Good Morning H-25
Hexagram 25
By: James Byrd
I.The Oracle
A. Hexagram 25 is Wu Wang, Without Embroiling. Other interpretations are Innocence, The Unexpected and Pestilence. Its lower trigram is Zhen: shake or thunder, and its upper trigram is Qian: force or heaven, "The Dragon."
B. The Judgment
1. Innocence.Supreme success.Perseverance furthers. If someone is not as he should be,
He has misfortune,
2. And it does not further him,
To undertake anything.
C. The Image
1. Under heaven thunder rolls:a) All things attain the natural state of Innocence.
b) Thus the kings of old,
And forgives misdeeds.
c) Rich in virtue, and in harmony with the time,
Fostered and nourished all beings.
II. My interpretation
A. "Innocence"

Karcher, S. and Ritesema, R. (1995). I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change [The First Complete Translation with Concordance]
Legge, James (2012). The I Ching: The Book of Changes (Sacred Books of China: The Book of Changes)
Reifler, S. (1974) I Ching: The World's Oldest and Most Revered System of Fortune Telling
Van Over, R. (1971), I Ching
Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX)
Wilhelm, Hellmut and Richard Wilhelm (1995). Understanding the I Ching