35. Progress
Credit | 35.Progress - YouTube
The Lines
1. [6] Even though everything is set for Rapid Progress, there is an air of uncertainty. The
disinterested man is not sure that he will be accepted and trusted; others may turn him
away. But he is not disturbed by this possibility. He continues on a rightful path, without
trying to force his way. Eventually, his integrity will be recognized, and all will turn out
2. [6] Rapid Progress is prevented by someone in a powerful position. This is a great disappointment,
but the man is not deterred. He keeps on his rightful path, and eventually the
powerful man recognizes his great assets and rewards him.
3. [6] A man is unable to proceed on his own, but luckily he has many supporters who urge
him on. With their support, he is able to make progress in spite of all adversity.
4. [9] A time of Rapid Progress often provides opportunities for wrongful gain. If a man
succumbs to such temptations, he runs great risk in eventually having his actions brought
to light. A superior man avoids making progress through improper means.
5. [6] If a person in an influential position does not take advantage of opportunities to promote
his private interests, he should not entertain regrets. It is far more important to maintain
the confidence others place in him and not throw his influence away by pursuing selfenrichment.
Such opportunities are trivial compared to his main mission.
6. [9] There is a time when progress demands that a man stand firm and forcefully oppose
resistance based on erroneous ideas. This is risky--but proper--when dealing with ones
close associates; but it can only lead to reversals if strangers are handled in this way.
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Credit | 35.Progress - YouTube