Increase Productivity

By: James Byrd, MBA (Business Consultant)
Increase Productivity

Mark your Calendar now. My book/calendar will help you understand upcoming days and generate less stress as to what a particular day in the past, present or the future will be like, or in essences, what will become an obvious reflection of now-time.

My newest edition, "The Future: 2020” is based on the first edition, (“Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days.”) I just downsized the title somewhat and added more of my acute observations to be noted by my most gracious fans, who have been following this project, face it. There is also an eBook to accompany this new edition. "The Future: 2020", the eBook will be freely yours to download. Kickstart your day with that extra insightful guidance. We only ask one thing, and that is that you join our newsletter over at Join Now. Click here for our three quick, rewards questions, to join, just answer our Rewards Survey Questions about that site. Nothing personal, very safe site. Newsletter, It's all about digital marketing. Help us improve and win. Lastly, get free book as well: "The Future: 2027" good until Feb. 17, 2025.

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