
Monday, February 28, 2022

9. The I Ching and My Calendar.


Source: "The I Ching and My Calendar": -- Learn more about "Clouds from the west, but no rain" -- Make It A Good Day!

"Gentleness is the key word here. Regarding whatever is on your mind right now, gentleness—combined with determination—is likely to generate more progress than brute force ever could." Credit | iChing 9: Small Influences (

Sunday, February 27, 2022

40. Deliverance

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The Lines

Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune.
2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance.
3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attracts those who are naturally envious of anyone who thinks they are well off -- those who would wish him ill and would like to deprive him of whatever they can, if only out of meanness. If he continues with such a pretentious attitude, he is sure to meet with misfortune. A man more accustomed to an easier lifestyle is more circumspect. He enjoys himself quietly without expecting strangers to appreciate his favorable situation, and he attracts little attention or envy.
4. [9] When a man's progress is halted in the face of difficulties and obstructions, he may find that inferior men associate with him because they are in similar circumstances, even if permanently. It is easy for the man to think that these are reliable companions just because they are similarly situated and their fate seems to be the same. But when the time of deliverance comes, and the man is able to move ahead out of these unhappy circumstances, it is important that he abandon these characters he had begun to identify with. They are not suitable companions for the higher, more accomplished circles he is destined to move in. If he tries to bring them with him, other people who would be of real assistance to him, and who could help him accomplish his goals, will become wary and inclined to stay away. Superior people do not want to associate themselves with someone who surrounds himself with disreputable characters.
5. [6] When a superior man who has been through a period when his progress has been stymied finally is able to free himself and experience deliverance from his former circumstances, he will find that the inferior people who have attached themselves to him during his period of decline are not so easy to get rid of. He feels some obligation towards them and tries to be accommodating to them, but they interpret that as a desire to continue the association, and they seem to take advantage of his lack of resolve. It is necessary, therefore, that he become clear in his own mind that he definitely no longer wants to continue associating with the lesser characters. Once he acquires that inner certainty, it will be obvious in his general attitude. The lesser people will soon get the point, and will leave him alone.
Top. [6] The possibility exists for the man to move out of a difficult situation that has been holding him back, but an evil person in a powerful position is preventing the man from moving on. This is all that is holding him back, but being evil, this person will not relent and must be dealt with. It is necessary, therefore, for the man to take whatever steps are necessary to overcome this evil obstruction. Once this obstacle is out of the way, everything proceeds smoothly.

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

9. With Few, against Many.....


I.The oracle

A. Hexagram nine has more to do with the Superior man refining the outward aspect of his nature. Another variation is the idea of leaving the way of Tao and returning to it with loyal credence, in short, stay with what you know deep down in your being as right action: returning is good but try at best to be, and here comes my favorite word, "Consistent." "Be Consistent."

   1. You may stray from The Way, if you stop along the way, you should always find your way back, and this is all due to loyalty and understanding of The Way.
   2. Know that Success comes with being a strategic decision-maker, know which way to go? We see clouds coming from the west, will there be rain? Don't be capricious, trust your perception.

B. The Image

  1. Wind above, Heaven below
      a) The image of The Taming Power of the Small
      b) Thus with this, we see an impending storm, do not fore stay your position of staying on the path of Tao.

II. My interpretation 

A. The main understanding with Hexagram 9 is, one must stay on the way, refining one’s integrity and basic beliefs. Stay with your first thought about various conflicts, the same can be said about clouds gathering in the western sky and moving towards your direction. First though, the expectation of rain, with this image you should withdraw and seek shelter soon. But please return to The Way.

   1. The full moon draws near, attracts danger for a woman, misfortune for a gentleman, but don’t you get carried away by these times. Remember, there is value in small accumulations before the storm, but try not to enrich yourself at your neighbor’s expense.

Although it is slightly, a time of precautions involving the wherewith of our close associate, especially if there is a relationship with the other half. Do not so much overwhelm grand demeanor them with your scholarly achievements. Full moon raising – after the rain falls next time soon. Now remember the movement after this one is hexagram 10 – conduct, and the one before this one, is union hexagram 8--. So, what is seen here is, when coming to meet, one must not get so much caught up with, His or Her's, self-centered spiritual ambitions. Work on outer appearances too.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

64. Before Completion

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The Lines

1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity.
2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the end approaches, but it is important not to let patience turn into indifference and carelessness. Even though one must not rush ahead, one must still keep completion in mind and work steadily towards it if ultimate success is to be achieved. Constant attention and effort is still required, but it must be controlled and restrained.
3. [6] The time has arrived! Completion of the task is at hand! But one lacks the resources to bring things to a close. Forging ahead regardless of capacity to do so could only result in catastrophe. At such a time, it is necessary to find those who can add to the effort and then, under these new circumstances, make the supreme effort needed to bring it to a successful close.
4. [9] The final phase requires enormous effort and determination. It is necessary to proceed as though with one heart and one mind and not be deterred by doubters. Evil forces may try to intervene, but they must be vigorously overcome. Once the battle is over, once completion is realized, the rewards of successful completion will be won.
5. [6] Completion is accomplished. The culmination of a long and faithful struggle is finally realized. The rewards for all one's efforts are at hand. The result is an important and useful contribution that will remain in existence for the benefit of many.
6. [9] Completion brings celebration, and why not? The great work is completed, and the benefits are to be enjoyed. Nevertheless, one must remain circumspect and celebrate with discretion. It would be foolish to detract from the completion of a massive undertaking with a single act of foolishness.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

42. Increase

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The Lines

Bottom. [9] When unseen forces come together to provide a man with the strength and capacity to achieve something great, it is essential that he use the favorable time responsibly and timely. Such opportunities are rare, and the man will have great success if he uses the occasion to benefit others, and not take advantage of the favorable times merely to enrich himself. If he acts in this way for the benefit of others, his activities will be free of criticism.
2. [6] A man who has dedicated himself to accomplishing worthy deeds will find himself favored by unseen forces, and what he seeks will come about almost of itself. When the forces of the universe are in harmony, there is nothing that can oppose them. Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon the man to keep himself in harmony with those forces, and this he may do by not taking his good fortune for granted, by paying close attention to his purposes, and by being careful to keep himself on a rightful path. With all things working together in this manner, he will be able to accomplish great works for mankind and bring honor upon himself.
3. [6] When everything favors the dedicated man, even events that might ordinarily seem unfortunate turn out to be an advantage for him. This is not a problem for him, however. He is not looked upon as one who profits from the misfortune of others, but rather as one who takes misfortune and turns it into something less of a calamity. By adhering to what is honest and true, the man makes no mistakes and is honored as one who speaks with the authority of Heaven.
4. [6] In a time of progress and abundance, a man who acts as a mediator serves an important function if he is careful to see to it that the higher authorities are kept informed and the people are dealt with justly and generously. In a time when difficult enterprises are underway, it is important that everyone feels they are being treated fairly and have no reason for not working together.
5. [9] A truly kind man bestows his kindness upon those in distress on the basis of need, not merit. He thinks not about those who will show gratitude, but about those who will suffer great injury if someone does not help them. He does not expect to be rewarded, but he nevertheless does receive recognition for his generosity, and his kindness serves as an example to others.
Top. [9] A man in a high place who ignores his duty to work for the benefit of those who are his responsibility soon finds that they have turned away from him. He does not receive their support, and this in turn denies him the cooperation and good fortune that might otherwise come his way. If a man places himself outside the beneficial forces that surround him and in opposition to those who depend upon him, he cannot expect those forces to reward him or those dependents to come to his rescue. A selfish heart should not expect unselfish gifts in return. A man who refuses to provide protection for others cannot expect them to come to his aid when he is attacked.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

51. Arousing

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The Lines

1. [9] Sudden Change often appears as sudden loss at first. But after this initial reaction, a man realizes that change need not mean disaster, but can lead to its very opposite and produce advancement instead. Thus, change brings the occasion for real joy.
2. [6] Sudden Change often does indeed produce great and unavoidable loss. But the change also creates new situations in which the loss is recoverable. Thus, while taking necessary precautions to avoid further loss, the wise man awaits the opportunity to recover his losses in the new situations that are brought about.
3. [6] A Sudden Change of events can bring catastrophe, and the man is at a loss for what to do. In the face of such confusion and change, a man cannot know what steps he should take, and is inclined to passively submit to his fate. But inactivity is not the answer. If he will seize the initiative, a way out of the disaster can be found.
4. [9] Not every Sudden Change can be turned to advantage. If a situation is unyielding, if no chance for recovery opens up, then a person is stuck with nowhere to go.
5. [6] When a series of Sudden Changes befall a man, there is a danger of being swept away by it all in a haze of confusion. Thus it is important that the man focus clearly on his rightful course and keep that ever in mind, regardless of the turn of events.
6. [6] Disastrous change results in confusion and loss of direction. A man finds it impossible to determine in which direction he should proceed. Whatever he might do only promises to make things worse. Under such circumstances, the wise man comes to a halt and refuses to proceed with any kind of plan. He listens to no one, but waits until a rightful path becomes clear to him. By doing nothing until the time is right, he saves himself from harm.
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Monday, February 21, 2022

15. Modesty

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The Lines Bottom.

[6] If a man is faced by a difficult and complicated task, his work is made easier if he can do it without interference, and that is made possible by not having a lot of announcements and fanfare beforehand. Stirring up a lot of attention enables some people to think of all kinds of objections and reasons why it should not be done, whereas going ahead, doing it, and getting it over with avoids all those who think it their duty to oppose anything new.


2. [6] A modest frame of mind cannot but manifest itself in modest behavior, and this attracts good fortune to a man because it does not arouse opposition and negative feelings in those around him. Inferior people resent others who makes a show of their accomplishments, and do everything they can to defeat those they envy. But a modest man does not awaken such negativity, and this allows good fortune to come his way. He is able to exert great influence upon those who benefit directly from his actions, and those who are merely observers and could only offer interference have their attention focused elsewhere.


3. [9] Distinguished actions bring with them a distinguished reputation, but therein lies a danger. If a man takes himself too seriously, if he is too concern with his reputation and his legacy, he becomes self-centered, and that can interfere with the work he is trying to accomplish. He stops thinking about the necessities of the work, and replaces that with thoughts of the necessities for his reputation. But if he focuses on the work he must do and remains modest, his attention remains where it should. By remaining modest, he wins the approval of those who can help him in his work. He is able to concentrate on the contribution, rather than the contributor, and this enables him to bring his contribution to a commendable completion.


4. [6] A modest man is able to share the limelight with his subordinates, and does not try to hog it all for himself. If he provides recognition for those working with him, he gains respect for himself, because that is taken as evidence that he is not just a self-promoter. The inferior person cannot do this. He thinks only of how he can garner recognition and acclaim to himself, will try to deceive others regarding his own merit, and will often take credit for something when it rightly belongs to someone else. And there are also those inferior men who avoid recognition for themselves or anyone else connected with them, mainly because they have done nothing and fear the fact becoming known or having their true merit scrutinized. But the superior man who is modest is neither modest to a fault, nor does he conceal the recognition due his associates. He carries out his responsibilities with care and balance.


5. [6] If a man is modest, this does not mean that he is weak and ineffectual. It does not mean that he will not take stern measures when these are called for, nor does it mean that he hesitates and holds back from taking charge when action is required. When he is called upon to act, he does so not from a position of personal authority, but from his being the person responsible for the position that he holds in the community. It is not a matter of some exalted idea he has of himself, but simply a matter of doing his duty with fairness and objectivity. Even if harsh measures are necessary, he carries them out with resolution and dispatch, but not as an egotistical assault.


Top. [6] When a person is attacked for failings or weaknesses, he sometimes thinks he is being modest by not coming to his own defense. But this is misplaced modesty. Or he may try to escape blame by blaming someone else, which is weakness and cowardice. Again, he may back down under pressure and withdraw, saying to himself that he is being guided by modesty. But that is self-deception. The superior man exercises modesty by facing a situation directly, boldly, and fearlessly, carefully examining himself and his subordinates for any faults. His modesty expresses itself in his willingness to be perfectly open regarding any mistakes he may have made and not pretending he is so superior that it cannot be he that is at fault, and thus blame must be placed elsewhere. In this way, modesty includes both strength and courage.

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Sunday, February 20, 2022

40. Deliverance

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The Lines

Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune.

2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They can easily be removed from the scene, and then the struggle is completely over. It is not necessary to take vigorous action, which might instead spoil the time of recovery. Taking the high ground and adhering totally to what is right will provide the personal strength necessary to complete the final phases of deliverance.

3. [6] When a man of modest means escapes from difficulties into an easier lifestyle, he may feel tempted to make a display of his newly acquired freedom. He may even want to boast of his good fortune to perfect strangers, and brag about the advantages he now enjoys. But this would be a big mistake, because it attracts those who are naturally envious of anyone who thinks they are well off -- those who would wish him ill and would like to deprive him of whatever they can, if only out of meanness. If he continues with such a pretentious attitude, he is sure to meet with misfortune. A man more accustomed to an easier lifestyle is more circumspect. He enjoys himself quietly without expecting strangers to appreciate his favorable situation, and he attracts little attention or envy.

4. [9] When a man's progress is halted in the face of difficulties and obstructions, he may find that inferior men associate with him because they are in similar circumstances, even if permanently. It is easy for the man to think that these are reliable companions just because they are similarly situated and their fate seems to be the same. But when the time of deliverance comes, and the man is able to move ahead out of these unhappy circumstances, it is important that he abandon these characters he had begun to identify with. They are not suitable companions for the higher, more accomplished circles he is destined to move in. If he tries to bring them with him, other people who would be of real assistance to him, and who could help him accomplish his goals, will become wary and inclined to stay away. Superior people do not want to associate themselves with someone who surrounds himself with disreputable characters.

5. [6] When a superior man who has been through a period when his progress has been stymied finally is able to free himself and experience deliverance from his former circumstances, he will find that the inferior people who have attached themselves to him during his period of decline are not so easy to get rid of. He feels some obligation towards them and tries to be accommodating to them, but they interpret that as a desire to continue the association, and they seem to take advantage of his lack of resolve. It is necessary, therefore, that he become clear in his own mind that he definitely no longer wants to continue associating with the lesser characters. Once he acquires that inner certainty, it will be obvious in his general attitude. The lesser people will soon get the point, and will leave him alone.

Top. [6] The possibility exists for the man to move out of a difficult situation that has been holding him back, but an evil person in a powerful position is preventing the man from moving on. This is all that is holding him back, but being evil, this person will not relent and must be dealt with. It is necessary, therefore, for the man to take whatever steps are necessary to overcome this evil obstruction. Once this obstacle is out of the way, everything proceeds smoothly.

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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Pocket Hoodie Sz. (L)


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56. The Wanderer

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The Lines
Bottom. [6] A man who travels afar moves amongst people whose customs are unfamiliar to him, as his manners are unfamiliar to them. This is not the time to engage in trivial or superficial activities that might easily be misunderstood or incorrectly interpreted. A stranger in a strange place cannot be sure how his actions will be viewed. He does not know how people will respond to him. Therefore, he should be serious but pleasant, friendly but not overbearing, kind but reserved, open but dignified. Any kind of exceptional behavior subjects the stranger to the possibility of rejection.
2. [6] A traveler’s modest behavior wins him acceptance, and he is able to settle down. The people he meets are good to him, and are willing to help him find necessities and manage comfortable accommodations. He makes friends with one person in particular, and this person is a great help to him in getting settled and getting acquainted with all the amenities the new location has to offer him.
3. [9] If a man who is a traveler causes difficulties with everyone he meets, if he knows only complaints and criticisms of things that are not to his liking, he will drive good people away from him and make life miserable for himself and all around him. If he intrudes into matters that are not his concern and places demands upon people he has only recently met, he makes himself unwelcome and causes people to shun him. By being unpleasant and difficult, mostly because everything is different and he is unable to adjust to the differences, he puts himself into a situation where he can expect nothing but problems.
4. [9] A traveler who is able to adjust outwardly to his surroundings, but who has many ambitious plans and schemes, will find himself unable to sit back and enjoy himself. He is trying to do too much, to manipulate too many projects, and this causes him to be on edge and in constant turmoil. Because he is in a strange place, he is not familiar enough with the customs and manners in order for him to be at ease and to fit in with the normal flow of things, and this keeps him in a constantly unsettled state. This forces him never to forget that he is a stranger in unfamiliar surroundings.
5. [6] The traveler wishes to settle down and find some form of employment. He meets with someone who is interested in him, he makes a good impression and is generous and affable. He is not shy and withdrawn, but friendly and outgoing with strangers. He makes friends and is accepted in the new circles. He is successful and able to make a good life for himself amongst these people who were once strangers.
Top. [9] The traveler was not careful in making his living arrangements and choosing his associates. He is casual about everything, and doesn't bother selecting the right kind of people as acquaintances. He laughed it off and thought at first that it didn't matter, since he was only interested in having some fun. But then he discovers he has chosen people for friends who are not interested in serious friendship with him, and he has neglected and alienated those who might have been much worthier company. The bad companions drop him when they perceive he has nothing to offer them, and the potentially good ones see him as an insubstantial person and are not interested. He has demonstrated that he appears to have no principles, that he is willing to mingle freely with inferior people, and that he does not wish to take time to nurture the friendship of the respectable people in the community. The result is, he has lost his chance to move in the better social circles and has become a virtual outcast.

Friday, February 18, 2022

31. Influence

The Lines

Bottom. [6] At the very beginning of relationships, the interplay of influence is hardly noticed.

The parties are acquainted with one another, the possibilities of a deeper relationship

are present, but whether the relationship will develop or not remains to be seen -- it may, or

it may not. But as long as everything is in an incipient stage, no judgment can be made

upon it. At this point, neither party is harmed or helped, whether the relationship goes forward

or does not.


2. [6] At a later stage of an acquaintance, there is the bare beginning of a flow of influence,

but it is not subject to the man's control. Whether the relationship proceeds or not requires

the actions of others, and this is not a good way to begin. If this is allowed to proceed, the

man will be subject to the whim of others, and the outcome will not go well. It is better for

the man to wait until circumstances place him in a position where his actions will initiate

and control the relationship. Then he will be in a position to properly exert his influence

himself, and his ability to control the way it proceeds will mean that it will go well for him.


3. [9] The formation of a relationship has an emotional component, and this easily becomes

the directing force. But if this is allowed to happen -- if whim or infatuation is allowed to

lead the man into an involvement with another -- it will result in humiliation. Just because a

possibility of a relationship of mutual influence exists doesn't mean that it is advisable; the

man must restrain himself and act in accordance with his own reason. Just because another

person with whom the man has a relationship wishes the man to do something is not sufficient

reason alone; the man must exercise wise choices and not grant every request automatically.

Just because the man is involved in a relationship with another does not mean

that he should ignore his own intuition when it is contrary to the influence of that other; his

independent judgment is the foundation of his individual freedom.


4. [9] When a man speaks from his heart, he has great influence on his followers, for they

recognize the genuineness of his expression, it has a deep impression upon them, and it

reaches into their deepest sensibilities. It is incumbent upon the man, therefore, that he keep

his heart pure, and if he does so, he will have no regrets. His influence will be great, and the

beneficial effects upon his followers will be extensive. When the man acts from the depths

of his own being, when his motives are for the benefit of others and not self-centered, when

he is conscious of those others and does not attempt to use them for his own ends, he will

make no mistakes, and his followers will know intuitively that he can be trusted. When

people are involved with one another on such a deep level, the emotional strain is intense

and physically wrenching. But for intense emotional experiences of this caliber, it is only

the man's followers -- those to whom he speaks directly -- who are influenced by him.

Highly emotional involvements are limited to those directly affected.


5. [9] When a man's influence is under strict intellectual control, there is no confusion or

misunderstanding. As a result, no one will be led into some unfortunate path, and there

will be no cause for regret. If a man attempts to influence the unconscious mind of his followers,

the results cannot always be controlled, and it is not always certain where such influence

might lead. A man who avoids those emotional depths and maintains rigid intellectual

control over himself and over the emotional level of his involvement with his followers,

also avoids all those uncertainties. Nevertheless, those who are not subject to such

unconscious influences themselves cannot exercise that kind of influence on others, and the

degree of the man's influence will be limited.


Top. [6] The least significant influence of all is mere talk and admonition. Talk is cheap, and

anyone can tell someone else what to do and how to do it. But if such talk is not an expression

of a deeper conviction, if the speaker does not put his whole heart into what he says

and put his finger on things that matter to his listeners, his message can have little effect.

This kind of "do as I say, not as I do" admonition is worthless and is generally ignored by

the man's audience. If the man cannot speak from his heart, he might as well not speak at


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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Union is Strength.


By James Byrd

I.The Oracle 

A. Hexagram eight is related directly with Grouping. Another variation is the Holding Together or that of a puddle of water, it is not part of the sea or ocean, but still, it holds together within its low spot and therefore an Alliance:

   1. Holding Together brings good fortune
   2. Success comes from inquiring the oracle once again. Same as in marketing the early adopters will farewell, but for all latecomers, the hors d'oeuvres are depleted. It is now common knowledge.

B. The Image

  1. On the earth is water
      a) The image of Holding together
      b) Thus the kings of antiquity bestow the different states as fiefs And cultivated friendly relations with the feudal lords

II.My interpretation 

A. As it was said earlier on, that puddle of water will soon dry up and that is due to its position. If it could only conjoin with a larger body of water and enjoy a greater and profound presence.

   1. "This hexagram describes your situation in terms of how you categorize people and things and how you relate to these categories. It emphasizes that joining people and things through recognizing their essential qualities is the adequate way to handle it. To be in accord with the time, you are told to: GROUP! -Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995)

    2.  This hexagram has more to do with an Avatar who acts as a conduit that channels water off the roof directly to his immediate surrounds. Because of proximity, it has a telltale effect on the closest recipients. When it gets hot, unlike the ocean, the temperature of the puddle will drastically change, or maybe diminish that small body of water. One more time, which one makes the loudest noise, the small bell or the large bell? It is the aura of The Great Person that Affects. Learn more about Hexagram 8.

Huang, Kerson, and Rosemary (1987). I Ching
Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995). I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance]
Legge, James (2012). The I Ching: The Book of Changes (Sacred Books of China: The Book of Changes)
Reifler, S. (1974) I Ching: The World's Oldest and Most Revered System of Fortune Telling
Van Over, R. (1971), I Ching
Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX)
Wilhelm, Hellmut and Richard Wilhelm (1995). Understanding the I Ching

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

53. Development


The Lines

Bottom. [6] A young man seeking the path of wisdom and truth starts out with no one to help him. He must struggle along on his own, it is difficult for him to discern the right path, and his progress is slow and hesitant. He is honest and open, but he is also determined, and this subjects him to frequent criticism. The difficulties and the criticisms act as guideposts, however, and prevent him from settling too quickly into an improper path. But because he is sincere and really tries to do what is right, he will ultimately succeed.
2. [6] A man finds success, and his first impulse is that he wishes to share it with his friends. After a long period of uncertainty, when finally the man has some security, it is natural that he feels a certain amount of elation and confidence. What better way to celebrate one's good fortune than to invite a few friends over? His purpose is not to glorify himself, but to share and be generous.
3. [9] A man, in his anxiety to move ahead, pushes too hard and brings himself and those close to him into danger. He was not content to move forward one step at a time, but tried to leap ahead hastily, and this is seen as threatening by those above him. This need not have happened if the man had been reasonable and willing to let things develop naturally, i.e., if he had been willing quietly to take the smallest possible step forward, and reserve further movement for a later time. Nevertheless, if the man will hold steady now and not agitate for a better position, but will be content to remain where he is and only defend what he has accomplished thus far, he can avoid a disaster.
4. [6] A man's path takes an unintended turn. He is uncomfortable with the situation that he has gotten into and the way it has developed. He fears that it might not turn out well for him, and that he will have much to regret if he is not careful. This is a time for him to avoid any aggressive moves and to remain flexible. He should be content to hold back, remain where he is, avoid difficult situations, and not try to push higher at this time. He should withdraw from the forefront, avoid a leadership role, and find a safe place on the sidelines. In this way, he can continue to hold on to whatever he has gained up until now, even though there are dangerous situations developing around him.
5. [9] The man has achieved a high position, and his work figures prominently in the eyes of many. But his accomplishments have tended to isolate him from others, and this isolation creates mistrust and misunderstanding. His actions and motives are misinterpreted, and he is looked upon with suspicion. Other persons who mean him no good are only too glad to suggest behind his back that he has been acting improperly. As a result, all that he is attempting to accomplish comes to a standstill, and he seems to have lost the confidence of everyone. But if he will just hold on patiently, these questions about himself will eventually be resolved. Because everything was based on doubts, not facts, when the elements in doubt do not devolve into real misconduct, the doubts will evaporate, and the man will find himself back in the good graces of those who are important to him.
Top. [9] The man's work is over. He has accomplished great things, and he is honored and revered. He has "fought the good fight," and his work has been a real benefit to mankind. He has known the fullness of having lived a meaningful life. What he leaves behind is considered by all who knew him as a treasure, and his entire life is pointed to as an example of how a good man should strive to conduct his life -- not for himself alone, but engaged in service to his fellow man.
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Monday, February 14, 2022

36. Happy Valentine


Hexagram 36

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by James Byrd

I. The Oracle 

A. Hexagram thirty-six is related to Diminishing of the Light, hence, retreating and hiding one's true intellectual position.

Another variation would be just as the Sun hides its brilliance at times, so should the Superior person during times of difficulties. Hence, it furthers one to be persevering. It can be said that the superior man lives with the great masses, yet he vails his light, still the same it shines.
   1. Now is not a good time to cross the great water. It furthers one to be persevering.
   2. Darkening of the Light:
With this we see the superior man managing others to the degree that he is somewhat proving his intelligence by keeping quiet about the situation he is in at the moment.

B. The Image

  1. The Sunset behind the Earth
      a) Keep to your course
      b) During these times, be aware of the difficulties ahead.

II. My interpretation 

A. I remember a gigantic experience I have had during the observance of My Calendar of Days, and that was on February 15, 2013. I am speaking of that rock that landed on earth at that time. And we are still looking at that trend today 2-14-2020. It made me take notice that the calendar operates somewhat like that of the standard bell curve graph in statistics; anywhere near the peak one can expect a paralleling probability or a related effect that relates directly with the calendar given with "Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days". In some books this hexagram relates to injury and will appear four times a year on My Calendar of Days; Feb. 14, July 17, August 7, and November 14. The way I see it, it falls at the start of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

   1. The main idea is that at times it is best to take a back seat and enjoy the ride, but try not to be a backseat driver, so to speak. It is a time for you to submit to the dark principle but do it to the tune of maintaining the personal principles you hold inside of you. In short, do not sit out on the tree limb and saw the log. Remember, that morals are just morals to people who profess them; across the board, those morals may not be the prevailing sentiments of all mankind at the current time, but thanks to the internet we are getting there, hence, innovative technologies. The hexagram maintains that a person should realize the situation they are in at the moment and maintain a firm steadiness to their beforehand planned course, or should I say, maintain your Inward Principles. The same can be seen with Hexagram 6, talking leads to conflict. Now we take six times six to a higher octave, and we see, "keep your fears to yourself." It is better to configure your innermost feelings in such a way that you might come across as being gentle and accepting of others, less, there will be compound conflict at the present moment.
Despite troubles within your heart, fix your will on extruding that which is righteous. Be agreeable in the face of immeasurable difficulties. So find a quiet place and wait it out. Three days before, and three days after the turmoil. We are at about top-dead-center right now. Low key it today folks.


Huang, Kerson, and Rosemary (1987). I Ching
Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995). I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance]
Legge, James (2012). The I Ching: The Book of Changes (Sacred Books of China: The Book of Changes)
Reifler, S. (1974) I Ching: The World's Oldest and Most Revered System of Fortune Telling
Van Over, R. (1971), I Ching
Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX)
Wilhelm, Hellmut and Richard Wilhelm (1995). Understanding the I Ching

Sunday, February 13, 2022

43. Breakthrough


The Lines
Bottom. [9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it is a time of transition, the opposing forces are still alive and strong. Therefore, the superior man only attempts as much as he is certain that he can accomplish. To force himself forward regardless of his ability to sustain the advance would produce unfortunate results.
2. [9] The superior man is prepared for any untoward event as he endeavors to secure advancement. If he is mentally prepared for any eventuality whatsoever, then he is not shaken by anything that crops up. He hopes for a smooth transition, of course; but he also carefully considers the many ways that things could go wrong so that he will not only be ready for them, but he will know what to do if something untoward happens. With such thorough preparation, he can walk in the midst of dangers as if they were not there, and people will accept his leadership without question. Meticulous attention to every possible problem that might arise extinguishes fear and anxiety. Preparation creates ease of mind.
3. [9] In a time of transition, inferior people remain active and must be dealt with. One cannot shun them entirely, because they still have the power to undermine the superior man's advancement and defeat his goals. At the same time, to seem to be accommodating to the inferior elements raises questions in the minds of many of the superior man's followers, who actively oppose the inferior elements, as to whether he is really committed to the goals he says he supports. The superior man regrets these uncertain appearances, but he is sure of two things: he cannot outright reject and turn his back on the inferior elements, otherwise that would undermine his own intentions; and his integrity is absolutely unimpeachable, regardless of appearances, because he has no intention whatsoever to actually support the inferior elements. He is in a position where he cannot fully explain himself, for that would be taken by the inferior elements as a kind of repudiation that is precisely what he does not intend to convey to them. Therefore, the superior man does what he must, ignores the discontent of his followers with himself, weathers the minor distrust and uncertainty, and eventually, all works out for the best.
4. [9] A man wishes desperately to advance his own goals, but push as hard as he might, he finds it is impossible and he cannot. The difficulties are greater than his powers enable him to overcome, and his every effort is met with superior opposition. His problem, however, is his own anxious and insistent desire. If he would just let go and let others carry through, things would work out, and he would find success, even if it would not come in exactly the form he desires it. But he cannot let go, and will not. It has to be his way, or not at all. He insists that his exertions be met with acceptance, and so his failure is unavoidable.
5. [9] Offhand, an inferior man in a high position seems impossible to overcome. He is in a position of authority, and can defeat any measure the superior man comes up with. But the superior man cannot surrender his integrity, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. He maintains a steady course, sticking always to his inner convictions, regardless of the apparent chance of success. And he must do this. This is the only course open to him if he is to remain a superior man.
Top. [6] At the very end of a transition, when almost all of the inferior element is eliminated and only the most insignificant remnants remain, it might seem that the little that remains is hardly worthy of attention. Since the bulk of the work has been done, a man might assume that the tiny little bit of evil left will soon cease to exist due to the overall momentum that has been achieved. But this is a mistake. Deliberate, conscious effort must be exerted, otherwise these insignificant remnants will stay in place and begin to take root again, just like a cancer that was not entirely cut out. Therefore, the man cannot rely on momentum to complete the job. He must keep working at it until the inferior elements are completely eradicated and not a hint of the past condition remains. Otherwise what looked like a successful conclusion will deteriorate and end in misfortune. Please Comment, Like and Share


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