52 Keeping Still
The Lines
Bottom. [6] At the very beginning is the time to stop and
consider the direction one is about to take. It is in the time before a man
becomes involved in all the complications and possibilities that are thrust
upon him, that he can see things clearly and disinterestedly, i.e., with a mind
that looks at things objectively and is not overridden by personal interests.
If a man carefully considers the way before him at this time, he is not likely
to go wrong. If the man sets his sight on a path that is honest and true, he
will be able to identify the right path . But halting at the beginning does not
mean that he procrastinates or wanders around aimlessly. It is essential that
he begin in a timely manner and stick conscientiously to the work that lies
before him.
2. [6] If a man is working for someone else, he does not
have control over his overseer. There is a tendency for the subordinate to be
swept along by whatever direction the leader takes. Even if the leader heads
down a wrong path, the subordinate cannot stop him, and, indeed, can only with
great difficult prevent himself from going down the same path. If the leader is
a strong man and determined to go ahead with the path he has chosen, there is
nothing that a subordinate can do about it. At most, he can refuse to follow
3. [9] When practicing quiet meditation,
it is absolutely necessary that a man not try to quiet his mind by forcing it
to stop entertaining thoughts. Such rigidity can be very dangerous, and will
increase tension and anxiety, rather than decreasing them. A man must let
thoughts pass through his mind like birds flying through a belfry. He should
let thoughts come and let them go without holding onto them. He should observe
them as they enter, and as they leave, without dwelling on them and without
chasing after them. When a man does not actively pursue thoughts, when he does
not use a time for meditation in order to plan the day's activities or to think
through some interesting topic, then he will experience an inner composure and
be perfectly calm.
4. [6] Keeping the mind free of self-centered concerns and desires
is the first step towards a mind that is liberated and free to contemplate the
world and the universal forces that act upon the world. Practicing meditation
leads the man in that direction. What he is able to do in meditation, he is
eventually able to do in other activities where the thinking processes are not
needed. Thus, meditation that frees the mind from the wordy thought processes
helps free the man from the dominance of self-centered ideas. Even if a man's
meditation is imperfect, even if he is unable to carry it over into other daily
activities, an approximation of the meditative state still affords some
benefits. Moreover, early attempts at practice can lead to improved performance
later on.
5. [6] Learning
how to quiet the mind helps a man learn how to quiet his tongue. Often,
when a man is involved in a tense situation, he babbles on with his mouth as a
result of his nervousness. But if he can learn to relax and free his mind from
anxious thoughts, he can avoid those situations where he may chatter on,
sayings things that cause him embarrassment and later regrets. When he learns
the techniques of meditation, his speech will be relaxed and the words he
deliberately chooses to speak will have greater effect.
Top. [9] When a man achieves the highest meditative skills,
the tranquility of his mind pervades his entire life and personality. He not
only is able to remain calm and collected in ordinary situations, but he has a
calm acceptance of himself and every aspect of his life. This pervasive tranquility
is the mark of a superior man. His presence emanates a sense of peace, and his
calm and settled counsels bring good fortune to all who associate with him.
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