January Twenty-Eighth ~ God's Daily Minute
January Twenty-Eighth ~ God's Daily Minute
“I was glad when they
said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within
Thy gates, O Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They prosper that love
Thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek Thy good.” – Ps.
122: 1-2; 6; 9 ~
For Sunday Morning
O LORD, Jesus Christ, Who on this day didst arise from the
grave, send forth Thy quickening Spirit, we beseech Thee, upon Thy people, that
they may rise to newness of life. Drive away worldly cares, lift up our minds
to high and noble thoughts, and to spiritual desires.
Hear the prayers of all that are offered in public and in
private, for themselves and for their brethren. Grant that all who can may
attend the public worship of Thy church, and approach Thee with reverence and
confidence. Bless the ministrations of Thy Word and Sacraments. Inspire those
who speak and act in Thy name, with the spirit of truth, and love, and power.
Meet the varied needs and fulfil the desires of Thy people.
Bind us in fellowship one with another, as with Thy self. Enable us to go forth
from the worship and instruction of Thy holy day with renewed strength and
courage to perform the duties and bear the trials which are appointed for us.
Grant this, and all our petitions, for Thy Holy Name’s sake.