and substantial work, but only in having the appearance of someone who is important. He spends all his time and effort on cultivating that appearance rather than actually performing the necessary work. Only when his own accomplishments are coordinated with the image he portrays is he without blame. 3. [9] After a man has made a certain amount...

34. Great Power

Credit |  34. Great Power - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] A man in a lowly position may have great personal power and ability , but if he tries to exercise it, he meets with misfortune. Ability is not the only factor to consider. In order to be effective, a man must be in a position to use his abilities in a proper and suitable manner. If he tries to act with force and authority that is not natural to his station in life, he will be seen as a self-promoter and a pretender, and he will be rejected with scorn. 2. [6] When a man begins to rise in the estimation of his fellow men, when he begins to move into a position of respect, when his abilities are recognized and a position of power is opening to him, he becomes capable of moving ahead into positions of trust and responsibility. But it is at just such a time that he must be especially careful. If he does not rise to the occasion, he is thought lacking in ability. If he forces himself forward too vigorously, he is considered pu...

58. The Joyous

Credit |  58.The Joyous - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A man experiences joy within himself and is not dependent on any external approval. He needs neither praise nor the approval of the world because his confidence rests on a heart that is honest and that honestly seeks what is right. Since his heart is open and his mind is not filled with self-centered ideas, since he himself is content and is free of acquisitive desires as well as emotional revulsions, he journeys through life with happiness and good fortune as his lot. 2. [9] Any man may sometimes be tempted to associate with inferior people and indulge in entertainments that are vulgar and degrading. But a superior man finds such activities distasteful and invariably regrets the time wasted on them, even if only for a short while. Eventually, he realizes that such dalliance is futile, that there is no real pleasure involved, and he resolves to avoid such diversions completely. Even his inferior associates recognize that h...

41. Loss and Reductions

  Credit |  41.Decrease - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] It is a real act of kindness when a man who has completed his own necessary tasks goes to the aid of someone else who is in need of help without making a fuss over it. But people receiving such aid should be careful not to let the helper overdo it. It ceases to be an act of giving if the person helping injures himself thereby. This requires careful consideration to strike the right balance. 2. [9] To give to another beyond your capacity is no virtue. To destroy yourself to benefit someone else is to do injury to a highly deserving person--yourself! Such over-giving demeans the giver and does more harm than good, even to the recipient. He who serves should be careful to maintain his own self-respect. Serving others is an onerous duty if it means doing injury to oneself, and he who requires that kind of service is an  oppressive  tyrant. 3. [6] Three people do not make a companionable group, since there is a ...

Create a Digital Marketing Plan to Grow Your Business | Grow with Google

Credit |  Create a Digital Marketing Plan to Grow Your Business | Grow with Google - YouTube To stand out from your competition online, your small business needs to think about digital marketing. In this Grow with Google video Keisha Mabry Haymore, a Grow with Google Digital Coach, walks you through how to create a digital marketing plan. By considering your brand identity, your business goals, and most importantly your audience, you’ll learn how to publish content, utilize email marketing, and create a google business profile in support of your business.   Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:40 - Who's Your Target Audience 01:04 - Define Your Goals 01:37 - Optimize Your Website 02:30 - Engage With Your Audience on Social Media 02:58 - Creating Content 03:15 - Email Marketing 03:52 - Create Your Google Business Profile 04:14 - Plan Your Schedule   To learn more about how to create a digital marketing plan for your business check out this G...

How To Grow Your Small Business Using Social Media

 How To Grow Your Small Business Using Social Media By Vardharaj Kawde   Are you a small business owner looking for ways to grow your business? Are you looking to attract more leads to your business, or have heard about Social Media Marketing, and now want to try it? As a small business owner you face many challenges - limited capital, minimal support staff and having too much to do in what seems like very little time. So, how do you grow your small business without heavy investment in marketing and advertising? Answer - through the use of technology. Web 2.0 provides you with various tools and techniques that help you to generate leads and increase the exposure of your home-based business. Social media is one such tool. Here's all you need to know as a small business owner to begin increasing revenues using social media. What is Social Media? Social Media is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online. Exampl...

7. The Army

Credit |  7.The Army - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] From the very beginning of a joint effort, right and justice must prevail, and the enterprise must be conducted in an organized fashion. The aim and purpose of the joint effort must be meaningful and made clear to all participants if their loyalty and enthusiasm is expected. Without this element of genuineness, the enterprise is sure to fail. The good leader, therefore, is careful to make clear to all members of the group the purpose of the enterprise and as much about how it will be conducted as is reasonable. 2. [6] He who fills the role of leadership must consider himself a part of the group he expects to lead. His fortunes are tied together with theirs and theirs with his, and he accepts responsibility for all. Only someone who can accept this great responsibility is worthy to be a leader. Whatever honors or recognition he receives is not his alone; it is bestowed upon him as the representative of the group, and each mem...



Omega 3 Fatty Acid Benefits | Fish Oil DHA Supplement Benefits

Credit |  Omega 3 Fatty Acid Benefits | Fish Oil DHA Supplement Benefits - YouTube

25. Innocence ~ (The Unexpected)

Credit |  25. Innocence - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] There is a certain charm in unstudied innocence that is found in children and even in older persons who are sincerely enthusiastic about a new undertaking. At the very beginning, their approach is unspoiled by duplicity, deceit and disingenuousness. They have not yet become victims of evil men and fallen into cynicism and mistrust. Such an attitude of refreshing honesty always bodes well for the beginner. He acts from the purity of a pristine nature and a good heart. 2. [6] The innocent mind embraces each moment for itself. It enjoys the task before it, without looking always to the attainment of some future goal or the accomplishment of some eagerly sought milestone. The man of pure nature does the best he can in the present moment, and leaves future outcomes in the hands of the universal powers that determine such things. For him, it is enough to be intensely engaged with this moment's task. By thus doing his part and tr...

43. Breakthrough

  Credit |  43.Breakthrough - YouTube The Lines Bottom.  [9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results. 2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth  transition , of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, ...

18. Work on the Decayed

Credit |  18. Work On The Decayed - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The root causes of stagnation and decay extend back into the distant past. The habits that produce decline become well-established over time. But it is the nature of decay that it is unacceptable. Everyone recognizes it, even if only unconsciously they know that something is wrong. Therefore, the decay is not so well-entrenched that it cannot ever be corrected. But it must not be ignored. Only when one retains clearly in mind the idea of how things should be can the correction be made. 2. [9] Decline that arises out of inadequacy should not be condemned too severely. After all, a person should not be treated with contempt for something over which they have little control, something they could hardly help doing. The idea is not to execute judgment and make people feel guilty, but to improve the situation. And that is best done through kindness, encouragement, and every form of assistance that will enable those w...

10. Proper Conduct

Credit |  10.Proper Conduct - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A man who is not involved in a complicated relationship with others remains free of any obligations. His simple life-style allows him to follow his own inclinations, but the simplicity of his activities means he does not have much influence. If he is content with that, all is well and good. He will accomplish things on a small scale without any problem and will enjoy the satisfactions that come from minimal involvements in the world. If, on the other hand, he is dissatisfied with such simplicity and has a gnawing desire to improve his situation, his interest will be in advancing himself, not in accomplishing something. Success in such ambitious undertakings means he will become arrogant and materialistic. 2. [9] If a man chooses the quiet life of a man of wisdom and remains apart from the turmoil of the world, content with his basic needs and not desirous of material acclaim and rewards, he can travel through life peac...

9.Small Taming

Credit |  9.Small Taming - YouTube The Lines   Bottom. [9] A man of ability and strength is accustomed to forcing his way ahead. But when that path is effectively blocked, he leaves off being forceful, and remains in readiness to go forward or back as the situation requires. Good fortune will be the result, because he is not testing his fate, and he stands ready to utilize whatever opportunities open to him. 2. [9] The man is surrounded by people like himself who wish to advance, but are being held back. He immediately recognizes that were he to make the same attempt, he would meet the same fate, so he holds back and avoids an embarrassing set-back. Things work out well eventually, because he does not exert himself against the spirit of the times, but waits for a favorable moment. 3. [9] The situation appears deceptively favorable. The man thinks he has sufficient power to move ahead, but he is mistaken. The times favor opposing forces, even when they appear to be weak a...

45. Coming Together

Credit |  45.Coming Together - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] A group of people are searching for someone to lead them, but they are confused because every member has a different idea about what kind of person it should be. Nevertheless, if they will express their needs and wants to prospective candidates, the right man will reach out to them, and they will know immediately that he is the correct leader for them. By choosing someone who responds to their needs -- someone who their hearts tell them is the right person to lead them -- they will make no mistakes and will avoid choosing the wrong person. 2. [6] The forces that draw people together are generally below the level of consciousness, and it is best not to try to analyze the attraction too minutely. People come together because it feels right, and because they gain a sense of positive reinforcement from associating with a certain group of other people. This is reason enough, and a person will make no mistakes follow his in...

11. Peace

Credit |  11.Peace - YouTube The Lines 1. [9] When a capable person sets out to accomplish things in propitious times, good helpers are attracted to the possibilities and join in gladly in the work that needs to be done. Good people want to be a part of a flourishing enterprise, and are gladly connected to the leader with similar objectives. 2. [9] Every person is able to contribute something to an enterprise, if they have a willing attitude. A leader, therefore, bears with those of lesser ability and tries to draw from them whatever they are capable of contributing. There is much work to be done, and some of it is quite difficult. Hence, everyone's contribution is needed and of value, and the attention of all should be directed towards the goals of the enterprise, not merely personal advancement. 3. [9] Good fortune never moves forward forever. There are always setbacks and periods of decline. Therefore, in times of good fortune, the wise leader is always aware that it will ...

27. Mouth Corners

Credit |  27. Mouth-Corners - YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] A man who is in a situation to live simply and whose nature permits him to enjoy the freedom that comes from not being attached to material things and the worldly life, nevertheless abandons such a tranquil existence and turns with desire and envy to look upon those who are better off than he is in their material circumstances. Whereas those persons previously had some measure of respect for his simplicity and his choice of moderation, his lowering himself from his former state of tranquility only produces their disgust and derogation. What was previously respectable has been turned into the weak grasping after something undeserved. This turn toward inferior sentiments can produce nothing but failure. 2. [6] By nature, every man is an independent entity, attending to his personal needs, making decisions that affect himself personally, and making plans for his own continued existence. Under certain circumstances, when ...


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